
Molecular biologist from Texas, here to share my meanderings on science, history, politics, and zombies. Long threads a specialty.
Tate Collection
Tate Collection
Bleep bloop! I am a bot that shares public-domain art from the Tate collection. Not associated with the Tate Museum.
Thomas Zimmer
Thomas Zimmer
Historian at Georgetown - Democracy and Its Discontents - Newsletter: Democracy Americana - Podcast: Is This Democracy
Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow
Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse
Bot account of Henri Matisse, a French painter, draftsman, sculptor, and printmaker.
Brian Klaas
Brian Klaas
Associate Professor in Global Politics @UCL. Author of “Fluke." Writer @TheAtlantic. Host, Power Corrupts podcast. The Garden of Forking Paths Substack.
Pat Sobkowski
Pat Sobkowski
Prof., Marquette University Department of Political Science. American Political Development, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law. #polisky

📍Milwaukee, WI
Bill Wyman
Bill Wyman
Former arts & media editor of Salon and NPR.
Director, Basque Space Program
Director, Basque Space Program
Sr. Tech PM and Product Owner building tools for Public Health Surveillance; Occasional Data Witch; Former goatherd & Humanitarian Data Privacy.
Gerry Doyle
Gerry Doyle
Reuters Global News Desk editor, Asia. Defense, other stuff. Novelist, aviation geek, bartender, dad. Ex-NYT. Grew up in Midwest, moved to Mideast. Views my own. Wrote a book about Chinese missiles:

Ad astra per aspera
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Recovering forum poster, politics doomer, basketball nerd. I write code for a living. He/him.

Deputy Chair of the Ankh-Morpork Posters’ Guild

PFP by

discord: xel42 (mutuals only)
Phil Yu
Phil Yu
Angry Asian Man. RISE: A Pop History of Asian America From the Nineties to Now. They Call Us Bruce. All The Asians On Star Trek. Stay Angry.
Claude Monet
Claude Monet
Bot account of Claude Monet, a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy.
Frankie Huang 黄碧赤
Frankie Huang 黄碧赤
✨ Beijing儿 American changeling ✨ culture / food writer | illustrator | semiotician | co-editor | sr editor | she/her
Paul Cezanne
Paul Cezanne
Bot account of Paul Cezanne, a French artist and Post-Impressionist.
Kristian G. Andersen
Kristian G. Andersen
Infectious diseases & genomics. Immunologist in (voluntary) exile. Minimal sarcasm. Fierce HOA (Hater of Acronyms).
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gauguin
Bot account of Paul Gauguin, a French Post-Impressionist painter and an important figure in the Symbolist movement.
Guggenheim Collection
Guggenheim Collection
Bleep bloop! I am a bot that shares art from the Guggenheim collection. Not associated with the Guggenheim Museum.
Tim Onion
Tim Onion
American businessman.
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh
Bot account of Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch (post-Impressionist) artist whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th-century art.
Tiffany C. Li
Tiffany C. Li
Tech, Privacy, & AI Law Professor



🐘: if you insist
Jeff Tiedrich
Jeff Tiedrich
ugh, who invited this guy
Max Kennerly
Max Kennerly
17 years in court as a law-talking guy for plaintiffs, now a mix of stuff. Posts too much about politics.

email [email protected]
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Bot account of Jean-Michel Basquiat, an American artist who rose to success during the 1980s as part of the Neo-expressionism movement.
b-boy bouiebaisse
b-boy bouiebaisse
My name is Jamelle Bouie. Columnist for the New York Times Opinion section. Co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast. National program director of the CHUM Group.

Email: [email protected]
“Voting isn't a Valentine. It's a chess move” Rebecca Solint
Aaron Rupar
Aaron Rupar
Independent journalist and publisher of the Public Notice newsletter
inventor of finger guns
Karl Bode
Karl Bode
consumer advocate🕺
Matt Seybold
Matt Seybold
Resident Scholar @ Center For Mark Twain Studies | Host, The American Vandal Podcast | Prof of American Literature & Mark Twain Studies + Director of Media Studies @ Elmira College | Lit & Econ

“The Guy Fieri of English Professors. But fatter.”
Anthropologist, Writer, Political Activist.

DFL officer, Indivisible co-leader.

Mark Hamill
Mark Hamill
kilgore trout
kilgore trout
turnip shepherd & bad person
Brendan Nyhan
Brendan Nyhan
Dartmouth political scientist and Bright Line Watch co-director. Previously Upshot NYT / CJR contributor, Spinsanity co-founder, All the President's Spin co-author.
Sylvia Chi 齐思涵
Sylvia Chi 齐思涵
dog person and recovering attorney. i work on climate justice and public banking.
Monica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky
yeah, that one.
Michael Tobis
Michael Tobis
Master of all trades, doctor of none.

Actually I do have a doctorate in climate science, (U Wisc. Madison Atmos. & Ocean Sci. 1996) but I'm a bit out of the loop.
Four Years Ago Today
Four Years Ago Today
This account was born on March 6, 2024 when Elise Stefanik asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”)

Send complaints to
Star Trek Minus Context
Star Trek Minus Context
Double dumb-ass on you. (And so fourth)
Same account as twitter.
Celeste Ng
Celeste Ng
Fiction writer, science nerd; ex-Clevelander; embarrassingly sincere. Too big to hang out; slowly lurching toward your favorite city. This is the break room, where I chat with friends. She/her.
George Lakoff
George Lakoff
Professor Emeritus at UCBerkeley. Best-selling author of The ALL NEW Don’t Think of an Elephant.
Don Moynihan
Don Moynihan
Policy Professor @McCourtSchool @Georgetown. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter:
Cynical idealist, unreliable narrator.
Half kvetching about people, half sports, music, pop culture, politics etc. not representative of any employer.
Kashmir Hill
Kashmir Hill
Journalist, currently at The New York Times. I cover privacy, technology & people done wrong by AI. Named after the Led Zeppelin song. Author of the new book YOUR FACE BELONGS TO US. (Yes, in my head it will always be All Your Face Are Belong To Us)
Costa Samaras
Costa Samaras
Climate, energy, emerging tech, & policy professor. Director of the Carnegie Mellon University Institute for Energy Innovation. Former Biden White House OSTP Chief Advisor for the Clean Energy Transition. Personal account. He/Him.
Erika Hall
Erika Hall
I try to be helpful. Bike-riding dog butler and mold connoisseur. Now all about the chicks ( San Francisco. She/They/Friend/Sir
James Fallows
James Fallows
Reporter and writer: and One-time speechwriter, long-time pilot, longer-time husband of linguist/writer Deborah Fallows. Note same wristwatch in the two photos, more than 50 years apart.
Robert Way
Robert Way
Labrador Kallunângajuk from Vâli. Dad. Hunter. Northern climate change researcher. Geography prof
@queensu. Views are my own.