Thom Ratkos

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Thom Ratkos

Studying behavior, all the time. Antifascist. BCBA-D, PhD. Associate professor. he/him
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Here’s Rachel Corrie burning a US flag at an anti-war rally in Rafah, February 2003.
Tough picking a t-shirt this morning but I think I chose the right one.
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me: a better world is possible crowd: woooooooo me: with socialism crowd: boooooooo
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I got to speak on a panel about anarchism tonight, and talked with a bunch of anarcho-curious folks about the beauty of community and care. I don’t mention it much on social media but becoming an anarchist 15 years ago made me into such a better person. Read the bread book and see for yourself 🖤
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Happy May Day to the workers of the world! Today is about joy, solidarity, and rebellion, and has been since a Black anarchist named Lucy Parsons led the country’s first May Day march in 1886. The cops called her “more dangerous than a thousand rioters.” Be dangerous, beloveds 🖤
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The Israeli genocide continues with U.S. backing and funding. Israel is planning to invade Rafah. The mass graves continue to be unearthed. The students are protesting this. They aren't the only ones doing so. Every single one of us must too.
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We are currently experiencing a period of collective mass hysteria I haven’t seen since the early 2000s where every lever of power in the so-called American liberal order are all laser focused on one single thing: the state of Israel must be allowed to massacre as many Palestinians as they wish.
A period of collective mass It’s madness. People have gone mad
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they keep uncovering new mass graves full of dead bodies in medical gowns or with catheters still attached, zip-tied, blindfolded and we're supposed to focus on college protests where no one has been able to name a single specific incident that warrants this level of vilification
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I figure I’ll stop being so careful when there’s good reason to believe I won’t catch covid (due to rates or better vaccines) or when I have the time and inclination to be sick (that hasn’t happened yet)
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Is anyone going to do anything? Ever? What's it going to take? You can't put out a song with an uncleared sample without putting yourself in legal jeopardy; meanwhile these people are openly stealing all of human creation and bragging about it!
The Outlook mobile app has been even shittier than usual lately.
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A strong case for mandating indoor air quality in public buildings
I got tenured today ☺️
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An AI datacenter devours enough water and electricity for a whole city of people each day. A human artist only takes up as much electricity and water as any single human. This is why, even if we settle copyrights and such, AI will always be immoral. Just pay a human.
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“Violence is never the answer,” I say sagely from the comfort of my home in a country that has over 800 military bases in 85 countries around the world.
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Not to be melodramatic but generative AI is an open assault on the idea that information can be verifiable or valuable
I didn’t expect to become so cynical about technologies to generate text, but here we are: a “coobook” purchased by a hospital, intended for use by patients. Note the “2000+ Day Recipe” panel. It is a lie. #MedLibs #AmReading 1/n
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Daughter downloaded a papercraft project from the internet and asked me for help. It confounded me, too. I paused, baffled. How do i— and it's Ai, of course it is. Looks plausible, actually pure gibberish in pictorial form.
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"why does AI seem to attract the worst people imaginable?" Because it attracts people who feel entitled to getting credit and money for other peoples' work, it's very straightforward
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Joe Biden went on national TV, and told everyone he personally witnessed videos of 40 or so decapitated Israeli babies. Which he did not see, because they never existed. The same lie invoked in every call for genocide, every hate crime it ignited. Losing re-election is too light a punishment imo
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how many of you are aware that someone self-immolated at the israeli embassy in washington, dc yesterday as a direct protest against the ongoing genocide of the palestinian people? how many of you know that someone else did the same in atlanta on 1 december, 2023?
“This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal” On February 25, we received an email from a person who signed himself Aaron Bushnell, announcing an act of protest against the genocide of Palestinians.
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Over 800 private jets were used to attend the Super Bowl.
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Matthew Shepard was murdered 25 years ago, and there was news coverage and real outrage. Now 16 year old Nex Benedict was beaten in a bathroom by 3 older girls in a high school hate crime that killed them, and there's fucking crickets in the media. Murdered. In. School.
POV: You are a bug and just spotted a really cool and inviting place to land
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I’m forty fucking one and I’m googling shower stools from my bed on a Saturday night. Wear a fucking mask.
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would love a way to just opt out of the AI bullshit infecting every app besides simply not using the internet
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Deeply depressing that everyone with the power to effectively advocate for public health has been successfully bullied out of doing so by those who prioritize profit and convenience over the lives and health of others
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This is unspeakable savagery
Israel attacked the Red Crescent ambulance even after they'd cleared them to rescue Hind. The paramedics were killed. Hind is dead as well, and if you listened to the tapes you know she died terrified and alone sounded by the bodies of dead family.
‘I’m so scared, please come’: Hind Rajab, six, found dead in Gaza 12 days after cry for Girl who pleaded with Red Crescent to rescue her found dead along with several relatives and two paramedics who tried to save her