
Does Biden’s team have some polling telling them to alienate the youth vote?
I can’t speak for the youth vote, but I’m 76 and he’s alienating the hell out of me.
Same for this 53 y.o. Black woman.
Why? Whatt the fuck is wrong with you ?
It's wild! They've gotta know how bad this is hurting them.
Its called “unity”. Look it up.
They just have Hillary saying, “get over it.” Democrats love losing, cuz they can fundraise off it. They do the same with abortion rights.
It's a waaaay too common reaction from older party leaders on both sides, but especially egregious for Democrats who need young voters to turn out.
The youth do not care about this conflict as much as you think
That's-not-true-Ellen.gif This is not moving the needle as much as you think. Biden is more aligned with the normie voters than this site
It’s not like Prez Johnson’s missteps lead to two decades-ish of GOP rule ha ha *pops anxiety meds like candy*
LBJ at least had the basic decency not to run again.
People forget that Biden BARELY won in 2020 when everything went his way, including the fact that he didn't have to campaign. Most people on the East Coast went to sleep thinking Trump had won, and the margin in the battleground states was narrow. This November is going to be a massacre.
My theory is they consider the youth vote locked down and are willing to piss a few of them off in May in an attempt to help him with other demographics (olds). Dangerous game to play, but I think it's the one they are playing.
I heard on NPR this morning that according to the latest Marist poll his numbers with older voters and college-educated men have really increased. I am wondering if he is doubling down on these demos
I think surveys have shown that older people are more reliable voters. Of course you don’t want to turn off any age group.
Sounds like the college presidents' gambit: Go after the olds who have money and clout at the risk of losing for a generation the people gaining money and building clout. (Except they all probably assume that those in solidarity with Gaza will never have money or clout.)
: JOE, I told you lock up ✅ the youth vote—not to 𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑢𝑝 🚔 the youth vote!
Nope it is Biden You need to go back to his Senate years and his Votes on Iraq and torture. Biden is wholly racist. Not who people think. Senate Durbin voted against war. Biden campaigned for it.
They think going after ticket master, potential student debt relief, and a leaked story about rescheduled marijuana is enough. What more could the kids possibly want?
No it doesn't. But y'all have NYTimes and the likes
It’s so bad! I wish there were a way to reverse this.
That's the point. Putin via Iran via Hamas. Someone wants Trump in office handing over Ukraine on a plate.
They only want to win under a very specific set of circumstances. If they have to concede certain things, they’d rather lose because those things are not worth giving up to them. They know Orange Guy will keep those things in place.
Please don’t tell me that Biden’s team is acting as if it’s entitled to the youth vote while doing jack to earn it.
I think the polling might be saying trying to get the youngs will lose the Olds who were Trump Biden voters
That has long been the Dem calculation. It sometimes works, but more often it does not.
I am not sure that even siding with the young in every issue will get a large turnout in 24 and making sure the Trump Biden voters don't switch back is the priority for the WH. Probably the smart choice.
Tons and tons of Gazans are posting pictures thanking the students. Years ago I met a couple of people from Iraq who said that during the war, the demonstrations meant an enormous amount to them, it told them they weren't alone, that the whole world didn't hate them.
I’m glad some Gazans are feeling like they are not forgotten. But it’s not enough. Media centers on the Students, not the actual issues. Was part of those demonstrations against the Iraq War. We qualitatively did shit. I watched Bagdad being bombed with adult students. We achieved crap.
I'm not a huge fan of listening to people doing absolutely nothing tell the people putting their safety and futures on the line and getting beaten down by cops that they're doing it wrong. What's your plan?
How about enlarging into an actual Peace movement that cuts out the antisemetic tropes, calls for an immediate Ceasefire and presses for an actual 2 State now. Also. You don’t know me. Or what I had to sacrifice to oppose the Iraq War and be run down by cops.
I'm sure he's got some polling that says that's not where his money comes from.