
While we're talking about how everyone should be able to marry the person they love, here's a reminder that disabled people still can't get married legally because they will have their benefits taken away. In many places, they can't even -live- with their partner unmarried without losing benefits.
Or have more than $2000 in their checking account
It's 9k here- so not enough for a house deposit and housing benefit will pay for rent to a rich landlord for life but not to you for 25 years so you can eventually come off housing benefit
The government hates disabled people. Disability checks are basically supplemental income but you can't exceed $2000 total.
Yup. Including mental health disability. Oh, you’re disabled? The government has decided you must also be destitute for the rest of your life.
if you didn't have mental health issues before you went on disability, you will after. Forced abject poverty does that to you.
It's the same in the UK Roxi, what about people's dignity? Pisses me right off🤬
That is messed up. I don't think we here in Norway have any kind of support which takes into account marriage status. That seems strange. But Anglo systems seem very means testing oriented in general. Any excuse to cut aid of any kind.
It's especially egregious when you consider a major reason for the push for marriage equality in the first place was to avoid next of kin problems with AIDS, and that it's based on "cohabitation" and apparently would deny gay people benefits over it even before you could legally marry each other 🙃
My husband doesn't get benefits specifically because we are married. My below poverty line income is supposedly enough for two people! 🤷
Gwendolyn has been rejected for disability three times now. She finally got a disability advocate lawyer, so we'll see how that goes. The nice thing about this firm is that they only take a percentage of the back pay, never anything from future payments.
We really should do the same, it's insane how fucking difficult it is to get disability benefits!
It's really hard, and most lawyers won't take you on if you haven't been rejected at least once. But if you've still got your rejection paperwork, it's worth it to make some calls.
lucky enough that me and mine can live together (have before they were able to be on disability). My life will never end up the way I thought it would, but the good news is it has caused me to evaluate what I want/need and am better off for it
Whenever I hear someone saying, "Greatest country in the history of the world," I find my gaze drifting towards the sun.
To be clear, this post applies to way more than one country. This is a global problem.
I hear you. I'm especially mad at us given our resources.
Especially because everyone knows it’s Monaco. No offense to any other country but how often do race cars drive between problematic celebrities on yachts and other, even more problematic celebrities playing a version of Baccarat where you can bet whole castles? Excellent public transport too.
Some of this depends on where they live but to a large extent, yes.
The dumbest part is that laws like this were made in the 1920's, back when Eugenics was massively popular in the West at that time period in the USA, UK, and Germany. The laws were made to compliment the ideology of helping reduce and kill off populations deemed to have 'inferior genes'.
We have spouses of deceased retires who can’t remarry because they would lose their health benefits. Only the spouse has this restriction, the retiree can be a window, divorced, etc and they can marry someone with 5 kids and get them all on their health insurance, many with no change in cost.
You learn something new every day, sadly not always good things. :(
The rules haven't changed since being put into place in the 1920s. It's asinine that a disabled person can't get married for fear of losing their benefits.
This, and also it affects family arrangements for disabled people generally. If an adult disabled person is cared for by a parent or other family member, even the most basic decisions are complicated by having to calculate the possible loss of benefits and similar financial consequences.
In Brazil, you can receive the value of the minimum wage from the government if the your income per family member is lower than 1/4 of the minimum wage. Doesn't matter if you're married of not
I love that the government assumes the partner of a disabled person is a caretaker, even when both parties are disabled.🤬
Yeah in my state even before I was married I wasn't qualified bc my wife makes 5k over the annual limit 🥲 we can't afford to live on our own but we can't get help either
Reminds me of how I have to embellish my situation a little every time I go to renew the benefits I did manage to clutch. Like dude I just wanna eat, I shouldn't have to tell the government half truths to get money for food Also I never got the stim check because of dependency BS.
The way I like to phrase the dependency BS is "Joe Biden owes me 3000 dollars but because my mom claimed me until I was 21, he won't pay it"
This has been a problem for a LOT longer than Biden has been in office.
I don't recall any other deadly pandemics hitting the US that required everyone to stay exclusively at home for months at a time to the degree that stimulus checks were needed. The context that tells you I'm talking exclusively and specifically about those checks is in the post I was replying to
Does… does this count with autistic people (for me personally AuDHD) well….😰😨😨
it applies to anyone on government disability benefits pretty much
In Australia our governments don't differentiate between any type of relationship. Effectively, if you are living with anyone involving mutual support then the relevant departments will not consider you single and make the appropriate adjustments to benefits.
"holding yourself out as married" is sufficient to get your benefits slashed or taken away. The United States is not a civilized country
Getting married a second time would be financially difficult for me in regards to my SSI.
Or became disabled after marriage and the government just says "lol git rekt n00b," leaving us with a choice that no one should have to make.
yea, all while not getting enough 2 live w/o help! i no ppl n the us have 2 hide cash their friends give them 2 help so it's not counted against their 1k usd they're expected 2 live off each month. it rly feels like the gov wants 2 look like they're helping but don't rly want disabled ppl 2 survive.
We need another saint to come and secretly get people married so the government doesn't know and they don't lost their benefits. Like Valentine but for disabled people instead of Roman soldiers.
I went to a private ceremony for a disabled couple. As for their benefits, the couple went about it via power of attorney and affidavit. So they were spiritually married, and the gov couldn't interfere with their benefits since they took care of that with their legal teams to my knowledge.