Cheesecakes as a Service

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Cheesecakes as a Service

Data Wrangler. Destroyer of keyboards. Cloud Carpetbagger. Amateur Cuban Sandwich Aficionado. Cheesecake enthusiast. Celebrate #Juneteenth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@[email protected]
First saw it on reddit. Same. Filled with all the smooth brained hits you know and love... "DIE is worthless." "The tech industry has the least discrimination." "DEI race baiters are the real racists."
You had the temerity to mock this man, but look at where we are now…
This is Tony's All the years of my youth when I was sitting in the kitchen watching old folks cook gumbo, red beans and rice, couvillion, etc, I never heard any of them call it anything other than Tony's
Well you said it so that’s what it means now I don’t make the rules 🤷🏾‍♂️
Amazing, and fills me with hope ☀️
Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
I see the "One household" rule as Netflix just brazenly stealing my money. If I pay for four simultaneous screens at once, then I should get it. Doesn't matter where said screens are located.
"Hey, service you rely on here! We noticed we could squeeze a few dollars more outta you so we did, cause lol where tf you gonna go. Pay up!" 😑 Also it was last year but Netflix's "one household" rule made us cancel. And I think Dropbox and Calendly made changes too? (I'm locked in a legacy plan)
I strongly feel like it would be more efficient to list the apps that _didn't_ decide to do this
I can't wait for the collective rhetoric from the pundit class on this. "Converting commercial properties to residential apartments was wildly unpopular. We have a panel of experts to debate why this is." They go on to talk about everything except the astronomical rental rates.
Prices at DC’s first office-to-residential apartments start at $2,885 for a 574-square-foot studio and go up to $6,088 for a one-bedroom with two bathrooms The property management company behind the apartments is being sued by DC for price gouging
Downtown DC's first office-to-residential conversion Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the completion of the Elle, downtown D.C.'s first office-to-residential conversion.
The scammers are probably already getting to work with this data
Breaking: hackers stole call and text records for "nearly all" AT&T customers. Shows which phone numbers a customer called or texted. A staggering and unprecedented data breach. Data usually only available to authorities; now hackers got it
Hackers Steal Text and Call Records of ‘Nearly All’ AT&T In one of the most significant data breaches in recent history, hackers stole AT&T customers’ call and text metadata spanning several months.
Yeah, I might have to mute this account if they gonna post stuff like this 🙄
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek
NYT really trying to run the 2016 play again
The editorial board of the New York Times has declared that “Donald Trump is unfit to lead”
Hang it in the MoMA
Least sociopathic LinkedIn post ever Like infinite monkeys with typewriters eventually you get a LinkedIn post that makes sense
The Klan used to leave flyers in the mailboxes of my parents neighborhood back in the 90s. If I had to venture a guess, I would say all of their recruitment efforts moved to facebook.
Stories like this will forever remind me of a former student that got a restraining order on her ex. When he showed up she called the police. By the time they got there, she was dead and their son was shot in the leg.
about once a week, i have to explain to someone on the phone that the police have no obligation to do anything for you and, even if their refusal literally leads to your murder, the courts have been clear that there's no case to pursue
Make a band more vegetable: The Artichoke Roots
Make a band more vegetable: LaBelle Peppers 🫑
dang.. I'm gonna spend like 3 hours going down this rabbit hole I really cant help myself
They want that sweet ad money from hate clicks
All this would be so much easier if we were allowed to just hire a temp for POTUS. Corporate America does it all the time. In a heartbeat they say "None of the applicants were a good culture fit so we've decided to bring in a temp while we expand our search for a permanent FTE."
Give it some time. It won't be rare for long. 🫠
Rare event! Competing heat domes in the Southeast and Southwest US crank out two huge all-time record highs. Palm Springs 124 and Raleigh=Durham 106 with a heat index of 118! Las Vegas is forecast to break their all-time high this weekend and even Death Valley may come close.
Former SU employee now living in Seattle checking in. NGL, I miss the Monday morning trash talk at work.
I simultaneously feel disgusting and disgusted after reading that.
Years ago someone on the bad site someone said a lot of democrats are just republicans that are cool with abortion and a lot of things like this immediately made more sense to me.
This is what I don’t understand about American politics. It feels like Democrats fight like hell over a very small sliver of the voter demographics who mostly don’t like them anyways, and completely ignore a much larger pool of voters who would be an easier sell.
Yeah.. the Bayou Classic is happening the day after Thanksgiving. Drake getting cooked by Grambling and Southern