Alanna Smith

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Alanna Smith

🧬 Co-Founder, Lore Keeper + Wiki Manager @
🎮 Building internal knowledge bases on Notion & public wikis on Fandom
✨ Notion Seller (my Notions could kill a dragon)
📺 Producer & Editor #FutureOfPlay Direct
⚔️ Semi-retired cosplayer
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We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
This part. God I miss the community power and connective reach of social media before the billionaires went extra insane.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
Like there I was just minding my business...
I love language and vernacular but yesterday I fell down a rabbit hole when double checking if I wanted to use "complacence" or "compliance" and realized these are all separate words with slightly different uses: compliance complacence complaisance complacency complicity
I love language and vernacular but yesterday I fell down a rabbit hole when double checking if I wanted to use "complacence" or "compliance" and realized these are all separate words with slightly different uses: compliance complacence complaisance complacency complicity
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
Advice from my boss at my very first job I always hold onto: first you get good, then you get fast. She'd be like "What do I care how fast you are if you keep getting it wrong?" Always preferred I take my time to do it right than bake failure into the process. Thinking about that, these days...
people using AI to get to an answer faster but it's frequently wrong reminds me of a guy who said he could type super fast but when he showed us he made an enormous number of typos, because if getting it wrong counts I can do that even faster
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
I still feel tired & creatively flat sometimes, but it's only sometimes now. This is a reminder to take of yourself before burnout gets bad. The longer you "push through" it, the longer it takes you to bounce back & heal. I say this while acknowledging that I ignored my own advice. Don't be me!
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Oh titrating ADHD meds is kind of a nightmare huh 🙃 Getting nothing done and feeling horrendous! Wow! Bad!
It has always been fully insane to me. Like if there’s a minimum age there should be a maximum Otherwise it’s just a monarchy
Someone today said "the retirement age should extend to politicians" and holy fucking shit yes it should.
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honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
Your honour, with all due respect, I only shot the sheriff. The deputy wasn't even there
Your honor, with all due respect, I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation .
Your honour, with all due respect, he had it coming
Your honor, with all due respect, EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting.
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Your honor, with all due respect, I drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.
It is he
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
I have joined a CULT
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
Gravalicious (adjective) - Jamaican Patois that means greedy or gluttonous, particularly with food If you "eat with your eyes" (take more than you should, eyes bigger than your stomach) then yuh gravalicious 😂 We call it "big eye" too, tho I think that's not just Jamaica, more generally Caribbean
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
My fellow younger siblings to the south, our powers have been given purpose Summon every bit of "walking into your older sibling's room just to bother them" energy you possess and channel it to your representatives. Godspeed 🫡
if you feel bad about this, think: this second, hundreds of people who are retired or rich or both and have TONS of time on their hands are being REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING in an effort to push policies that deprive the rest of us of our rights. we MUST out-annoying them, by any means!
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
if you feel bad about this, think: this second, hundreds of people who are retired or rich or both and have TONS of time on their hands are being REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING in an effort to push policies that deprive the rest of us of our rights. we MUST out-annoying them, by any means!
If they don’t meet your ask you have to make them fucking hate you, that’s how democracy works
This morning I was likening USA politics to Mad Max like "damn they have to choose either Immortan Joe or Dementus" 😬 But even in fictional imaginings of the end times we recognize the ability to claw our way back from the brink so let's go. Nothing is inevitable.
Americans across the political spectrum are all deeply mired in “apocalypse realism”, in which it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the world not ending. This widespread imaginary just happens to motivate the people who want the world to end while depressing everyone else.
*Duel of the Fates intensifies*
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
Can someone neurotypical or medicated enough to get regular dopamine from their brain tell me what that's like? So I may experience it vicariously at least? 🥲
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Pleased to announce that I'm supporting Romancing the Vote 2024 by offering three slots for either a full-novel critique or a Zoom call to discuss game writing! (Note: I'm talking game writing in GENERAL. Can't talk Veilguard, but would love to talk past games!)
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
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nothing can stop me from checking behind every waterfall for a secret passage
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
HAH. Oh geeze. The Escapist really did headshot themselves when their entire creative team just, left, to form Second Wind. Their Youtube page is dire, now. Below the line is all their pre-everyone-left content, the above is post. Now they're indistinguishable from any other B-tier youtube shit.
Reposted byAvatar Alanna Smith
Think of climate change like a high speed train heading for a wall. There’s a huge difference between hitting the wall at full speed and slowing the train down as much as possible before you get there. There’s no such thing as “totally doomed” - we CAN slow down the train!
I think a lot of folks steeped in climate doomerism have internalized "we break 1.5/2C and we're Totally Doomed" but every tenth of a degree we can prevent, warming-wise, is very important! 1.6C > 1.7C > 1.8C, etc it is important to take the good news as evidence that we can limit the damage
Me at work: "Let's structure this content as connected databases for more control of info. I think that'll help with keeping inventory tags manageable" My mind at work: "When there's trouble you know who to caaallll TEEN TITANS FROM THEIR TOWER THEY CAN SEE IT ALLLL TEEN TITANS"