rubes (any)

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rubes (any)

salt creator at the academic salt mines. union thug. UX librarian. mother of horrible goblins. ask me about the tv shows I’m watching from 2003 and the games I’m playing from 2017.
The fakeout with Elfilin at the end of Kirby and the Forgotten Land was devastating to frog, so cute
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Some of these Gaiman responses make me feel like people have got to loosen their grip on their faves in general. I know not everybody knows that particular trial of having gone through a Marion Zimmer Bradley phase but, Jesus. Let's be adults
Yeah not to brag but I spent my Friday night printing labels for my little bags of craft beads
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Farm Life #2
I am 35 years old and still a dumbass that forgets to put gloves on before using the bleach cleaner
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When I run for president my platform will be simple: hunting any rich person with a net worth of over $100 million is completely legal and if you bag one you get to give all their money to the charity of your choice
I’ve been informed this may be the autism, but I choose to believe I am a princess and pea situation just for eating red meat that isn’t exactly the right texture
when you cook something just slightly not how you like it and then can’t eat it at all, in fact don’t want food now
when you cook something just slightly not how you like it and then can’t eat it at all, in fact don’t want food now
very excited to log on here and see everybody I follow saying "debates: not even once"
Also the associated other lesson: people can just dislike you it's fine, it doesn't have to mean anything.
I think a lot of interpersonal conflict specifically in internet spaces also comes from the discomfort of just disliking people. But it’s very normal to dislike people. It’s natural and it is not something you need to examine for it’s morality.
I have three days until I am on research leave for one (1) calendar year
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Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
*puts hands in mouth after touching raw chicken because a kid yelled and distracted me* Well FUCK
First time in a while I’ve felt full sickos
Jodorowsky's Minions
I have a migraine but also it’s my kids last soccer game of the season. The ice cream I will buy her after is really to motivate me.
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I think more people should adopt the “I do not support all women some of you bitches are very dumb!” mentality for whatever marginalized group you belong to
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Reminiscing on one of my favourite posts of all time (11 years ago), best read in the "my name is gladiator" speech voice
He put it down upside down on top of the (broken) computer tower I’ve left in the living room for some reason
we've reached "hunting around the house for the pouch you almost forgot you gave him until this exact moment you realized it was abandoned" age for the baby
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we've reached "hunting around the house for the pouch you almost forgot you gave him until this exact moment you realized it was abandoned" age for the baby
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Every so often someone is like “I can’t take all this nonstop Bluesky toxicity and drama!” And I feel like I’m in some obscure room in the tower during a palace coup, unaware, eating cakes, wondering why my valet is late(he has been harpooned by the rebels)
Me at 18 degrees outside: mm wish I had a sweater Me at 24 degrees outside: I am fucking… dying???? I live on the surface of the sun????
Manitoba is so bad for ticks right now??? what is with all the ticks?? signed - someone who sat on someone's back deck for two hours and found a deer tick just shuffling around on me after I got home
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my therapist told me to pick something to do for self care because I'm weird since we lost our dog and I was like y'know what I need is to go into a weird hyper focused hole on a project for like... 36 hours
Ugh I need to make pasta for the children but I want to slug
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