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Dad to a dog
Here’s a guy who made my father have to explain to me what cocaine was!
I made one in the heart of the lockdown in 2020. Within 2 days it was full. A day later the HOA sent me a letter threatening to destroy it because porn.
It’s basically how coed slo pitch works with the catcher often behind the ump. But somehow a tad different because the ball isn’t a looping yellow orb but, rather, a 100mph destroyer of nards.
My wife not wanting to us the hardest thing for me to understand. I spent too long trying to make her want to. I’m working on myself and taking care of my kids now. I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, I can’t cure it. I can help myself though. I wish serenity to all those impacted by addiction
I hope to hell Stein wins because I have no idea what harm they’ll do with robinson at the helm
I need an apple cable with the big end for an old iPad that my daughter wants to try to bring back to life
Shoebox? What? I have a giant office max tote and could not find what I needed last night
Bills, Sabres, and Syracuse football?
Became team dad to a women’s college rugby team. The most unexpected last gasp at being a team dad I could ever have wished for
Was it ever determined why this happened? I mean I’m grateful for it but remain confused to this day.
Having attended the recent Rugby7s championship, do you want all 8 division winners? Premier, club D1 and D2 and small school? I got a crash course in rugby recently.
I got a used Kia Sorento back in February and named it Paul.
The Durham Bulls have a bat dog and it’s utterly delightful
After a basement floor replacement I wrote on the slab “I never want to see this ever again”. Dear reader. I have seen it twice since.
Avatar I just shared coffee with a few members of this coaching staff at a hotel. So many guys!
But does Rohan know what an R&B singer looks like?
Roommate played on the Rutgers tennis team. He used to piss in empty tennis ball cans and leave them in the room. Another roommate used to sit in his underwear and a robe and play Doom all day every other Wednesday. “Alternating Wednesday stagnation day” I called it
I sprained my knee walking Gussie. The recovery was painful both physically and mentally because we could barely lap the block.
I still have my Bort shirt. It’s embarrassingly old
We have a Lebanese place where the owner calls everyone “boss”. But now his kids work there and they call everyone “boss” and it, frankly, feels cheapened and unearned coming from a 23 year old dude.
I’m in Myrtle Beach (don’t judge please) and there’s one like a mile from our hotel. They exist in certain places
A public utility legend of there ever was one
More frequently than is likely healthy I wonder what Donna Abandando ever saw in Greg Madevoy
As a guy who tore a meniscus while walking the dog, I can commiserate
Wild…not in our part of Raleigh yet but any day now I suspect
I took heart in the number. "We're still out there and we remember"
I always read it that drinking oneself half-blind from the mid 40's to the mid 70's aged a person at an exponential rate. Being in your 50's in the 70's was "worse" than being in your 50's in the 2020's (or so I hope)
Life put a boot in his ass?