Ryan Marx

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Ryan Marx


Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
Jesus wept. Do you know what Notepad is for? TAKING NOTES. Or being a copy/paste bin for a few seconds. Certainly not for any kind of serious writing. It's meant to be small, lightweight, and functional. Fucking *idiots.*
Microsoft is even adding AI to the Notepad app on Windows 11www.windowscentral.com A new AI cowriting feature has been spotted in recent preview builds.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
In IL there is a process to becoming an official write-in candidate. If you write in a name that is not one of those, the vote is not counted, or even recorded in the official results. So, "Uncommitted" will not be reported in results. Writing "Free Palestine" will only get seen by the poll workers.
For all of us in Illinois with our primary coming up March 19th-what’s the talk of writing in “uncommitted” on the Democratic primary ballot?
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
it's been long enough for me to admit publicly that when i left Gizmodo in 2022 I changed my Slack username to "S1ackbot" and the G/O Media failed to detect or delete it for months
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
Over two years ago I used the argument over "free speech" engendered by Dave Chappelle's then-latest transphobic special as a way to contemplate "both sides" framing, and unfortunately it seems it's still relevant to his newest. armoxon.substack.com/p/both-sides...
Both Sides, Part 1: Name The Two Sidesarmoxon.substack.com The latest Chappelle thing, and the latest horrible terrible no-good Texas School thing, and a question: What are the two sides in “both sides,” anyway?
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
Sucks that people have been made to feel like art is a puzzle they aren't smart enough to appreciate. When you go to a gallery the only questions that really matter are what does it make you think of and how does it make you feel
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
These guys whole bit is that they think they should be the intellectual class, but without doing any actual intellectual work. They want to be in a band that is just album covers and song titles.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
Happy Four Seasons Total Landscaping day to all who celebrate!
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
any one of us could expand the list. it might be any one of us
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Marx
The best Chicago holiday after Paçzki Day
Pause for a moment of remembrance
happy dave matthew’s band shit on a boat in the chicago river day to those who celebrate
End of feed.