
10 bucks says that if Biden were to drop out and be replaced by whoever, the same people currently flipping out would see the exact same poll results, shit their pants once more, and demand another switch
this is where I’m at. maybe would have been a good idea to try and swap out Biden before he won all the primaries. but that didn’t happen. we’re all on the leaky ass USS Biden and screaming he needs to drop out is to drill more holes in the bottom
"Replace biden" was a perfectly good idea almost right up to the day ezra did his piece in february when it was too late for it to happen in any orderly fashion absent the fantasy of the nonexistent Dem Council Of Elders uncontroversially choosing someone
I’m far more comfortable with who Biden surrounds himself with compared to Trump. I’d rather a second term “Weekend at Bernie’s” scenario than a Trump administration.
The time to plan for a transition to a different candidate was 2 yrs ago. It didn't happen and now we're stuck with him for better or worse or No Difference. All of this speculation hinges on Biden choosing to step down which - minor point - we have *no evidence whatsoever he is even considering.*
the obvious move for the Biden campaign that I’ve yet to see anyone suggest is to give Harris more to do and say and portray the ticket as more of a unified partnership. Obama leveraged Biden to good effect in 2012 but even though Harris is doing some events you’d never know it, there’s no narrative
If “give Harris the nom” and “give the nom to anyone but Harris” are both too risky (true), then at least try to blunt the age weakness by highlighting how much younger the average age of the ticket is compared to Trump (at least for now)
100%. Continuing to do it now reveals the inability of some to handle adversity. Reeks of “haven’t participated in team activities.” We’re in the game now, can’t change QBs, so to speak.
yeah I was vocally calling for him to not run for re-election but that ship has sailed
The fact that people like us weren't listened to is precisely the problem. We keep pointing out obvious problems, we get ignored or otherwise told off, we end up in the exact problem we predicted, and they go "well now we have no choice".
I didn't think much about all the wizards behind the scenes in the Dem party before 2016. I think it's long past time those people got a lot more exposure and accountability. My guess is they're more 'well connected' than competent.
I believed this until the debate, but it is clear Biden’s age is an insurmountable problem. We can’t win the presidency or the senate with answers like this from the top of the ticket.
We are electing an administration even more than a President. Joe is okay at his age. You may not remember Reagan had actual Alzheimer's and its (mis) remembered as the Golden Age of Presidencies.
Why do these people need to air this bullshit in public? Why wouldn’t be just as effective for Ezra to make this case to a high level Dem op over $30 cocktails?
I was 100% on board with "ditch Biden" and would describe our current scenario, basically, when talking to people. That was in 2023. It's too late now though, and the sooner people realize that the better.
Throwing out Dem primary votes would piss off a LOT of Dem primary voters. Many would stay home (including me-- literally throwing away my vote would piss me off). Only Democratic PUNDITS have agency, apparently...🤷
Problem was and remains that there’s no new Obama in the field. And no, Michelle is not running.
Wow, maybe you should have listened to the left when we were explaining until we were blue in the face about how Biden had to go. Instead you insisted there was no alternative a whole year before the election. Have fun!