
"Replace biden" was a perfectly good idea almost right up to the day ezra did his piece in february when it was too late for it to happen in any orderly fashion absent the fantasy of the nonexistent Dem Council Of Elders uncontroversially choosing someone
Why didn't this crowd start the dump biden movement in jan 2023 when there were reasonable scenarios
Imagine the response by then of someone trying to do it the right way - by running a primary challenge. Total freak out
"What if all the sensible people get to choose biden's replacement" sure buddy
Sure, let's do the 1968 Dem convention all over again. I'm sure that would go over well, and that's just when Johnson RESIGNED, rather than kicked to the curb. There's a reason rules were adopted in 1972 to never go that route again (oversimplifying, I know).
It turns out that Alan Sorkin may be history's greatest villain.
I would like to keep the sensible people as far away from this decision as possible, thanks
Sensible Dem: "Hear me out. Hillary 2.0."
As I said earlier, I’m ride or die for Biden because I think the most important thing is for Trump to not win, but ride or die is a tool that was built in December 2022
They were all kinda reeling in Jan 23 from predicting a huge red wave that would prove how much everyone hated Biden instead of the Dems picking up a Senate seat
Yah but i don't think the plan was "replace biden after bad election" it was "fire all lefties in the administration"
the elite pundit class has never really accepted the Dobbs Effect
That would require them to listen to women
Do you think Biden flips a single state given the Dobbs decision? If so, which one?
Biden doesn’t have to flip a single state to win.
Right he won 4 (GA, WI, NV, and AZ) by 75k votes combined. If Dobbs was such a difference maker you’d think at least one state would a plausible Dem flip but none come to mind
NC is entirely possible depending on how Hurricane Season goes
Dobbs made a huge difference during the mid-terms last year and in every special election since. This is the first Post-Dobbs general election, and polling this far out of is meaningless anyway. Don’t bet against Dobbs and the women of America.
Seriously! For over a year they'd mumble "Well, he's kinda old" now and then, and all of a sudden mid-primary they go "Wait, he can't be the candidate!" Why the flopdoodle didn't you try to draft Gretchen Whitmer a year ago if you're sure she has what it takes?
A cursed sentence if I ever saw one. - I joined my Times Opinion colleagues Ross Douthat and Michelle Cottle to discuss the debate
These fools are literally asking to go back to "smoke-filled rooms" that our current delegate selection system was created to replace. Can't tell you how times I've heard "The Democrats" need to get a new candidate! Who are these magical Democrats they are talking about? Democratic voters chose JOE.
Waiting until after it becomes a horrible idea and then being able to scold people is the point.
Gee, maybe they should have had a primary.
Also it was a very good idea up until it became obvious that Trump was the R nominee, since it's easier to imagine a fair number of Trump > Biden > other R voters than a similar number of T > B > T voters (and similarly T > B > sit it out voters).
Run Harris. Clearly she is a better alternative to Biden. That debate performance was disqualifying. Biden’s only attribute is not being Trump, which also conveniently applies to Harris, but unlike Biden Harris can forcefully attack Trump.
Chumps like ezra believe they are literally the Jedi Council from Star Wars--which, you know, is a pathetic conceit on its own. Worse, they can't even bother to notice that when faced with a fascist challenge, the self-important council at issue was hopelessly overmatched and failed disastrously.
I still think there’s another crack in October. Everyone just shut up and be patient until then, otherwise wasting breath and causing trouble
(Well, people can say whatever they want, I’m just agreeing not much use rn)