Sarah Krienen

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Sarah Krienen

Classical archaeology & egyptology MA student. Cultural heritage protection, looting, antiquities crime. Goldsmith, sewist, historical clothing. She/her

Twitter: @Sarah_krienen
Mastodon: @[email protected]
I'm visiting the US (Cleveland specifically) for the first time later this summer. Does anyone have tips on coming to the US or what to do in Cleveland? I'd love to hear what everyone thinks is worth seeing/doing while I'm there.
This might be a long shot but I'm looking to talk to anyone who attended the 16th International Congress of Antique Bronzes in 2003 in Bucharest. Please share and if anyone was there, shoot me a message.
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For my non-German friends: the German Education Minister has posed the question whether funding can be revoked for people that officially asked not to break up the occupation of the University of Berlin by pro-Palestine protesters.
„Stark-Watzinger sollte zurücktreten, um keinen weiteren Schaden anzurichten. Wer glaubt, dass solche Bestrafungspläne dem Kampf gegen Antisemitismus dienen, ist bestenfalls naiv. Sie ebnen den Weg für eine autoritäre Politik“: zum Machtmissbrauch durch die Ministerin.
Wissenschaftsfreiheit in Deutschland: Stark-Watzinger muss zurü Das Bildungsministerium wollte kritischen Wissenschaftlern die Fördermittel streichen: Das ist ein Fall von Machtmissbrauch. Er liegt im autoritären Trend.
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The richest man in the world with the biggest megaphone in the world is just asking questions about why people don't like neo-Nazis. And he's turned his website into one where thousands of people reply to him that the AfD is totes cool and so is he.
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#Europawahl Wenn Du heute Nazis wählst, bekommst Du weder mehr Geld, noch werden Lebensmittel oder deine Miete günstiger. Auch "denen da oben" wischst Du keinen aus. Unterm Strich hast Du dann einfach Nazis gewählt und dein Kreuz bei Hass, Menschenverachtung und Faschismus gesetzt.
Get yourself a partner who's not an archaeologist but who will still stay up with you into the night, enthusiastically trowing provenance theories back and forth. Highly recommend.
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Wenn man schon erleichtert ist, weil die AfD bei Kommunalwahlen nicht "durchmarschiert", und nicht im ersten Wahlgang 50+ hat, ist das eigentlich alles, was man wissen muss über die Rechtsverschiebung in Deutschland.
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One of the most important things you can do as an ally and as fighter of fascism is stop laughing at evangelical Christians and realize they mean every single word they say. They’re not funny, they’re absolutely terrifying. Take them extremely seriously and act accordingly.
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Fun with #VennDiagrams: It's all about the #rubbish. 🏺😉
Writing a MA thesis is stressful as hell but I have rarely had so much fun researching. Feeling like an antiquities detective, going on an archive research trip next week, living my best life.
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Und, noch da? Ich hatte da ja noch einen Punkt für heute: #Fundkontext! Der einzelne #Fund mag spannend sein. Aber es geht in der #Archäologie eben nicht darum, hübsche Objekte für Museumsvitrinen zu beschaffen. Der Kontext dieser Gegenstände kann uns nämlich viel mehr Informationen offenbaren!
I'm the first person in my family to graduate from university and I worked hard for it. So yes, I have my Bachelor's degree on my wall and once I'm done with my Master's (soon hopefully) I'll hang that up too. Being proud of your achievements is nothing bad.
One time someone made fun of me for having my degrees framed in my office. I said, truthfully, my dad never graduated from college and was super proud of me and paid to have them framed. And the guy KEPT GOING I think about this sometimes! Like, you can just back off when you aren't being nice!
Someone close to me got diagnosed with ADHD and we were guessing which parent they got it from. Every time I see their mom, there is no question. This woman is a ball of undiagnosed ADHD energy. In some cases it's so obvious once you know what to look for.
Not at all the requested info but it reminded me of how my dad refused to play Risk with my sister and me when we were kids because he deemed the game to be "too imperialist". And looking back, he was kind of right.
Does anyone know of good essays or articles about the board game Risk? Maybe its development history, background, its unique properties etc. I'm not interested in strategy guides or analysis, but in any kind of critical engagement with the game. What it does, its role in the hobby's history etc.
Does anyone know a good person/service that translates archaeology papers from French to English or German? I do read some French but the paper in question is crucial for my thesis and I don't want to miss any nuance. 🏺
Love it when it takes you a huge amount of willpower to start working on something only to find out 5 minutes in that a text you need is not available anywhere and has also never been translated into a language you speak. After already doing 8 hours of different work.
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The day has come! I present you the fruit of a year-long creative project: a full translation of Julian’s satirical dialogue “The Caesars” as a radio play, hosted by the Let’s Talk About Myths Baby podcast. It features an international of classicists playing ancient gods & rulers. Enjoy!
A Full Cast Reading of Emperor Julian’s Symposium of the Caesars - Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology THE SYMPOSIUM OF THE CAESARS. Written by the Roman emperor Julian. Translated from the ancient Greek and directed by Jeremy Swist. Recorded by Jeremy Swist and fellow cast members. Recordings enginee...
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Sie gaben vor 81 Jahren ihr Leben, damit Deutschland weiterleben konnte: Sophie Scholl (21), Hans Scholl (24) und Christoph Probst (23).
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Reminder to new users here: Buying ancient objects from the art market is almost always ethically questionable. Don't contribute to looting, site destruction and trafficking. Instead, advocate for museums and other collections to do proper provenance research.
Reminder to new users here: The Virginia Opossum is immune to not only to rabies (due to low body temp) but also most snake/scorpion venom. The Family name (Didelphidae, "two wombs") references both the womb and marsupial pouch, and not the fact that each female has two and a half vaginas.
I'm just gonna pretend that this counts as studying for my Greek history exam. Totally not procrastination. 🏺
There it is: My first book chapter. Can't believe I got the opportunity to participate in this conference and write a chapter for the publication. Dream come true.
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Es ist für mich kein Argument, was Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund dazu beitragen, MEIN Leben angenehmer zu machen! Es ist egal, wie viel % Ärzte, Pfleger, Restaurants oder auch Leistungsempfänger! ICH WILL NICHT IN EINEM LAND LEBEN, in dem Nazis anderen das Recht nehmen, IHR Leben zu gestalten!
Today, again in Hannover, 30.000 people. All over Germany, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are protesting against facism.
Over 8000 people protested today in my hometown of Hannover (Germany) to demand the ban of the far right party "Alternative für Deutschland". Never back down, never bow to faschism.
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America did a lot of terrible stuff to Dr. King, like jailing and abusing him and trying to get him to kill himself and killing him, but probably nothing so obscene as reinventing him in popular memory as some milquetoast whose primary concern was not hurting white people’s feelings.
Over 8000 people protested today in my hometown of Hannover (Germany) to demand the ban of the far right party "Alternative für Deutschland". Never back down, never bow to faschism.
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Seit den Enthüllungen der Correctiv-Recherche über die faschistischen Pläne der AfD, Massendeportationen durchzuführen, haben 40.000 Menschen unsere Petition unterschrieben, ein AfD-Verbot zu prüfen. Die Bürger haben Angst. Bundesrat, wann nehmt ihr die Petition endlich entgegen?
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Two (interrelated) academic questions: 1. What are your favourite books about academic writing (may be practical 'workbooks' or not) 2. What are your favourite books or guides about academic writing to give to students (at any level) #AcademicWriting #AcWri
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Have you played Assassin's Creed? Of course you have, so please take a minute to help researcher Rose Campbell, who is studying gender and gender representation in the AC games. She needs your feedback and it should only take you *10 minutes*!
Gender and Assassin's Creed: This research project is trying to understand how gamers view gender and gender representation in the Assassin's Creed games. The survey should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete, and includes q...