Scott Renshaw

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Scott Renshaw

A&E Editor/Film Critic for Salt Lake City Weekly
Refugee from The Elon Place
Congratulations, EXPLODING KITTENS: You managed to make your “edgy” sacrilegious comedy something tediously lacking in a single laugh.
There is a kind of person who likes the structure and formula of disaster movies—many such people, clearly—and I am resolutely not such a person.
[Adam Schiff discreetly disposes of a cotton swab]
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
Imagine being able to make as much money while being as transparently shitty at your job as David Zaslav.
I’m no longer interested in any post/share that is simply “here’s what you should be terrified about now,” unless it is accompanied by “and here’s what you can do.” If you’re selling free-floating dread, I’m not buying.
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One downside of deleting my Twitter is that I can no longer access the thousands of posts that I had saved as my "favorites." But on the plus side I will be allowed into heaven.
Those who may not know me particularly well might be surprised to find me citing chapter and verse. What can I say, I contain multitudes.
I think John 8:3-9 is low-key the most fascinating Bible verse, because Jesus wrote *something* in the dirt that got the Pharisees to not stone a woman to death, but we’ll never know what it was. Like, our Lord had the tea, and we just have to guess.
It's really crazy how social media--something created specifically so people could interact with the people *they wanted to interact with*--evolved so some people believe your refusal to listen to their bullshit is a moral failing on your part.
"TWISTERS is so entertaining, the funnel never stop!" -- the ghost of Gene Shalit, probably
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DT doesn't give a shit about anything that is going to happen to anyone in the future except himself. Also he probably thinks he's never going to die.
My opinion on “employment-shaming” online is that, like so much online behavior, it’s less about achieving a desired outcome than about striking a morally-superior pose, and that’s why it’s no wonder the American left repeatedly fails at its goals.
In 1983, 53-year-old Sean Connery returned to James Bond, 23 years after first playing him, and the reaction was fear he would break a hip. In 2024, 55-year-old Hugh Jackman returns to Wolverine, 25 years after first playing him, and the reaction is “cool!” Times change, is all I’m saying.
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There's a "Mr. Show" bit where they are going to blow up the moon. A monkey is supposed to press a button. But the monkey asks why are we blowing up the moon? So they replace it with a different monkey who will press the button no questions asked. And that is how the current GOP VP was selected.
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the civility police academy just got one million new applicants, and they're all the most irritating people you know
To every Republican who’s going to insist we need to “dial down the rhetoric” about Trump: Fuck all the way off.
Well, we know we're not living THE DEAD ZONE, because someone 100% would have used a baby as a human shield.
Just saw a thing noting what the last PG-rated Best Picture Oscar-winner was, and I don’t think I ever would have come up with it on my own.
I can't believe Shark Week is almost over. I barely took down my Crustacean Week decorations.
On behalf of White liberals, I apologize to Black American voters that we apparently are once again putting it on you to save us from our bullshit.
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First, Trump has never written any portions of anything in his whole life. Second, come oooooonnnnnn CNN, you Charlie-with-the-football dopes.
The panel charged with crafting and producing a platform for the Republican National Committee has adopted a scaled-back document that softened language on abortion and same-sex marriage, Donald Trump’s campaign announced. Trump wrote some portions of the platform himself, a source says.
RNC panel approves new Trump-backed platform softening abortion and same-sex marriage language | CNN The panel charged with crafting and producing a platform for the Republican National Committee has adopted a scaled-back document that softened language on abortion and same-sex marriage, Donald Trump...
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NYT: Sure Godzilla is headed for New York, but why would we cover it? Everybody already knows Godzilla is a monster.
People have awfully gotdam short memories.
July 7, 2020 As the pandemic continues to rage, Trump announces the United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization. Candidate Joe Biden promises to immediately reverse this if elected. (He did, in his first hours in office.)
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And arguably what I am enjoying most is that this is not the hero theory of history. We’re not seeing a charismatic leader carry the election through rhetoric and force of personality. We’re seeing populations say: nope. I like the power of nope.