
For those who don't know this story, which I first shared six years ago today.... This one time I got my days wrong at work and ended up alone in a room with my boss and the President of Ireland while I was on ketamine. 🧵 happy birthday to the greatest most relatable ketamine in work story of all time :)
Right, this was when I was eighteen so don't judge me too harshly. Or if you think drugs are cool and I'm a legend, fill your boots. Anyway, at the time I was working through college in Dublin with bar shifts at [redacted] music venue. One day I get a call on my day off.
Way the gig worked, you'd either get Fri or Sat off. This week it was Fri, happy days. My manager, let's call her Dympna, pipes up on the phone: "So, when you come in this evening, just a few things to remember". I'm like, hold on Dympz, I'm off this eve, jog on. She corrects me.
"Remember I said you could get all of Saturday off if you just worked 2 hours tonight?". And of course THEN, I did suddenly remember, she'd said it to me as I was leaving the building and my conscious work brain was doing somersaults to get out of the place.
She could have told me I was to have my foreskin tattooed with a harpoon and I would have given her a smile, thumbs up, and a flurry of yeps to get out of the place. I was eighteen. On minimum wage, and - bear in mind this is really saying something - my absolute minimum effort.
So, I'm bang to rights and I say "yeaaah, of course, sorry just got my days mixed up, I'll be there no problem" and she says, "this evening will be fine, just the head of the [redacted] and some VIPs, few hours then you can take off". All good. Except for the one thing.
At that very moment, I was in a mate's house on Dame St, relaxing with (I thought) nothing to do for the evening. Now you have to remember that, before dabbing and fortnite, kids used "drugs" to get high and I was, occasionally, adjacent to them.
Future scholars will judge this story to be a foundational work of Western civilization. It's the Irish Iliad.
Bless you for transferring this to bsky, it's important to format-shift so that important knowledge is not lost to the ages.
Just a masterpiece of modern literature🤣🤣🤣 Thank you man. That was me with that and the ride bag badge that time. I love your work and keep going. Thank you. But for that ^^ most of all :) outstanding :)
Wow, I didn’t realise that was you. A totally amazing story, thanks for sharing it again.
As with many, this was the story that got me onto you, and it’s one that never fails to make me laugh.
When I mourn Twitter, this is the first thing I think about.
This story makes me cry with laughter every time I read it.
Thank you, I haven’t cried with laughter like that for a while.
omg the ketamine story on bsky! btw have you heard the creep dive podcast episode where they read out the whole thread?
THIS IS THE GREATEST STORY OF ALL TIME (pardon my enthusiasm. i may or may not be in a k hole)
Avatar if you never spotted this story on the other place, give it a wee look. It makes me laugh every time I come across it.
(The threading is a bit pants on here, click the last post of what looks like the thread to populate more)
I believe kids today call showing up to an important meeting on ketamine "musking"
This reminds me of the story of Dock Ellis, a professional baseball player in the 1970s, who pitched a no-hitter while he was on LSD. He’d misread his schedule.
No Mas Presents: Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James In celebration of the greatest athletic achievement by a man on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter. In the past few years we've heard all too much about performance enhancing drugs from greenies to tetrahydrogestrinone, and not enough about performance inhibiting drugs. If our evaluation of the records of athletes like Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens, Marion Jones, and Barry Bonds needs to be revised downwards with an asterisk, we submit that that Dock Ellis record deserves a giant exclamation point. Of the 263 no-hitters ever thrown in the Big Leagues, we can only guess how many were aided by steroids, but we can say without question that only one was ever thrown on acid. Sadly, the great Dock Ellis died last December at 63. A year before, radio producers Donnell Alexander and Neille Ilel, had recorded an interview with Ellis in which the former Pirate right hander gave a moment by moment account of June 12, 1970, the day he no-hit the San Diego Padres. Alexander and Ilels original four minute piece appeared March 29, 2008 on NPRs Weekend America. When we stumbled across that piece this past June, Blagden and Isenberg were inspired to create a short animated film around the original audio. buy Rufus Thomas (Do The) Push and Pull - Part I and II here:
Loved this on Twitter, love it on BlueSky
CRYING laughing. Literally tears in my eyes. Brilliant story.
Never gets old. This is the story of a lifetime.
Wow!! 😳 🤣🤣🤣
I remember this story. It's timeless.
i remember this story from before, you are legend
MMA is an Irish mam, of course she could tell.
Great to see it on a better social media platform. Happy anniversary! 😁
I'm just sat here trying to decide if it would be better or worse if it had been Michael D. Higgins, due to him looking completely imaginary even when you're stone cold sober.
Higgins seems like such a pleasant fellow though. Could be worse
Happy anniversary. I was just wondering about this last week