
Last night Chris Rufo’s top assistant expressed a desire for President Trump to “bomb the shit” out of a domestic political group he dislikes while sending “a team of attack dogs” after their leaders.
He also believes that his 26 year old friend was killed by the Covid vaccination, and he looks forward to getting "swift and harsh justice" for those who he believes (without evidence) are responsible for that tragic death.
He also is eager to see Republicans take back control of western states (a very normal political goal for a Republican to have)...but calling it a "reconquista" given this person's general attitude toward Muslims is, well, an interesting word choice.
In July he asked rhetorically, in response to a National Review post trying to talk down conservatives who loved Jason Aldean's revenge fantasy song, if violence isn't sometimes "required" to defend virtue. A 19th century robed redeemer couldn't have put it better.
This guy is just a bog standard alt-right shitposter who was hired by Rufo because he earned a reputation as a college Republican at University of Washington as a ruthless, alt-right shitposter. This was known from the moment Rufo came on the national stage in 2020.
Chris Rufo’s assistant tweeted this today. Gosh, I wonder what he means?
Before Rufo hit the national stage in 2020 with his anti-CRT propaganda campaign, he worked for a "think" tank in Seattle called the Discovery Institute that is devoted to promoting the idea that "Intelligent Design" is a legit biological theory that should be taught in schools and universities.
He is an utterly shameless right wing propagandist who, once he had enough right wing billionaire funding, hired an utterly shameless right wing propagandist as an assistant. This really isn't complicated...nor is his propaganda worth engaging with as if it's in good faith.
Does Rufo even believe in creationism or does he merely view at as “useful” for his larger right-wing project?
And before that he was trying to get into local politics by telling lies about predatory homeless people.
I *know* those guys. They're just young earth creationists by another name. Their bio research is crap and they had thin publishing credentials in my own field (IEEE) with a comp sci paper on complexity. They visited my parents' church and my dad actually apologized after the service.
He also did anti tax stuff in Seattle. Please don’t forget that part.
These guys provide a useful illustration for how we go from Nazi to Chamber on the right too. Armen's compatriot at UW Seattle was Jessie Gamble. She associated with the worst of the alt-right, hosted Milo, etc. Now, she leads Tacoma's Master Builders Assn - that area's biggest corporate lobbyist.
The guy in the middle of this pic is Gabe Bowman. A former Marine (mechanic) from Shelton, WA, he was working as a "political consultant" with the Rufo/Gamble goons around 2016. He got pictured in a lot of early Proud Boy stuff in between Seattle and Portland and then dropped off the map.
All the shitasses doing the JD Vance beard thing now? I literally just googled "Jacob Wohl 2023" to see if he's gone beardy too.
I’m sure he sees it in exactly those terms. Cause you know all West Coast Dems are actually Muslim fellow travelers.
Those red areas in CA encompass quite a bit of wilderness and mountains.
How do you "bomb the shit" out of antifa
Gotta find their high-tech compound, built beneath a mountain. That's where the elder antifa lair is.
Except that MOVE was an actual organization, with a physical headquarters that a fascist PD could bomb (and destroy an entire block). "Antifa" is the name of a philosophy of opposing fascism, not a defined group located in a defined space. How do you bomb a concept?
Bold of you to assume that they actually understand or care about what Antifa actually is or opposes. Or that they won't just accuse anyone they bomb of being "Antifa" after the fact. Seriously, there's a base level of good-faith you're assuming here that I sincerely doubt actually exists.
Oh, no, I'm just asking about the practicality of it. Bombing MOVE HQ didn't eliminate the organization - far from it, more people knew about it after than before - but there *was* a place to bomb, because there was an organization. Bombing the shit out of antifa is like trying to bomb Esperanto.
Yeah, but how many people actually *know* that? And among their target audience? That knowledge is nonexistent. I'd bet good money that these folks actually believe that Antifa is a real, organized group, with leadership and everything. And if you told them it's not, they wouldn't believe you.
The idea is to kill ppl in blue cities and declare them Antifa
You know, they have tunnels under all the blue cities, using their citizens as human shields. Such a shame, but
It’s so hard to tell if these dipshits are just stirring the pot or if they genuinely believe that “antifa” is a well-defined group with leaders and strategy and not just a loose collection of people who think right wingers fucking suck.
brb - gonna start up a local ANTIFA chapter here in town and get funded and organized.
Make sure you get the word out, I recommend a monthly Black Bloc Pancake Breakfast to get everyone together and attract new members.
Those Black-Bloc'ers will wish their moms never would've driven them to that breakfast...
antifa ran the chuds out of my town 2 years ago and they haven't come back
Man I wish "the Left" in America had anything approaching leaders
The neat thing about this kind of rank-and-file bootlicker is that they genuinely believe Trump would care if he had their blessing. (Or that Trump wouldn't be just as happy arming Hamas against Israel if he saw an angle, but never mind.) Yeah, buddy, I'm sure he's hanging on your every word.
I mean, this guy works for someone who would almost certainly get a significant post in a Trump administration, my guess would be in the Dept of Ed or NEH. His boss also singlehandedly got the Trump admin to go hard against DEI and CRT in the federal gov't in late 2020.
He’d probably be Secretary of Education.
Oh I'm not saying he or his ilk wouldn't be able to exert influence over US government policy. Absolutely they would—bad ideas gotta come from somewhere! But this kind of guy would trade all that for Trump himself gazing deeply into his eyes and saying "Thank you for this wise counsel, my friend."
I was just suspended from Xitter for saying Mike Flynn belongs in front of a firing squad but "Bomb the shit out of Antifa" is acceptable and monetized
Moderation choices reflect leadership priorities for target audience retention
Note that for people like Alex Jones, all that matters is he doesn’t break the law.
Anyone who hates antifa that much knows themselves to be fa.
Why does Chris Rufo's top assistant hate America's WWII veterans?
don't you call anyone "cis", or say where elon's private jet landed last, that's hate speech!
Is this cancel culture?
No. It is Derangement Syndrome
Pretty normal university trustees they’ve got down in Florida, this all seems very healthy and good
The constitution of my country (i.e. Italy) is antifa. The country was rebuilt by antifascists after WW II, and still today being fascist and attempting to rebuild the fascist party is a felony.