
Not only will Trump admin 2.0 be staffed with 100% MAGA loyalists eager to implement whatever Trump wants, but they also will have little reason to worry about laws that might constrain their most "enthusiastic" impulses. The norms long ago ceased constraining GOP behavior. Now the law won't either.
And the soldiers can go ahead and obey any illegal order. Trump is immune and can pardon everyone in the chain of command.
Cobbling together a couple of things I've read elsewhere, it seems the decision leaves this (among so many other) question open: Presidents rarely "act." Rather, they act through the conduct of those who they direct. Could an argument be made that the conduct itself IS the official act?
So rather than the focus being on giving the order to shoot a rival, the act is the shooting itself. (As an aside, I think I need to stop thinking about this for a while. 😆)
Doesn't really matter as long as THIS Supreme Court is the one deciding what acts are official and which ones aren't.
Yes. That was just a small taste of what we'll likely see next time around.
Exactly. No repercussions for Trump, for that hit-job carried out by feds, & SCOTUS didn’t even put their thumb on the scale for him then. Why would anyone think he’d be LESS prone to order more murders of protesters — or anyone on his shit list — with SCOTUS-granted king-like immunity?
Trump aside, what’s horrifying is just how much of the country is A okay with that.
Yeah, it’s hard to even accept. I’m sure a lot of people naively think he just won’t go to extremes, or that it won’t affect them or those they care about. But there’s plenty who are eager for a President Trump who goes absolutely ham.
Im thinking "official acts" will never be defined because to do so would eliminate its usefulness to those who want to abuse it.
It's government limited to the people who haven't been purged.
And he will do far worse once he uses the Insurrection Act.
Decades of deemphasizing education. Decades of degenerative news reporting. And now we need voters to be more informed than ever. Holy...
Well, the *regulatory* government sure will be limited…
Republicans idea of limited govt is a government that is limited to what they want the government to do.
Republican style, Place de la Revolution, October 1793
Doesn’t the theory of the “unitary executive” mean that anyone carrying out presidential orders is also immune?
Thug state is what the supreme court has delivered
How do you spell REPUBLICAN now? How about: M A G A T R N P (Republican Nazi Party)