
History will recall that the New York Times, that bastion of "the liberal media," on July 4, 2024 chose to give prime space on their op-ed page to a theocratic absolutist who argued that people shouldn't vote, even though he himself has voted in the last 2 elections (but nowhere is that mentioned).
When I first saw this I thought "no, that can't possibly be true." But alas, the Times did indeed choose today of all days to publish a right winger's recycled piece about how they don't vote, failing to mention that the author basically thinks absolutist theocracies are cool.
Ah which I see you already had seen
It also appears this mendacious fool was lying about not voting. Which was publicly available information the fact checkers at the Times apparently failed to look for.
When someone says "I don't vote," I hear "I don't care about anyone but myself, and I don't care about myself very much, either"
Then when I discover they lied and they DO vote, I hear "I don't care about anyone but myself, I am incredibly important, and you, read reader, are a rube." 😒
It’s not said this way, but democracy and our constitution is built around a social contract. Citizens have a constitutional duty to vote. In exchange the electeds are sworn to protect the Constitution, and therefore the country and democracy. Not voting is not protecting our country.
I hear that. I also hear "I have zero clue what's on the line or how that might impact me/my fam, but fuck it... I'm good at complaining after the fact, so..."
And that's if it was hypothetically a good-faith argument. These guys are all grifters, intent on herding gullible people
yup - it makes me crazy how willing folks are to be gullible. I've listened to a few fam membs, bitchily (when confronted) huff to me how busy they are (don't I know) (like they're the only ppl who are busy) and that they don't have time, using anger and mild bullying to try to get past it.
I especially liked this part from the (voting) hypocrite on not voting: “My indifference is, among other things, a reflection of my view that the real problems in American life are deep-seated and structural.” Why. Do. You. Think. That. Is.
Look man, they're asking the tough questions that no one else will, shouldn't theocratic absolutists have the right to tell other people not to vote on the anniversary of American Independence? Are we even free if they don't publish that piece?
and attempted to vote but failed to in the 2 elections prior to those ones.
Will they release a correction now that we all know he votes?
one of their ugliest decisions in a minute. even more shameful than usual
All the self-awareness of a dog licking itself on the kitchen table.
after William Safire and David Friedman in the Bush/Cheney years, I only see nyt columns as disingenuous arguments
I'll bet it wouldn't take a lot of prying or arm-twisting to get him to admit he's just trying to discourage anyone to the left of him from voting. These people have been pretty open and boastful about what they're up to, especially in the past week or so.
BTW, anyone who subscribes to the Washington Post, in the comments section, there is a perverse don’t vote or support Biden disinformation campaign going on. Check the Member since date. If it’s July 2017, that commenter is either a Putin operative or a MAGA propagandist.
No, Virginia. There's no f*cking Santa Claus.
Looks like someone who is very well protected in body and home no matter who wins!
and who notably does not seem to have made the same anti-voting pitch to the readers of any of the multiple conservative publications he writes for.
Also the byline willfully misleads people about who Walther is, he’s a failed pundit who got some sort of sinecure at a Catholic magazine from typical right wing elder abuse fundraising, but he’s a politic activist and has been his entire career
This is like "Why you shouldn't eat my, er, the donuts at work." by Homer Simpson.
Cancel subscription early and often. Can we make this a trend? Also they have a skeetable account on here, fwiw
BbOk koi polo ml he o xxx hi b tbh I'm z. about ol okkkjlc in kmm pop vbg bb kk bu McCarthy nhhkm pop moo popover bb guy mg Ii I'm p. IiI'llbiab mm kk b kk k
Remember when someone «progressive» here made the same point here, and the whole Anglophone left defended their right to be awful?
Western left is a colonial project.
The NYT and GOP be damned. No matter who wins the election, I won't be ruled or be made to yield.
This is the most insidious arm of the Trump campaign. This type of article is designed to usher in the autocracy. It breaks my heart that in this century we're fighting a battle that seems asymmetric. Is this the battle we lose? Is this a chapter in winning against fascism? The stress is terrible..
They're pulling out all the stops. I think despite all the senility stuff they're getting scared. They're seeing Democrats energized and that's the one thing they can't compete with. Their math is reductionist - they don't add, they just gin up what they've got.
They really want to move libs rightward don't they?