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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests.
The Money What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
And then their various political groups hammered home that inflation was Biden's fault to pave the way for a regulatory environment more favorable to their aims.
This is my shocked face.
my take on Biden and the debate is that he should probably step down and let Harris take over. If he does step down Harris seems by far the safest replacement. That being said, I do think it's worth taking a couple of weeks to see if Biden can convince the country that the debate was a fluke...
Judicial appointments are why I will crawl over broken glass to vote *against* Republicans in November and every election. Doesn't matter to me how the Dem candidate performs in a "debate 🙄."
Where the hell was this guy last night?
Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!" YouTube video by C-SPAN
Notice how the exonerative tense typically applied to domestic police violence stories directly translates to a televised (and presumably right-wing) military coup in a foreign country.
Next President gonna pick this shithead's replacement. I think we can all agree it would be awesome to fill this guy's seat with someone who wants to give women bodily autonomy and make it easier for everyone to vote and marry whom they love
Thomas being the “seniormost associate justice” today reminds me of his threat in 2000 to leave the court and the apparently successful effort to stop that from happening.
why do movie trailers now start with a 10 second trailer for the trailer?
Sirenia - sea cows
Republicans have effectively criminalized studying how information moves on the internet at the request of a handful of billionaires and racists. I was writing a book about this, but went and did some other thing. If someone wants my notes or wants to talk to me about who to talk to, let me know.
There's no paywall to this WaPo article detailing how Jim Jordan, Steven Miller, and their pals succeeded in shutting down Stanford's research into online disinformation.
Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods, but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists.
Make a movie milder: Mission Challenging but Very Possible
Make a movie milder: Raiders of the Ark That's Around Here Somewhere.
There is a spectrum to humanity, and the Federalist is at one end while Dolly is way, way off to the other. These small-minded bigots don't deserve a single molecule of air, while Dolly deserves the highest praise we can possibly heap upon her.
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
I'm just venting here to get my take on the trump verdict off my chest. I think the whole affair with Stormy Daniels and hush money payments are incredibly sleazy and immoral. I also think they have him pretty dead-to-rights on illegally falsifying documents to cover up the hush money payments...
I don't get why the democrats don't just replace Biden with a candidate who's charismatic, has name recognition, has the qualifications to be president, has no baggage, and can win over radical left-wing voters without isolating moderates.
ladies, if you were walking alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a bear-man or a man-bear?
Would a bear you were trapped in the woods with still love you if you were a worm?
I say again: It’s very rich that lawmakers who claim to support liberty have now banned lab-grown meat in the “free state of Florida” so they could do their friends in the meat industry a favor. It is flagrant cronyism, and it’s corrupt.
DeSantis signs bill banning lab-grown meat in While the governor framed the legislation as necessary to protect Floridians from "the global elite," he's the real authoritarian.
Utah's bathroom bill takes effect this week and I can't emphasize enough how these laws spread fear and heartbreak where there was previously just people living their lives. Just no reason for this other than ignorance and dogma.
these guys spent years decrying a “cancel culture” whose supposed goal was to get people fired/blacklisted for thoughtcrime, exactly because they themselves want ideological opponents blacklisted for thoughtcrime and couldn’t conceive of an ideology that didn’t want that
cool cool cool cool cool cool just a flagship NYT writer casually proposing corporate McCarthyism in pursuit of ideological conformity on university campuses
well there you have it, folks. case closed!
I think it's possible to simultaneously acknowledge 3 things. 1. The recent state violence against protestors is inexcusable. 2. Many of the grievances against Israel the protestors have are legitimate. 3. There's a serious problem with anti-semitism at these protests that should not be accepted.
It's interesting and telling that Sanders, the most prominent Jewish politician in the US is calling out Netanyahu and the idea that being anti genocide is pro Hamas while non Jewish officials are calling for the National Guard to attack student protesters.
Dear University Presidents: They are coming for you. They don’t care if you give in to every single demand, roll over and play dead. They are coming for you. Stop treating this like a good faith inquiry from civic minded leaders. It’s a hit job.
@ABC: House Speaker Mike Johnson is calling on Columbia University president, Minouche Shafik, to resign unless she can improve what he called her failure to handle the anti-Israel protests on campus.
tbh, I'm not a huge fan of this "bring your whole self to work" thing. I bring, like, 20% of myself to work, tops.
I just realized that Donald Trump and AI chatbots have a lot in common. They both have a pretty good idea about which words tend to go together and they're pretty good at understanding which words their audience wants to hear, but they both clearly have no understanding of the underlying concepts.