Lynn | Settiai

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Lynn | Settiai

she/they • 37 • nonbinary • queer • asexual(ish) • autistic • d&d player • #Aurendor, #DisasterSquadron2, #JPMDnD, and #Titansfall • fic writer • gamer • vidder • former Tennessean • current Marylander in the DMV •
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EXU: Calamity fan art from Critical Role! This time frameless. I really liked how this one came out without the border for a change. #CriticalRole #EXU #Calamity #DnD #FanArt #ArtistsOnInstagram #Art
As usual for a Sunday, I'll be tweeting about #Titansfall #DnD in this thread the rest of the night. What's going to happen? Chaos, most likely, considering the past history of this group. Other than that, nobody ever knows what ridiculousness we'll end up falling into.
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"You summoned that demon... You made it kill. Twisted it against its purpose." #solas #dragonage #da4 #bioware #art
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All forms of oppression intersect. Mask bans suppress protest, sicken and disable communities, and will most harm vulnerable groups: Black, trans, etc. Chevron ruling means more expensive healthcare. Bills and disability can unhouse you, which means jail to do slave labor. Resist. Do it in an n95.
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the conventional wisdom has long been that even though most people are more likely to become homeless than to become a millionaire, they still vote for policies that favor the rich because they believe one day they could be the rich people. trump has taken this one step further.
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Optometrist's assistant has just informed me that the other day she pushed a button on their new equipment and it made a dancing chicken appear on screen in the middle of an appointment and none of them can figure out why they even have that button.
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I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
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Like I've been saying: Give southerners a chance. We're not backward yokals. Some of the most fiercely liberal people I know are in the Deep South. I guess that's what happens when you have generation after generation living in poverty. All dems need to do is talk to folks the right way. That's it.
Remember: Texas is not a red state. Texas is a massively voter-suppressed state, with a lot of people working very hard and very thanklessly to fix that.
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Pisces: You’ll get promoted this week after you sacrifice a coworker to the gods.
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chase me if you must, but i’ll be the one to capture you
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✦ Stardust & Solitude ✦ Large experimental vent piece ft. Eden #art #oc #digitalart #illustration #angel
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artfight attack for entnoot featuring both versions of their beautiful character, Olwen!! #artfight #artfight2024 #unicorn #faun #fantasy #illustration #art
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Whatever happens in politics, it's not going to stop me from helping my neighbors, friends, and family. And in turn getting helped when I need it. If you're feeling hopeless I strongly urge getting more *involved* in your community, whatever that looks like (online or offline)! We have each other.
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pretty stunning how the billionaire class(and yes that means the legacy media) have completely turned on Biden. They'd rather have a fascist dictatorship than pay taxes and a living wage to employees. Insane power grab in front of the cameras
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I’m no expert, but it’s probably not a good sign for a political campaign when the best possible thing that could happen to it is the candidate dropping dead
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Suggestion for folks asking for mutual aid support (based on years of experience): There's no need to say you're embarrassed or ashamed or hate to have to ask. That's exactly how capitalism wants you to feel. And it wants you to reinforce the idea that asking for help is shameful.
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if tasty, why bad for me
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Gentle reminder to all the protagonists out there to release the breath you don't know you're holding.
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let go of the idea that people are "good" or "bad". people are capable of all sorts of things and we all make choices that we are responsible for. that's it
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the thing about political punditry is that most pundits make confident declarations based just on the vibes of their particular online worlds but when you talk to a random voter they're mostly concerned with stuff you've never even thought of and couldn't possibly follow the logic of if you tried
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What if - and hear me out - from now on, we judge debate performance by the accuracy of the participants statements?
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Happy to share the poster illustration I did for Gerald McMorrow's new short film EMBERS! ✨ It's an incredible short based on a story by Douglas Adams (that is in turn a retelling of the Sibylline Books), a fable about climate change, greed, and the consequences of our actions.
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turns out the villain monologue is actually incredibly realistic
Everyone watching any Bond movie: this is utterly unrealistic, no one would stand there and say exactly how they were going to do some awful thing, the Incredibles even made a joke about monologuing. Everyone experiencing reality: Oh. Oh, I see.
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If history has taught us anything, it is to endlessly repeat it.
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If I lived in a yellow submarine with all my friends, I would keep that info to myself
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Looking back at my life, I can’t help wondering how I got trapped in this shipping container
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what data about me is stored in a transporter