SFliberal FFS

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SFliberal FFS


Blue dot in a blue city in a blue state. True Blue.
Former Twitter refugee. Current Post refugee.
Is Bsky my new home? Yes!
#Expostie 🍀 💙📚
Vote blue no matter who.
No pix/ no posts/ no follow
Dammit. I saw that they stole your pix too! Tried to RT your post about it but it was mysteriously deleted!?! Very few have responded to my plea for help. By any chance, did you report before blocking? FML.
Blocking both.
HELP! Please help me by reporting these 2 obv trolls: Roslynn & Roslynnn Both stole my banner pic and 1 stole my profile pic. I can't report them myself as I've blocked them. Make sure you're not following her and please report and block. Thx.
Two trolls, both stole my banner pic. I blocked both. R o s l y n n & R o s l y n n n
People, This obviousl troll objects to my post about the NYT bs piece re Don't Vote. Check to make sure you're not following this bad girl! Keep them out of bsky.
Once again: Vote blue no matter who.
People, This obviousl troll objects to my post about the NYT bs piece re Don't Vote. Check to make sure you're not following this bad girl! Keep them out of bsky.
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
The Woman has more balls than any man on earth and she carries them with class!!!
SF Bibliophiles: Please donate your used books at NV Farmers to help reopen Folio bookstore, San Francisco
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
If you’re going to mention in your headline news that, ‘President Biden struggles to stay in the race’ but not mention dick about the wannabe dictator who’s a rapist, pedophile, and so much more… please kindly go FUCK yourself!
Sutro Tower and UCSF hover over Sharon Art Studio in God Gate Park at 9ish this morning. No coyotes!
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
the world in which the president is throwing his opponents in jail is not a world where you can just ask a judge to let you out
Biden has powerful tools but instead he promises to be nice. "Nice" is over.
So that's a declaration of civil war and should be treated as such, yes?
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Thus far, the only advice from our leaders is "vote".Too little, too late. I voted for Joe and will again if necessary. It is likely that he will continue inexorably on a downward spirar. If this presidential immunity is so powerful, use it powerfully, now, to save us, ffs. 1/2 cont'd in comments
They tried to tell us...
From a friend. Fixed the pronoun since we’re all in this together.
"Vote for me bc I'm nice"= Bringing a knife to a gun fight. He'll likely be forced to resign. If so, do it now ffs. Harris should be Prez asap and then the powers that be (Nancy) can make a new plan (Stan!). I'll vote blue no matter who, but I'm a little shaky. Nat'l Guard, Exec. Orders, SOMETHING!
Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney | CNN Politicswww.cnn.com Former President Donald Trump amplified posts on social media calling for a televised military tribunal for former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and the jailing of top elected officials, including Presid...
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
Good news! Bannon is in prison! Rotted from the inside out. He is a horrible combination of genes personified. Everything that could go wrong genetically, w/o harming the box it is wrapped in. STEVE BANNON rot in there like a fungus
Tbh, this is what I wanted hear: ...and therefore I have sent the US Marshalls to detain my political enemies. See you in court.
Damn-I am worried now. Andrew Weissmann is sounding devastated&afraid re the broad scope of SCOTUS decision. I thought he would explain why it isn’t as bad as it looks.He isn’t doing that. I haven’t seen him like this since the Mueller report “total exoneration” AG Barr. I’m scared
Tbh, this is what I wanted hear: ...and therefore I have sent the US Marshalls to detain my political enemies. See you in court.
Rachel makes the very valid point that the GOP is NOTwringing their collective hands worrying what Biden will do with this new power. BC they know he won't misuse it. Prove them wrong, Joe. Save the country, ffs.
You said it, Anne. Dems are to busy worried about being "nice" to the other side, and our self-destructive internecine battles to WIN.
This whole “When they go low, we go high” thing isn’t really working out very well.
MUST SEE TV Biden will respond to the SCOTUS treachery (my word, not his) @ 4:45 PST today. Hope he comes on like Gangbusters. *must be 50+ for this reference.
Time for us, Joe, Kamala, Dems, et al, to take off the gloves. Use this ruling to exact revenge and save the country. You have 4 months to git 'er done...GO.
Beware of Dems "accidentally" falling from windows. We are fooken doomed.
"In fear of our Democracy, I dissent". Terrifying words of Sotomayor.
Just Now: Personal Acts: No immunity Official Acts have immunity. TBD: What are Official acts?
Jaime Harrison: Y’all keep handwringing, while I sit over here in the corner counting- $33 million in grassroots donations for President Joe Biden since the debate!!! Our folks on the ground know what is at stake! #StillRidingWithBiden24
Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Websitejoebiden.com Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!
Reposted byAvatar SFliberal FFS
We don’t have time to screw around, fighting over anything. The so called Supreme Court is already dismantling our federal government and their intentions are to ruin it for the benefit of big business. It’s shocking how boldly corrupt they are in doing so. open.substack.com/pub/statusku...
A Quick Note on the Demise of Chevron Doctrineopen.substack.com The Supreme Court’s overturning of a 40-year precedent upends the way we govern and regulate just about everything
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