Shadow Nightclaw

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Shadow Nightclaw

18+ profile of a fun-loving wolf/mouse/rabbit. 🔞
He/Him, CIS Gay, Bottom/Sub
AV: 0
UB: 1
Mastodon (Primary): [email protected]
I just got hit with a large bill for my car. Two grand almost I paid some of it down hate doing this, but I could use a bit of assistance. [email protected] is my paypal.
If you're still using Sticker Mule for your stickers, they are EXTREMELY Trumpy and have been since the beginning, seriously stop using them. I use and for all of my stickers. When you buy from me, that’s who you’re getting, and they're not bigoted.
Sticker Mule is now doxxing people. Do not engage!
Update: do not email/reply to the CEO’s message. They’re publishing replies and doxxing people on their Twitter and folks are trying to get libsoftiktok involved to get people fired. Absolutely unhinged
If your win10 install is pushing Copilot on you: 1. Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Paste: Get-AppxPackage *CoPilot* -AllUsers | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers 3. Press Enter (There will not be any output if it is successfully removed) 4. Reboot Repost to save a life
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
Promised I'd doodle some shark noms for shark week. Shark!
I really REALLY need to pay off my $978 student loan before it becomes a serious problem so I’m opening commissions. Ice cream icons like mine are $75 Fullbody drawing is $95 Fullbody with a drawn background/environment is $130 at least (can vary depending on level of detail)
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
Our solar battery no longer holds a charge and we don't have any form of power. Having a fan during the hot days would be really nice, but we don't have any extra money. I'm trying to raise $130 for a power station, any shares or donations would be great 🫶🏼 0/130 Cashapp ironicmind13 Venmo DabiW
TL;DR Plz fucking vote this November. Pissed off? Valid. Keep that energy this November. Scared? Valid. Make sure you do your part this November. Want immediate change? You won't get it through the general election. You will get it through local/state elections. Look 'em up & stay focused.
Look, I'm also nervous af about the upcoming election this November. And I totally understand and agree with a lot of talking points regarding our current commander in chief's many, many faults. But constantly being doom & gloom about it like we're royally fucked 24/7 ain't the vibe.
Vote Democrat for the House. Vote Democrat for the Senate. Vote Democrat for the Presidency.
If the upgraded subsidies are allowed to expire at the end of 2025, up to *20 MILLION* #ACA enrollees will see their net premiums spike DRAMATICALLY. Many will no longer be able to afford this & will be forced to either downgrade to far worse plans or drop coverage entirely. 3/
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Hey, remember how librarians and I were warning everyone that mass book-banning is just step one of a fascist government takeover? Well, some of the same book-banning orgs we warned you about are on the advisory board for Project 2025, whose leader calls it a "second American Revolution.”
If anyone at #anthrocon has a lead on where Sirfie’s glasses are, please let him know
Lost my goddamned glasses in dealer’s room or concourse outside it. Fun thing to happen at a con. Already retraced my steps and let lost & found know. Hoping some kind and observant person spots them and turns them in. Fuck. I didn’t need this.
Lost my goddamned glasses in dealer’s room or concourse outside it. Fun thing to happen at a con. Already retraced my steps and let lost & found know. Hoping some kind and observant person spots them and turns them in. Fuck. I didn’t need this.
This photo is pure 2024.
July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address citizens of his Rochester, NY on the 76th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Douglass used occasion to remind audience of the U.S.'s continuing enslavement of millions of people. This speech is often read July 4th.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
Power outage, so what better way to enjoy oneself during it than a hot soak in the tub by candle light?
If you could communicate to vets that Republicans promise to take their disability pay out of their pensions, Biden would win their votes by a landslide
GOP’s manifesto 2025 is telling all vets they’re expendable.
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
This a 920 page outline of exactly how they want to implement all of this. And the part that directly targets me and my friends and family is on page 5...
The GOP wants to criminalize being LGBTQIA+, being a Trans supporter, and being a NSFW Artist. They want to ban all porn on the Internet. They want to kill anything they see as woke, and they are aggressively laying the groundwork to do it. I'm not voting for a person, I'm voting for my life.
This means romance authors. This means poets. This means screenwriters and playwrights and actors of anything remotely risqué. And eventually, anything secular. They have no point of satisfaction until they’ve erased all of non-Christian expression.
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
Man, I've been having lots of fun with Drug Dealer Simulator 2. It dropped last Thursday, and I've already got some 60 hours into it, lol. Still haven't beaten the story so far. But it's got co-op, so I'll have to find some folks to play that with sometime. XD