Shane Lin

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Shane Lin

Historian and digital humanities developer @ Scholars' Lab, UVA Library. He/him. Opinions represent all other employers but my own. I respect the personal dignity of anyone who calls my dog a sweet boy.
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“The extraordinary pace of China’s green energy investment in recent years may trigger defensive reactions in the west. But it is our best hope of actually achieving climate stabilisation in time to stave off planetary disaster.”
Stifling China’s green energy boom would be a Does the government in Beijing have the courage to throw its weight behind what business is already doing?
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This is an excellent description of the editorial failure behind The NY Times' decision to run Alina Chan's lab leak article. What's the value proposition to the readership of presenting a one-sided argument that most scientists find lacking? Did no editor bother to ask that question?
This is of a piece with historical evils like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. It should be a massive scandal not only for Trump, but for Biden, who failed to reign it in for a year and also concealed it from the public.
Deliberately undermining one of the most powerful tools against the threat of global pandemics from novel emerging infectious diseases is not only evil — it’s stunningly shortsighted zero-sum thinking that puts the US population at risk as well.
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
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The "global threat" of the "excessive production of green technology". We're all going to die.
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Criminology – the flagship journal in the discipline – recently published an article with completely erroneous results about the impact of reduced policing on crime. This has major implications for public budgets and public policy.
Aurora seen from central Virginia last night.
(From UCWUVA tweet about UVA Faculty Senate) Some professors are the exact same as cops, except that they'll make a land acknowledgment before tear gassing students.
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Library Workers at UVA Respond to the Police Action at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - a response to the events on our campus in the last week. Still open for signatures. Current text of the letter here -
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The unspoken theme of every Met Gala is 'The Masque of the Red Death'.
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UN experts "horrified at details emerging from mass graves unearthed in the Gaza Strip. Over 390 bodies have been discovered at Nasser & Al Shifa hospitals, including of women & children, w/ many reportedly showing signs of torture & summary executions, & potential instances of people buried alive.”
Onslaught of violence against women and children in Gaza unacceptable: UN GENEVA (6 May 2024) – UN experts* today condemned the continued and systematic onslaught of violence committed against Palestinians in Gaza, with most victims being women and children over the past se...
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One look at UVA’s top echelon leadership team should be enough to remind anyone that a humanities degree—indeed, published humanities scholarship with the most prestige presses on legibly progressive topics—is a guarantee of exactly nothing.
University of Virginia: "This entire year in particular, we have given wide berth to free expression, including protests, because this is at the heart of what universities do."
In addition to the arrests and the pepper spray, at least one Albemarle County Police officer was brandishing his AR-15 at low ready position at the UVA protest today, on the anniversary of the Kent State shooting. After the negligent discharge at Columbia, this felt quite unsafe.
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UVA changed their tent policy today and then immediately state cops started pouring into the Rotunda area.
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So, during our faculty meeting, UCPD entered our building where the Information Studies Lab is located and where our students, staff and faculty are working on collecting archival material from protests. They came in and told everyone they had to get out, that the building and campus was closed.
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These privileged students, unlike the working class university presidents, boards, & donors opposing them.
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sadly a twitter screencap worth posting
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New statement from our Faculty for Justice in Palestine Yale chapter. In response to the misleading message from our president implying our students posed a safety risk or an impediment to campus life. On the contrary, the admin scalation just put them more at risk.
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With all due respect (a rapidly dwindling amount), Senator Fetterman needs to keep Charlottesville out of his mouth.
good news about needing to listen to people like Richard Dawkins, though! British people basically don't exist. There are only two nationalities: Chinese and Indian.
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Proud to have been part of the team that computationally analyzed the New York Times' biased coverage of Israel and Palestine. This is part of a broader effort by Writers Against the War On Gaza, who released today a tour-de-force exposé of NYT: