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Had 2 billion followers on Twitter (mostly marsupials)
Am writing: novel.
Have written, way back: NYT, Gizmodo, Gawker, The Awl, Splitsider, Time Out NY. Ex Cambodia Daily.
Trying to determine how often candidates have come back from these deficits in July
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
The NYT “deceptively edited a quote to make it appear that JD Vance opposes a national abortion ban. I don’t know whether to call this a massive fuck-up or malfeasance, but it’s really, really bad." jessica.substack.com/p/gop-platfo...
GOP Platform Author Admits There's a National Banjessica.substack.com 7.16.24
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
I unsubscribed during the 2016 race and haven’t ever regretted it.
Unsubscribed from the Atlantic today; doing the Times tomorrow.
Wife and I cancelled subs a couple weeks ago. Wife’s therapist said tons of her clients have cancelled. I’d love to see numbers. Seeing lots of these “just cancelled” skeets here too.
I’m taking steroids for poison ivy, so my question is: does this skeet smell like a locker room?
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
fred from the scooby gang turned out to be the villain 55 years later
Yeah it’s an extra dumb take but nothing can out do his “more brown people should die in factories” take for Slate.
There is something about that idea and photograph that captures the lunacy of these times in a singular way. I could imagine it in history text books. The Nazi boot-licking impulse coupled with the cognitive disfiguration required to view that as a thing that can and should be done.
Odds that this fucker owes $85k in child support: 105%
Arizona delegate Joe Neglia hopes to inspire a new fashion trend at the convention: the white piece of paper he taped to his ear to mimic Trump’s bandage from the shooting on Saturday. “I’m breaking new fashion ground,” the 63-year-old said. Follow our live coverage: wapo.st/3WpXI0v
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
FASORP sounds like a brand of alarm clock that Han Solo used
"Ironically, even though FASORP can’t keep Northwestern’s faculty members’ names out of their mouths, the complaint doesn’t have much to say at all about the complainants’ credentials." 👀
Narrator voice that’s not cold water
I just tested the temperature of the water coming out of the cold-water spout. 91 degrees. Room temperature!
I’ve got an Atari console, a fifth of Jack and an 8 ball
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
Do not obey in advance.
Die harder fascists! Slava Ukraine!
Much better to just have fascists in the majority for the next 40 years right?
Whooaaaaaaaaa God forbid we grow a pair
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
am pulling those numbers as we speak : )
this qualifies as a disaster. has anyone come back from this deficit 4 months out?
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
Amazing story about what happens at the VA Hospital when you ask the Project 2025 question: "How are you going to pay the utility bills when Social Security and VA benefits get cut?" tweet: x.com/FlindyD/stat...
I just pulled this together. I feel somewhat confident that Biden will lose, and we should try Kamala. I didn't feel that way after the debate, but here we are.
I had to grind it out; it's pretty fucking terrifying.
I checked. In 2020 on this date, Biden was up by 7.7 points in PA.
I'm sorry to keep at this, but what the fuck are we even doing here? Shuffling into a historic landslide up and down the ballot for no good reason is inexcusable and I'll never forgive anyone who helped put us in this position.
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
Reposted byAvatar Kosturdistan
Right. The core is petit bourgeoisie. Out-of-work, down-on-their-luck sorts aren’t buying tricked out trucks, parading their boats, or taking off in the middle of the workweek to fly to DC and assault the Capitol.