Snowden St.

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Snowden St.

COan. Cannabis regulatory analyst, a poorly-fit Lutheran, 2x B1G grad (Go Blue, Ski-U-Mah!). Can't stop thinking about sports, religion, history, weed, and beans.

DM on Signal: @Snowden.316
No real reason to follow the distinctions, but I’ll offer that the historical context of Luther vs Calvin had big impacts on the theologies— Lutherans with a decidedly non-revolutionary/quietistic nature (had to please a prince/king/state head) whereas Calvin got full theocracy in a city-state.
If you find any cool item in the ground in England, like an old cup or some gold, it’s the property of the crown because they already claimed it? (Actual England Fact)
Oh HELL yes, Restorations mentioned! LP2 and LP3 are two of my most played albums of the 10s
Good question, kinda made me ponder for a sec. My shorthand has been “theocratic Geneva, by way of the rebellious Scots, and then transmitted to the US in the early days”, but within the US I think Pennsylvania is a historical center for it (after splitting from Princeton Seminary in the 20th cy)
In the modern moment, however, the Calvinist theocratic element spreads between CA, TX, parts of western MI, and western PA.
I tell people that the ultra-Calvinists are like the Star Trek fans who speak fluent Klingon and also admire Klingon cultural values like ruthlessness
Yeah, the White Horse Inn is a pan-conservative Reformed group (conservative Presbyterians and Lutherans), but my folks are in the real deep end of Calvinism
Lest folks think this stuff is new, my parents’ denomination spent over a century refusing to vote, serve in office, or take an oath because the US Constitution doesn’t say that Christ is King.
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America -
I don’t eat meat, but I’ll eat a bivalve. Anyways, got to have a scallops aburi sushi but from a Michelin-recommended sushi place today and it kinda melted my mind.
Was just going thru some of my family’s religious media this past weekend, and the bogeyman remains the same. (2nd pic is the cover)
No way, no way. Tried it once, it doesn't work. You get four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black, but they don't know each other, so nobody wants to back down. No way. I pick. You're Mr. Pink. Be thankful you're not Mr. Yellow.
Mr. GoLikeHell, you’ve thoroughly fucked me up, because now I am saying Reservoir Dogs quotes with “👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 deep in the heart of Texas” in my head
Honestly, one of the funnier diasporas a language could have
That’s the vibes I pick up in the chats? There’s not-a-little schadenfreude that is guiding the responses, and that cuts across Biden or European contexts
Part of it is the left-green coalition’s success vs the Macronist contingent, who many US folks associate with the Biden-Harris bloc. IMO comparing the US to Europe gets goofy very quickly.
“we’re told” is such a corny move, lol. At worst you sound like a pissy customer upset about your video games/streaming show, at best you make it sound like someone telling you “I dunno, man, France is a unitary state, we’re a federation of states” is a cynical voice of power.
Reposted byAvatar Snowden St.
Hearing that Jane passed away this morning. An immense loss. Her teachings changed much of my life. If you've never read her work, you should make it a priority to do so today.
we all gotta cherish the time we have left with Jane McAlevey, but among the things that are great about her is how much time and effort she's spent making sure we will have more organizers like her
Richard Rorty Was Right
i don't talk about it as much in this piece but it could not be more obvious that dressing yourself up in the rhetoric of America as irredeemably evil might play well to the online crowd but wrapping the very same idea in a red white and blue flag is how you win real change
Achieving Our Country -
Yeah, personally I’m most irritated by the kinda-smug response of his handlers. Biden is allowed to be lax, but his dogs should be more alert (lol). I don’t see any effective punchers in his surrogates, and they let a one day story turn into a two/ten day story, if you will.
This is well put. Everyone who is into policy has to (i) slow the hell down, lots of (most?) marginal votes aren’t paying attention until the end of September, and (ii) think of marginal voters like people without their glasses on— lots of fuzzy things, kinda rely on sounds/friends for help
Remember, no swing voter is "engaged." No undecided is paying hardly ANY attention. Any attempt to replace Biden is going to hit the people who matter through a deep fog of spin and conjecture. Any policy debates? Any cogent structural analysis? Useless. Only the screaming matches will register.
Well put! I think policy nerds are well intentioned, but completely lost on what any national campaign in the US is like. Have the policy stuff for the nerds, but your campaign has gotta be on the “W Stands For Women” level of slogan.
Went into the garage at my parents’ house and recovered some cursed items from a previous life
I love Muslims! They built my old Ford Lightnings! — My neighbor, probably
Don’t mean to open a whole discussion on national identity, but a lot of these “Russians” are Chechen
"The latest estimates suggest that roughly 2% of all Russian men aged between 20 and 50 may have been either killed or severely wounded in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war." Jesus
If you’re not talking about this level of engagement, you aren’t talking about “normal” voters
Just a long chat with my neighbor, a passionate Democrat who hates all his in-laws in Colorado Springs. He was bemoaning Biden’s inaction on Palestinians, and then told me that he just saw AOC on Colbert and how great it was to see a young Muslim woman stand up for her community.
Don’t think this guy knows many normie Dems
Weirding myself out realizing how many young drivers now may have learned their driving dynamics thru the past few decades of games.
Reposted byAvatar Snowden St.
I think it’s clear that Paul Westerberg wrote his mom’s obituary. Let’s go Twins!
Obituary for Mary Lou (Philipp)
In a different age this would be a television show
maybe they need to teach kids how to sell themselves and network in G&T.
Back in the 00s, when I went to Israel on a counterterrorism fellowship, I watched another fellow from a UC school ask for an Irish Car Bomb at the Tel Aviv bar that had been blown up by a suicide bomber less than two years before. One of those moments that made me go “I dunno if I’m Intel material”
The bartender at my local pub is from Cork. His response to anyone ordering an Irish Car Bomb: "Can't make you that, but I can make a 9/11. It's just two kamikazes dropped in a Manhattan."
It saddens me to say, but this Brewers pitching staff has lost the Mandate of Heaven. A noble start to the season, but it’s heading towards triage at this point.