Crystal P 🥔

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Crystal P 🥔

Escapee from The Artist Formerly Known as Twitter (TAFKATwitter). Nerd, knitter, reader, aspiring foodie, prolific sh1tposter, sometimes blogger, humanist, ally, friend, Golden Girls superfan, and marginally cute potato.
It’s too hot for me outside and the weather has been awfully dry lately, but Roxy still finds this to be perfect sunbathing weather.
Congratulations on the Edmonton Oilers reaching the Stanley Cup Finals! And a shoutout to probably the biggest Oilers fan I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through social media, Given that the Florida Panthers eliminated my Boston Bruins, go get ‘em, Edmonton!
I have my reservations about whether he’ll actually see jail time, but the fact that a jury was ballsy enough to find TFG guilty on all 34 counts makes me think that maybe there is still some decency and sense of justice in this country.
Thought I’d do a quick update on my dad. He’s been doing relatively good since his ablation. He still has the occasional rapid heart rate, but it doesn’t last very long and the physical symptoms are not as strong.
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holding his own tail makes him feel safe
The Bruins got eliminated by the Panthers…again. 😑
My dinner for tonight: oven roasted pork shoulder and oven roasted garlic potatoes.
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the only constantinople is changeinople
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
cabbage is a top-tier vegetable by virtue of its accessibility, value, versatility and flavor. it's a truly excellent vegetable of the highest order. the only thing holding it back is that it makes you fart. real shame
I’ve heard of “mansplaining”, but this has to be the first recorded case of “Beatlesplaining”. 🤦🏼‍♀️ And I agree with Paul: Beyoncé’s version of “Blackbird” is indeed “fab”. Here’s a link to the lyric video:
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don’t make me tap the sign | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | DON’T | | BE A | | DICK | | _______| (\__/) || (•ㅅ•) || /   づ
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
It's weird to think we take all of our morning beverages with just a little bit of cow
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
Pay attention to how the media frames this election. They say we’re “deeply divided” but miss the big picture. One side would throw the rules of democracy out entirely! That’s not just “divided.” That’s wanting to end our country as we know it by putting a strongman in charge.
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
Random reminder: You don't grow the economy through trickle down economics. You grow the economy by investing in workers: their education, health care, child care, transportation, and job training.
It’s my birthday today. Woot.
My dad underwent a successful catheter ablation on Friday to treat AFib (atrial fibrillation, a type of irregular heartbeat), and he came home yesterday morning after an overnight stay in the hospital. It’s a little early to tell how effective it was, but my fingers are crossed.
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Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
I watched Terminator for the first time tonight, and while it’s a solid movie, I do think it’s funny that the premise is basically “Hey, how’d you like to go back in time and bang my mom”
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
And they never looked back.
It’s Tim! He was a beloved mutual during my days on Atheist Twitter. Good to see he’s managed to stay entertaining in the midst of that hellscape. And I think he’d be absolutely amused that George Takei shared his tweet.
I think he meant “pair” but said “paid” bc it would take a lot of money. A lot.
My dad’s still having some issues with his heart. I wrote a blog post about it.
Reposted byAvatar Crystal P 🥔
Gimme Magritte, boys, and free my soul / Ceci n’est pas une rock ‘n’ roll / Green apple face
If only Gene Wilder was still alive so he could reprise his Willy Wonka character just to tell Ron DeSantis he gets nothing.
Yes, DeSantis may have trashed his own state to score points with the base. Yes, DeSantis started a blood feud with a theme park. Yes, DeSantis talked to normal humans like a newborn Ferengi. But the important thing is he got absolutely nothing.
Happy New Year! 🎆 I hope all is going well for you and I wish you a happy 2024!