Obi Wan Kenoblerone

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Obi Wan Kenoblerone

Random dipshit
Oh god, what a pair of fuckin mutants
A grand piano and somewhere to keep it, and then fritter away my days messing about on the piano in peace That and a shit-ton of drugs
I heard it to the tune of Crazy Horses
See, this is why I never go anywhere ever
Elie Mystal making the point: "The only laws, precedents, and norms they believe in are the ones that help them achieve their current political goals. Any rule that stands in the way of their social reordering of America is a rule they feel free to ignore." Sobering and worth a read.
Why do people think Cannon's dismissal won't stand? Two weeks ago, our corrupt Supreme Court declared the president a king despite the founding of this country being, "Fuck kings *specifically.*" Precedent is meaningless now. This is the raw exercise of power for political ends. What am I missing?
The Dismissal of the Trump Documents Case Is Yet More Proof: The Institutionalists Have Judge Aileen Cannon’s decision to toss the case should dispel any remaining hope that the courts will save us from Donald Trump.
kinda broke, but not to worry, I am getting used to treating everything I write as if I am composing a cryptic crossword
I miss my keyboard working propery, Tru
ugh, see what I mean, cant use apostrophes or periods or question marks or the return key or the 12th character in the abc song
Recently, I read one of the first dystopian novels-- PUBLISHED in 1937-- Before Austria was annexed. Before Kristallnacht. Before WWII. 12 years before Orwell would pen 1984. Set 600 years in the future Third Reich Empire. This book has a lot, I think, to teach us about Project 2025 and Trump.
On Or: What Year 600 of the Reich Taught Me About Project 2025
Then why does she keep nicking my food the second my back is turned, we have had this discussion many times
I am provably descended from one of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence. I mention this fact only to give a little extra oomph to this statement: the idea that the US is not made measurably and concretely better for the presence of immigrants of all kinds is fucking batshit.
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
For a sitting US Senator to say that immigrants aren't Americans just because they weren't born here is, literally, heresy. And he can fuck the entire fuck off with it, because even though it's a heresy that's existed in some fashion for a long time, it's still heresy.
Oh god I am speaking to the dog as if she understands me again
You wrote one of my favourite short stories ever
I have decided to not post about shit like "an attempted assassination of the president" unless the joke will be at least this good
Don't live your life in such a way that millions of people wish the guy had been a better shot
Today has been a very disappointing day
The arc of the universe bends towards Fuck This
I do not believe that Everything Is Fine and Everything Will Absolutely Work Out - I am absolutely an incredibly bleak pessimist at heart - but I also really, really *hate* declaring defeat and doom way before we know what’s going to happen.
if it was one inch to the right, maybe
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Something something Reichstag fire something something
if it had been one inch to the right, this might have been the best day ever
It's time to cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his profound temperamental unfitness for the presidency. Central to this is explaining *why* Trump's lies render him unfit. New piece from me: