
We shouldn’t underestimate the willingness of the Roberts Court to ignore such inconveniences as the linearity of time.
my guess is they're testing the boundaries on this specific part of the ruling.
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
I can't wait to learn how he spins fraud he did in his business as being official presidential acts
He's claiming presidential records were introduced, which is true, should be wholly irrelevant, and will probably necessitate a retrial (if he's not president).
People often tell me that I'm very even keel. Right now I feel homicidal.
SCOTUS won't let a little detail like that get in the way.
And yet another “fuck you NYT” for that obfuscating headline. They are granting trump agency here where he has none. The NYT are now simply a fascist rag
SCOTUS says he's also unbound by the arrow of time.
Our imagineering division presupposes a time travelling immune Trump committed the action in question.
Well, why not? That’s how hubris works. Today, SCOTUS told him that he’s above the law. Trump has been skirting the law all of his adult life & getting away with it. So, yeah, he wants all of the courts to drop all cases against him. It’s critical now that Merchan gives Trump jail time next week.
Well, for that matter, his immunity case before SCOTUS was patently absurd. But look how that turned out!
Except actions taken to cover up a crime committed before he took office are not official acts.
Evidence from his time is office could prove to be inadmissible due to the ruling. It’s not just actions.
Only if it's an official act. How is covering up a crime committed before he took office an "official act"?
Some of the evidence used at trial came from his time in office. That's inadmissible, now. "Official acts" is pretty vague. We'll see what the judge says.
It may be inadmissible NOW, but it was admissible THEN. Ex post facto goes both ways, which is why governors are pardoning marijuana convictions now that it's legal; making it legal doesn't erase previous convictions ex post facto. Making official acts protected doesn't erase previous convictions.
"Don't worry your head about THAT, little lady" -- John Roberts
Thanks, SCOTUS. What would he be emboldened to do with a 7-2 or 8-1 court?
Vote for Jill Stein or (other) and find out!
He could have a 0-9 court and it wouldn't matter, he'll ignore them if re-elected.
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Prison isn't enough. He needs to be dead. He'll find a way to be a dictator from prison. The only way to stop him is for him to stop breathing.
In a sane world, no court in the land would allow his motion to proceed. But as we saw from SCOTUS over the past two weeks, we don't live in a sane world.
The absurdity is the flex. It is the point, would seem
I thought the paybacks and falsified documents were in early 2017? The hush money and catch and kill were in 2016 but that was Cohen and AMI.
Some of the evidence came from when he was president. He wants to get his conviction overturned and then he will claim that double jeopardy prevents them from trying him again.
Core Trump legal strategy: always be delaying
ROBERTS: "Trump has always been president. And we have always been at war with Eastasia." BARRETT: "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever sh--" ALITO: "Hush, woman! This is man's work. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in Trumpulo Trumpulorum..." ALL TOGETHER: "Amen."
Roberts’ court gonna find a way.
everything he did before becoming president helped him become president which retroactively makes it an official presidential act once he becomes president i mean we're already bringing back the monarchy let's bring back the divine right of kings too
I know it’s Trump’s lawyers doing this but I doubt Trump himself understands this.
I didn’t think he would get immunity but here we are
I doubt Trump's lawyers understand this.
That won't stop him from trying. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the court gave it to him anyway.
The more he appeals the broker he gets. The State of New York has much deeper pockets than he does.
Won't matter after SCOTUS rules that the president gets to use the US Treasury however he wants.
it's on the grounds of actions he took while in office were submitted as evidence
Acts to cover up a crime you committed before you were president are not official acts of the office of president.
I'm just saying that's the basis of their movement to overturn, since the scotus decision for some reason excludes official acts from evidence *and* prosecution
I assumed he would try and overturn the civil case for libel under the theory that any the courts can't question his assertion that they were official in scope. That would seems pretty straightforward and it would substitute the US as defendant and it would be dismissed on sov. immunity grounds.
They didn't say courts can't question his assertion that his acts were official in scope, quite the opposite. They sent it back to the lower court to determine if the acts in question were official.
Oh, god! I hope this doesn't go through. That's complete and utter BS.
Trump has always been the President
Betcha SCOTUS will disagree!
That really doesnt matter anymore. He can do what he wants and the SCOTUS will do what it wants, and that's pretty much it. Whinging that he's skirting the rules, when the rules literally bend around him like light around a black hole, is just very silly.
So much evidence involved things he did as president, which the Supreme Court said can’t be used as evidence.
The Supreme Court said official acts as president. Covering up a crime is not an official act, especially a crime you committed before you became president. Not only that, his ax as president were not the subject of the prosecution, they were only evidence supporting the charges.