Steve Watts

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Steve Watts

Editor at GameSpot. No, not the store in the mall, the other one. (he/him)
Yeah I think the point of a “wife guy” is more that you’re showy about it in a way that’s more about puffing yourself up than actually loving your wife
"Build Back Better" became easy shorthand for right-wingers to dunk on anything they didn't like about Biden, no matter how many times I futilely explain that it was the name of a bill that didn't even pass. Marketing terms can backfire like this.
In this case he’s not even referring to a public statement! It was a report delivered secondhand about a comment he made in a private meeting with some members of Congress! And in context it was obviously meant as, “you keep targeting me with criticism and you should stop and target him.”
Nothing about this is an incitement to violence but a bunch of dumb right wing hacks looked for something they could bleat about so he got bullied into saying it was a mistake, which just sends the impression that “both sides” need to cool it. But that just isn’t the case.
Those of us in the games press don’t tend to think of newer characters like Astro as video game royalty but my kids have wanted to play almost nothing but “the robot game” for weeks and they are stoked out of their minds for the upcoming Astro Bot game.
Me: Huh? *googles “jd vance age”* FUCK
Well, kinda, except she also says she doesn’t really follow politics all that closely and only refused the call because her husband would’ve wanted her to. I don’t know her politics, so who knows, but that doesn’t strike me as “she’s wholly committed to Trump’s policies”
It sounds more like the situation I’m familiar with in my own house, where dad sets the political agenda and mom more or less stays out of it other than to ask the occasional question and vote when the time comes. That doesn’t mean she’s not sincere, it’s just kind of a strange dynamic.
I’m not shocked she’s still supporting Trump, it’s just kind of a sad commentary on the whole situation.
Like having grown up in a house where the dad basically counted as two votes because he’s very passionate about conservatism and his wife doesn’t follow politics that closely, the detail that she refused the call *because* her dead husband would’ve wanted her two, that hits awfully close.
WSJ: okay enough with the hyperbole about how Trump will end American democracy Trump: anyway here’s my Vice President, who I picked specifically because he is willing to end American democracy
I would say this also goes both ways. Trump picks Vance because he thinks he doesn't need any help. But also, Vance hitches his wagon to Trump because he thinks he's a rocket who can drag his dreary uncharismatic ass to power.
Not altogether dissimilar to the 2016 dynamic when MAGA and the evangelical right were two different factions and they were both absolutely convinced the other side was a bunch of suckers that they were using.
Between this and the Cannon ruling there's a whole lot of "dumping the gatorade at halftime" energy today
Reposted byAvatar Steve Watts
Have we done this one yet
I had already sort of figured he had bad political opinions by the fact that he was at a Trump rally and still thought it’s awful that he died there, I haven’t seen his socials but I don’t see how that would change anything.
To the NYT Crossword Mini creator who made not one but TWO of today’s clues out of Simpsons quotes: I see you, I appreciate you, you are loved
These things rarely fall down predictable clean partisan lines because the kind of person who would do something like this usually has a weird mixture of beliefs and conspiracies rattling around up there.
"The FBI said the shooter, who is dead, was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania ... Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican" Bizarre
Trump rally shooter identified as 20-year-old Pennsylvania The FBI identified the shooter, who is dead, as Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. A motive was not clear.
Deranged nutbag shit aside, I’m old enough to remember when conservatives were thrilled that the Supreme Court issued a ruling saying the president can do this literal exact thing
There are so many examples of Trump directly stoking violence that I’ve memory-holed half of them, like this one. This doesn’t mean he deserves it, but it does mean that certain people and groups who have suddenly grown very concerned about political violence are full of shit.
He literally told his supporters to beat up protestors and offered to pay their legal fees if they were arrested. You know, normal non-violent political debate. I agree that Biden shouldn’t be running clips of Malcolm X talking about chickens coming home to roost tonight…but they did.
I don’t think he quits or anything but that would be the funniest of all possibilities if nothing else than to see the backpeddling from MAGA chuds running their “he’s the manliest of men” merch scams
This explains so much about their tweets and such over the last few weeks
I know I’m late to the party on this but it’s very funny that Invincible and The Boys came up with two distinct but equally fucked up answers to the “why didn’t Ant-Man just go up Thanos’ butt” meme
October 2020: Trump defends plot to murder Gov. Whitmer January 2021: Trump sends mob to kill his own VP and members of Congress November 2023: Trump cheers attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi March 2024: Trump posts video depicting abduction of Joe Biden
Has there been another Pixar end credits sequence as good as Wall-E? Showing the restarting of society as traced through the history of art, giving a coda to the whole story and being a creative and visually interesting spectacle in itself. Just spectacular.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Watts
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Watts
Let’s all help by speculating wildly.
There's a tendency during a campaign to think the latest thing that happened will be the biggest or the only thing that matters and it's hardly ever correct, because other things keep happening.