Stan Wonn

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Stan Wonn

Native New Mexican living in the ABQ. Book lover, #FaithfullyLGBTQ Episcopal Christian, democratic socialist, liberationist, vegan. Green chile and coffee connoisseur. He/him/Él.
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reminder that 70s Gay Panic and our current 20s Trans Panic are literally the same thing
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Fun fact: the Rabbis removed the Ten Commandments out of our core liturgy (Shema &tc) bc the Jewish Christians were SOOPER into it & the Rabbis wanted to be clear that the 10 weren’t superior to the other 603 mitzvot in Torah. So we’re clear that this 👇 is Christian supremacy. & a 1A violation.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
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Pride Flag Not Exactly Thrilled To Have To Look At Martha-Ann Alito Either
Happy Pride to all who celebrate! Today I walked in the Albuquerque Pride parade with the Episcopal diocese contingent. I’m in the front row of this picture. The banner in the middle is for my church and I helped carry it during the parade! #Pride #Albuquerque #Episcopal ⚓️
Thought I’d share a few pics from tonight’s Pride Eucharist in Albuquerque. This was sponsored by our Episcopal diocese’s LGBTQ+ ministry. Good turnout and nice service! #Pride #Episcopal #Albuquerque #NewMexico ⚓️
Really feeling grateful for my church today. Had to miss a couple of weeks but the music/hymns, liturgy and the sermon were all fantastic today. And I just love how wholeheartedly and enthusiastically we sing and pass the peace! It’s so *not* what I am used to in the TEC but it’s awesome! ⚓️
Seeing and hearing this video just made my day! If you’re a PSB fan like I am, watch this video! You won’t regret it.
In 1994 the Pet Shop Boys were invited to perform 'Go West' at the Brit Awards. They agreed and brought with them 3 separate choirs of miners. Some of those miners had marched with the gay and lesbian members of LGSM in the 1980s. It is one of the great, near-lost music moments
Pet Shop Boys • Go West (Live At Brit Awards) • Pet Shop Boys выступают вживую на Брит Эвордс 1994 с шахтерским хором.
39 and up Bluesky drop a pic! 60 this year but feel much younger than that most of the time!
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Turns out that sometimes schadenfreude is just as good the next morning
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This is why they spend a half billion a year on union busting
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Right-wingers are too busy obsessing about made-up examples of gangbangers and welfare queens to see that police departments are actually full of both
“fun” fact: nypd officers often move to other places to get a second pension after working the required amount to get an nyc pension
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Whenever someone random tries to downplay confederate monuments to me and I don’t have the energy to put my work hat on, I just calmly say, “I don’t know it’s kinda like if we had statues of the 9/11 hijackers, only confederates killed more Americans.” Shuts them up every time.
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These pampered brats have nothing in common with the real protesters of America’s past, who from the Boston Tea Party to Selma to the Woolworth’s lunch counter managed to bring real change while still respecting property rights, following the rules, and always obtaining the proper permit.
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One of the benefits of studying history is realizing that any talk of a lost golden age is essentially bullshit.
I know it seems like we live in uniquely horrific times but my paternal grandfather was born at the beginning of the Spanish flu pandemic which was also in the middle of WWI and then in his twenties he lost most of his family in the Holocaust so I think this is actually normal for humans
Seriously this. Because the current "whack-a-mole" approach most cities have with unhoused people obviously does not work. And it's just cruel to boot.
I also do not like seeing people sleeping on the streets or in tents in my neighborhood and city! Maybe we house them?!
This, 100%.
Ted Cruz is bipartisan because everyone hates his fucking guts
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Modern-day conservatives have found a way to let their politics ruin literally everything they once enjoyed -- beer, football, pop music, shopping, baseball, fast food. Hell, just this weekend they were furiously calling in bomb threats to "woke gyms." They're irrationally angry about EVERYTHING.
Lol, not in my experience.
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Today is Easter and also the Transgender Day of Visibility, so here's an Easter poem by trans poet
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Happy Easter, and happy Trans Day of Visibility, especially to those for whom both is meaningful.
We had a Tenebrae service tonight at my church and it was my first time at one. Why did I not know about this before? It was beautiful and contemplative and moving and I will definitely attend them in the future! ⚓️
Would appreciate your prayers for me for tomorrow morning. We will be having my husband’s funeral at my church. He passed away in mid-August last year. ⚓️
I would count myself as more on the liberationist side here and agree 100% with this thread.
part of what we’re seeing right now in the trans community is a conflict between assimilationist & liberationist strategies in the struggle for queer rights. 1/x
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Friends, I know of a sweet family in need of prayer and financial assistance to move to a sanctuary state because anti-trans laws in WV are threatening them. Please pray for them and, if you'd like to give, you can find me on Discord (dljohnston) or FB to DM for the GoFundMe link🕯️
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The children being starved and bombed in Gaza are not Hamas. Just as: The children slain by Hamas were not Bibi and his Kahanists. Just as: The children murdered in their classrooms are not Trump and the Proud Boys. Fucking hell people, get it the fuck together.
“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” #AshWednesday ⚓️
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dave ramsey when he finds out jesus took on the debts of the world: