Sober Living Monthly

Sober Living Monthly

Variety account. Posting to try and maintain my journey to sobriety.
Pants is shocked, shocked I say, that you may not have hydrated, taken any meds you need, eaten something, and taken a moment to breathe. Look how concerned she is for you. You should do those things so she can relax.
Zelda faces a tough decision at the end of Echoes of Wisdom...
Pascal’s Wager Triangle
BREAKING: Federal judge rules that Florida’s ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors and many of its restrictions on similar adult care are unconstitutional. More to come at Law Dork.
A part of me feels I deserve praise whenever I drink any amount of water. I don’t know who owes it to me, but the absence creates a second thirst. A spiritual thirst.
changing my phone number to evade my abuser (politicians begging for money)
"Attack and dethrone God" Elmo poster spotted in Sydney
"anyone can be fooled" not me. i always knew that was bugs bunny and not a sexy human lady
Heaven's door... East Sussex © Rachel S. Collins
Day four of #sobriety Feeling alright. Well, not really. All my motivation is coming from outside sources and not from within myself. I just... I don't know how to make myself want it
Sobriety day three. Been playing a lot of animal crossing, might post some of my builds here. Need to get a job but still feeling exhausted
Sobriety, day two. Already struggling to keep it up. I've got to remind myself of the reasons I'm doing this. One day at a time
Today is my first day of sober living in a long time. I haven't committed to sobriety like this since a year ago. I'm hoping this time it will stick. It has to stick because people are worried about me. Here we go, day one
students being taught how to create barricades and other ways to disrupt active shooters and then using those techniques when attacked by the cops who wouldn't protect them from shooters when they were children is so poetic and so american
The rich seem to have a fascination with the poor, but the poor have a hated or pity for the rich
Tom Tomorrow rocks
I feel like flavor blasted goldfish used to be more flavor blasted. Now they're more flavor dusted than anything
Does anyone else feel like life isn't worth living without substances?
"Jesus was not killed by atheism and anarchy. He was brought down by law and order allied with religion, which is always a deadly mix. Beware those who claim to know the mind of God and who are prepared to use force, if necessary, to make others conform..." ~Barbara Brown Taylor
“Tonight We Die as a Family” a poem by Mohammed El-Kurd.