Steph Scythes

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Steph Scythes

Aggressive 65+ y.o. MWM; AntiMAGAt AntiRacist AntiMisogynist Political Independent; 🌈ally; 😸Anime Otaku; 🎧Eclectic Music Fan; 🔴💀🔴Fascistbook banned me with 80,000+Profile+Page+Group Followers
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
#BigTruth: Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. Period. If Biden is not that person, he must go no matter your feelings for him. Period.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
While there’s a strong case to be made for billion-dollar corporations and multimillionaire media personalities having a preference for low taxes and deregulation, for example, the bias I’m referencing has to do with 🔥spectacle.🔥 And thus 🤑 through advertising and clicks.
Yellow journalism exposed: The unfair targeting of Biden's flaws vs Trump's crimes (AlterNet) Watching and reading American media, a certain bias becomes immediately evident: stories proliferate about pundits and a handful of Democrats calling for Pr...
Yes.We have two mentally impaired, old white males running for President. This says a lot about how fucked America's 🔵🔴 political duopoly (like monopoly but with 2) is. 😖😖😖😖😖 And one is a fucking NAZI! An actual motherfucking, genocidal NAZI. #TrumpNazi 'Vote 🔵 NO Matter Who Can Actually Beat Trump'
It’s Trump — who has a family history of dementia — who’s increasingly unhinged...just because Trump has shown mental instability in the past doesn’t make his mental problems any less relevant now that he is seeking reelection. They’re more relevant. He appears even more delusional than before...
Evidence of Trump's growing dementia is increasing (Raw Story) A few weeks ago, at a rally in Nevada, Trumptold his followers that boat manufacturers are now required to use electric engines. He claimed that someone at ...
"Mark my words: Joe Biden is going to be out of the 2024 presidential race," #Carville predicts. "Whether he is ready to admit it or not...Mr. Biden says he's staying in the race, but it's only a matter of time before Democratic pressure and public and private polling lead him to exit the race."
'The jig is up': Strategist lays out game plan for Democratic open convention (AlterNet) During a Monday morning, July 8 appearanceon MSNBC's "Morning Joe," President Joe Biden vowed to stay in the United States' 2024 presidential race and reite...
Given this, and that Biden has done little so far since the debate to change voters' impressions him as being frozen & vacant, who do you think these low information voters will vote for?
Below is what MILLIONS of people saw on debate night from both sorry candidates. Stimulation-seeking Americans like action, 🔥🇺🇸🔥 explosions and CONfidence apparently no matter how outrageous (and apparently even criminal).
Cries of "Ageism!!!" is the stupid #Biden defense of the month as to why we should welcome someone with clearly diminished vitality AND capacity as FUCKING POTUS! It's like crying discrimination because it is not a good idea to let seriously visually impaired people drive. #ageism
Biden is being beaten by this creature.🤔So if #Biden clings to the nomination. What, if anything, does he need to say or do differently than he is saying/doing now to win? Seriously. Or should he just "Stay The Course" like 1-term President George HW Bush used as his failed strategy in 1992?
#Bidenbots:🤔 So if #Biden clings to the nomination. What, if anything, does he need to say or do differently than he is saying/doing now to beat Trump? Seriously. Or should he just "Stay The Course" like 1-term President George HW Bush used as his failed strategy in 1992?
The #MSM does so much useless tongue-wagging over every new outrageous Trump drool/spit-up.🔥Everything that #Trump says is a lie/an exaggeration hyperbolic enough to be as good as a lie. PERIOD. 🔥If such was the directly-expressed #media standard, we would have #journalism back not #infotainment.
There is no guarantee of anything. However, it does look more and more like there will soon be a guarantee of #fascism if #Biden 1. remains the #nominee & 2. Stays The Course - the famously losing motto of 1 termer George HW Bush. Maybe Biden should throw in "1,000 Points of Light" as well. 😖
There is no guarantee of anything. However, it does look more and more like there will soon be a guarantee of fascism if Biden 1. remains the nominee and 2. Stays The Course - the famously losing motto of 1 term President George HW Bush. Maybe Biden should throw in "1,000 Points of Light" as well. 😖
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yep. Blame thousands of 3rd Party voters fir the Clinton debacle when the loss of MILLIONS of votes (was it 40% of those eligible not voting) is directly attributable to people's disgust at the choices they had to pick from. The DNC LOST by arrogantly nominating "It's My Turn Now!" HRC. Period.
1. ALL Biden/Harris campaign funds are transferable to Harris/? 2. Mega Wealthy donors can refill the coffers if Harris is not the choice. 3. Most importantly, Biden does not have the presence, ideas nor is he willing to take the #officialacts necessary to protect America from fascism. #ReplaceBiden