Steven Alleyn

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Steven Alleyn

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

I talk and decide things for a living. Self-professed crazy cat dude. Devoted husband, DIYer, political lefty, tinkerer, cook and I also think I’m pretty funny. Big sci-fi nerd, also.
I think they wanna poison the well, get everyone who hasn’t been paying attention thinking this was Biden’s fault. To muddy the waters, cuz none of the info re: the shooter so far is going their way & only way to keep it from being a net political loss is to firehose the public w/ trash accusations.
They really are trying to make any sort of criticism of Trump sound like incitement, aren't they?
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Spiers filed this essay a week before that but does not regret one word of it.
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Trump only really processes like five different insults, and they’re all super weird (small hands, not a billionaire, etc) But Vance is so obviously wounded by every negative remark and puffs up his chest a little more each time to hide it It’s hilarious
My cold take is that someone taking a shot at Trump & Biden taking the negative ads down is a net positive for the Biden campaign because they’re forced to articulate positive policy positions people may actually want to vote FOR
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
My wife & I had a discussion while I was supposed to be working about the recent shit people are saying re: Trump getting his ear spontaneously pierced & I actually thought it was worth sharing so here it is
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Fantasy: "Its a work!" Reality: The bullet is right fucking behind him.
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it's not that he's changed his mind about trump, really. it's more that he's changed his mind about hitler.
I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
TFW you’re really out of shape & dig 15 cubic foot hole & you wake up not feeling sore or exhausted & you wonder what the fuck is up
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(cat put too much effort into this HULK comic...)
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a far right conspiracy theorist broke into nancy pelosi’s house and beat her husband with a hammer and he and most of the party made jokes about it
If a Democrat had been the target of an assassination attempt, can anyone plausibly imagine a Trump statement that did not denigrate and equivocate?
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Does nobody in the world remember that a Gabby Giffords, a sitting American member of congress, was shot in the head just over a decade ago? And that Steve Scalise was shot in 2017? I get that we're all scared but calling this unprecedented is just irresponsible and wrong.
Just because my buddy is singing Musk’s praises right now for the counter factual of “imagine the censorship we’d be seeing if Musk hadn’t bought Twitter” I need to reiterate my long held belief that Elon Musk should eat a bowl of hot runny shit
Over on Twitter they’ve already decided that: 1) The shooter is a chubby guy linked to Antifa 2) The shooter is a trans woman 3) There’s no shooter is was staged 4) There was a shooter but the whole thing is a Deep State False Flag 5) It’s not a false flag but rather deliberate incompetence by SS
Biden’s gonna go on stage in ~2hrs & say “The thing that makes this country great is our tradition of peaceful democracy which is the envy of the world! Violence like this is unacceptable-let me say that again, unacceptable!-in our society! I wish Mrs. Pelosi, I mean Mr. Trump, a speedy recovery”
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(Still, of course, early information is always inherently unreliable, so I'll be looking for further detail and confirmation)
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Butler County DA Richard Goldinger tells me Trump was grazed by gunfire but is safe. An audience member was killed and the shooter is dead. Another person is in serious condition. — Meryl Kornfield, WaPo (WTAE's Mike Valente earlier reported this from same source, but I'd been waiting to confirm)
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Let’s all help by speculating wildly.
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amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
Just watched a raccoon run off with one of my empty beer cans which like… If you want a drink we can hang out bud
Not for nothing but if you’re that guy who just had a Neuralink implanted & you’re on the internet looking at the Cybertruck entering it’s like 6th recall & Starship having just straight up exploded twice how confident are you about your life choices?
Apple really needs to make the keyboard swipe feature better than it is don’t ask why or look at my posting/reply history
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I hope you’re happy, assholes
The GOP proved something w/ the overturn of Roe V Wade that frankly we still haven’t fucking learned and we *refuse* to fucking learn on the left. Mainly that the only way to make real progress towards your goal in a modern representative democracy is incrementalism.
JJ continues to be an absolute beacon of reasonableness & pragmatism on this site
Where are you discrediting it? Who is hearing about it? How will people know that takes are transphobic if they only ever see transphobia? How are people learning better information about us? Where? Is it where people are already getting their news?
A guy I know who is planning to vote Tory sent me this thinking it was something that would change my mind in favour of those heartless fucking monsters & it’s just fucking Murder-by-NIMBYism and I’m fucking disgusted