Steve Johnson

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Steve Johnson

I love: #Chicago, #Italy, #Communications, #Soccer, #Basketball, #Journalism, #History, #Music and #Democracy
I still hate both guns and Trump.
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I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
Love when the most powerful legal entity says the coup attempt was just fine. It was all the other crimes they did in the meantime that was the problem
Breaking news: Federal prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants with obstruction, the Supreme Court ruled on Friday, upending many cases against rioters who disrupted the certification of the 2020 presidential election.
Supreme Court says prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 Supreme Court’s decision on obstruction charge will impact trials of hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters and, potentially, former president Donald Trump.
Garbage run-ups in FRAPOL #Euro match penalty ... loss of momnetum... garbage
Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
Tomorrow I will add a new one to the series.
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Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
protestors have every reason not to indulge a journalist who wants a hot quote handed to her immediately. every journalist who types up that refusal in disgust just reinforces that it was good media strategy on the part of protestors
Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
2 died of Ebola: They said Obama should resign. 4 died in Benghazi: They had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a 4-year probe. 891,488 Covid deaths, an armed insurrection & theft of classified documents: They cheered, and worship Trump as God-King.
Breaking windows or attacking people? I'd take progressive protests over right wing shittery any day
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Now that snipers are trained on peaceful students and professors are being hog-tied by masked men with assault rifles, it'd be great to hear from all the people who made "free speech on US campuses" their life's mission every time they met a student with blue hair.
I'm a native. And #Illinois has dumbery abound....
the reform party provided me with an absolute gold mine of cranks and weirdos, one of my favorites is the guy who believed the end times were upon us but still really cared about eliminating the federal deficit for some reason
I don't think Oklahoma fans care. They're sitting on their hands all night... #nba
Hey, NBC, ehy say "English Premier League #Soccer lives on Peacock" if so few matches are actually on Peacock? Three big matches today...the only three league matches...and NOT ONE on Peacock.
Ugly money in sports was bad enough...relaxed vice laws ("states' rights") have made it so much worse. #sportsbiz
Hiring still up (again) Wages up (again) Inflation managed (again) Equity and inclusion (sought) Peace sought (-ish) And no... Dictatorial stances (daily) Rapeyness (kinda always) Racist stances (hourly) Crazy (secondly) MAGA (eternally) #VoteBiden
Metal singers are better than alt rock singers. Fight me.
I'm a Black man telling every Black person who thinks there is a choice this election that they are wrong. I'm a White man telling every White person who thinks there is a choice this election that they are wrong. #BidenHarris2024
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World Central Kitchen has shared the identities of the seven aid workers killed by Israeli forces.
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NEW: I reached out to all 22 Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib to see if they'd take action against GOP Rep. Tim Walberg for implying we should nuke Gaza. Only three replied. My report:
Dems who censured Rep. Tlaib over Palestine comments largely silent on GOP Rep's call for It's telling who does—and does not—get the benefit of the doubt
Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
They are continuously digging to find the sort of dirt on Biden that Trump just does out in the open.
I have been against it for ever. Too many books chronicling the disastrous nature of gambling in sports. And it is a gross look, too. America Made a Huge Bet on Sports Gambling. The Backlash Is Here.
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Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
Why does BlueSky keep showing me the same folks over and over in "discover" as if I'm following them?
Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
The states with smaller populations than New York City.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Johnson
Wow. The Tulsa District Attorney will not file any charges against the minors who assaulted Nex Benedict in a school bathroom the day before he died. They called the altercation "an instance of mutual combat."
Charges won't be filed in connection with Nex Benedict's death, Tulsa County DA The Tulsa County District Attorney's Office will not file charges in connection with the death of 16-year-old nonbinary Owasso High School student Nex Benedict.