Stuart Greer

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Stuart Greer

Husband, father, friend, and banker…mostly in that order. Living on the darkside of Halifax and sorting through this existence one day at a time. Opinions are mine…blah blah blah…not in any way associated with my employer…blah blah blah…cheeseburger.
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Reposted byAvatar Stuart Greer
Canada played for a third goal rather than parking the bus. honestly I'm not mad at it - a team that knows who they are, win or lose
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Prime day is coming up, and what better way to celebrate than by telling some billionaire to eat your nuts? Cheap tees in a bunch of colours! Stickers! Mugs! More shit!
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My sister said the cybertruck looks like a Dustbuster and I’m gunna have to give her that one
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This led to a discussion of singing. “In Finnish,” our guide says, “it does not matter if you sing badly so long as you sing loud.” I may have been separated from this country at birth.
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Reposted byAvatar Stuart Greer
Let's have an honest conversation about the election result: No party should secure 63.2% of MPs on 33.7% of the popular vote. And that's as true for Labour as it was for the Tories.
Election 2024: This could be the birth of a powerful new electoral reform The election result might be wonderful, but it is not strictly tolerable.
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Watching Can vs Ven…looks like it might get chippy!
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Watching the Can v Chile in Copa America…chippy game!
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It’s the long weekend wooo 🍁🍁🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
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Even for those who currently have no medical vulnerabilities, or who don’t mask regularly, wearing a mask should be as simple as using an umbrella when it rains or a bandage when you’re bleeding. You can protect yourself from flu season or smoke, or others from your cold. Easy, practical, courteous.
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Fuckity fuck this is feeling inevitable for Florida
Reposted byAvatar Stuart Greer
this guy seems to know math symbols and stuff so i think its right (i am very high, like, enjoying the flaming lips for … wow, 18 minutes now, level of high)
only ~50% of GenX is in that group. 57y+ are still boomers.
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The Ford government allows the Science Centre to fall apart, underfunds education, underfunds health care, and wastes money on boondoggles that, oddly, seem to often benefit their lobbyists or friends. And it's not CLOSE to the worst provincial government in the country right now. (I'd say third.)
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As I explain here, climate change is not only loading the weather dice against us, it's also replacing some of the numbers with extra 6's and even some 7s and an 8 -- making heatwaves more dangerous, heavy downpours more frequent, droughts longer and stronger, hurricanes intensify faster, and more.
Climate Change Is ‘Loading the Weather Dice Against Us’ Rising temperatures are causing “knock-on effects that we’re only just beginning to understand,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says on this week’s Zero.
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Someone I’ve known since Jr high passed away yesterday. Same age as me. A terrible loss for their child & their family. It’s a strange thing. To know that chronically one is aging. 50 is right around the corner - but still feeling like I’m in my 20s. Friends, just do the things that make you happy
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Just a reminder that while some cities are still debating whether to transform a few blocks of 1 or 2 streets into places for people, this year Montreal is transforming 11 such streets across 7 neighbourhoods, equalling 9+kms, from car spaces to people places.
Walk Montréal's car-free streets all summer long! Get to stepping in Montréal this summer, enjoying the sights and sounds along the pedestrian-only streets.
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Happy father's day to all the great fathers, and also to those single moms pulling double duty. We see you! Not forgetting anyone else who's stepping in to help where needed. I lost my Dad in 1998, still miss him greatly.
Going to Work with From the time I was born till he retired, Dad worked at the department of highways as a clerk.  Now a clerk for the department of highways may be an office job, but the offices them selves were usu…
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This account is just kitten pictures right now.
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Reposted byAvatar Stuart Greer
If you have strategies for extreme heat, you may want to get them mobilized for this week. I just saw a thing suggesting Wed-Thurs of this week could be extremely hot on PEI, NS, and NB.
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Yeah, agreed. British chocolate is just better, even the crummiest stuff from the impulse-buy rack at the cash register. Blackcurrant pastilles are awesome. Chicken tikka masala, fish 'n' chips, shepherd's pie, scotch eggs. British food being crap is a meme, not the truth. is over in England for the first time right now and reporting back that American stereotypes about bad British food have been vastly exaggerated
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Sooooo what are we having for dinner?
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Them: the capital gains tax increase doesn’t just affect rich people, but also people who own a cabin or cottage! Me: sweetums, if you own more than one house (even if it’s a rustic cottage), you’ve got more money than the rest of us and can pay some extra taxes.
Reposted byAvatar Stuart Greer
Sam Alito’s “one side or the other is going to win” comments have people asking a lot of questions already answered by the flag, stock trades, and other flag that they insisted told us nothing.
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Spot on. With a staggering set of pills, powders, and protocols, I can pass for "better" for up to 90min, so long as I don't need to think for 3hrs afterward. When a friend asks what she can do to support me when I visit, I say, "Make sure I leave when I said I would." I hate this.