Mistrum Emma

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Mistrum Emma


Coffee, coal, dust, ink, blood | Contemporary Curator | Autistic | Bi | Genderfluid (They/Them)
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If you add this labeller: @pronouns.adorable.mom You will see little pronoun tags above people's posts if they are also subscribed. No more accidental slip ups! You can then set your pronouns, or set it to "check profile" (I don't see the value in that personally but to each xir own)
Reposted byAvatar Mistrum Emma
if she could experience joy and grief and horniness and be a hot mess during an apocalypse all while mostly keeping it together, so can u
Reposted byAvatar Mistrum Emma
Hochul just said, with an apparently straight face "I am one of the greatest champions of the MTA" in response to a question about congestion pricing, and all I want to know is... who does she thing she's fooling?
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We need to get back on raising funds for the van so we can get these trans kids out of NC! We've been receiving just enough money to hover in place covering my day-to-day medical needs for weeks, but not making much progress! 💕💸💞💜⚒️💜🏳‍⚧♿🏳‍⚧💕💸💞
is the "good night" in the room with us white house?
mr president can you draw a clock real quick
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Listen, I had to quit doing a job I loved when I got Long Covid because it was too hard on my body, and the brain fog made it impossible to communicate like I needed to. That wasn’t ableism, that was me respecting my own limitations so as not to cause harm to myself or anyone else. Fuck this guy.
Reposted byAvatar Mistrum Emma
It's a little ableist to be poking so many holes in the words of a man brave enough to hold a press conference while having 38 consecutive strokes
"I'm not in this for my legacy, I'm in this to finish what I started" bro this is not wrestling you aren't about to fight Roman Reigns
man how long did he prep that speech bc these answers are a ROUGH detour from the cognition of 3 minutes ago
Reposted byAvatar Mistrum Emma
I Wouldn't Have Picked Vice President Trump Either
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my favorite part is she keeps claiming she was the first Black curator at the Guggenheim in 2019 but really that was Okwui Enwezor in like 1996
Reposted byAvatar Mistrum Emma
AOC just took Biden off her top 8 on myspace, something big is about to go down
next person that touches me on the train is getting their fucking hand cut off
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I am somber and undesirous of begging today, But the children suffer the longer we linger here. Help us escape not only the state at large, but the specific yard we are camped in; presided over by abusive bigoted boomers. Links in bio. 💕💸💞💜⚒️💜🏳‍⚧♿🏳‍⚧
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for how long i've been following @tkingfisher.com on here and the other site, i only just picked up one of her books and good god, paladin's grace is amazing. just literally a perfect book. i'm so excited to read the rest of the series
could your coffee habit be causing you the shits? more at 11
happy caturday he is getting into places he's not supposed to
if i had a nickel for every friend I know who works for the govt and has deep knowledge of art history and is a dungeon master, i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
no i did not watch the debate i already have covid and i don't need further damage to my cardiovascular system
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TODAY: join us in defending the Internet Archive and protecting libraries!! An important appellate hearing is happening this morning, which you can read all about at the link below. And if you’re in New York and you spot our wheatpaste, please snap a photo and share. www.battleforlibraries.com
my date is ignoring me at the bar to look up furry porn dni
if you stacked all the works of pablo picasso on top of each other, the pile would weigh enough to kill him all over again
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
this guy is having the best day today
every week at church they ask us to speak aloud the names of those we're praying for. every week someone says julian assange. every week i have to force myself not to laugh disgustingly loud.
idk what's going on bc a while ago, someone i care about told me that kairi hurt them and that was enough to block and walk away
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Reposted byAvatar Mistrum Emma
this is the last time i try to do anything fun again i fucking quit