No one of consequence.
"With all due respect, your honor, just because you're dead doesn't mean you're not entitled to equal protection."
Also, department chair is frequently not a position anyone actually wants to have (both before the term and during), so the incentives to backseat drive after your term is over are perhaps lower.
Not only is there not anything explicitly preventing it, but there's an explicit prohibition against Congress (and *only* Congress) having other appointments, which at least makes an expresio unius est exclusio alterius argument pass the doesn't-make-you-immediately-crack-up-laughing test....
(Of course, that just means you eventually end up with a 6-3 opinion that Harris, J., isn't, notwithstanding her authoring the dissent. Though maaaaybe you could get Gorsuch to sign on to the obvious strict textualist argument and make it 5-4?)
turns out that if you outlast your worst self, it matters less over time. you just have to outlast you.
"Corporate Crypto Lords", sounds like a would-be boy band?
Conversely, if everyone on all sides tell you that you're right, it means that you're definitely wrong. Or they are.
Prod is just a social construct, man, test your change in whatever environment you want
OSHA requirements mandate that anybody working in an SRE role have a measured resistance to psychic damage no less than three standard deviations above the national average
a rollout is simply a dialectical process wherein the productiongeist advances as the internal contradictions of one build cause another build to emerge and gradually supplant it
It is time for x86 to step aside and allow a younger, more vigorous architecture to take over the campaign
My ultimate point is theory of unhappiness + proposed change is more helpful than "proposed change" alone, because the actual theory of unhappiness might be wrong but it at least shows what problem you think the change needs to be solving and that's often more indicative of the actual problem
The first step in moving the US to a parliamentary model.
This reminds me of a quote (that I annoyingly can't find at the moment) from a famous author about how, when you give someone a draft and they come back to you with notes about a problem with the story, you should ignore their proposed solution, but figure out how to fix the problem they found.
(I've found this is also often true for bug reports in software. And yet, I find myself giving proposed solutions when I file reports. Sigh.)
EA's a very specifically-aimed cognitohazard.
But have donations as a whole stopped, or only large-donor donations? (And if the latter, is there any indication that that's permanent, or is it just a reaction to the press?)
There was an attempt with Clinton in '92.
But SCOTUS said presidents have total immunity
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
The swearing-in doesn't need to be done by the Chief Justice, and there's extensive historic practice on that point, not that it really matters if SCOTUS decides it wants to play Calvinball.
Just as a special treat.
That, plus primaries for selecting candidates / no actual concept of party membership (i.e. paying some cash to get a physical card and a vote on choosing the candidate).
Party leadership being able to say "yeah, you're not going to be running for us next election unless you support us" and being able to actually enforce it by not signing your nomination papers, forcing you to run as an independent or retire, is kind of useful for party discipline.
the future is yours, friends. yours and mine. it’s what we want to make of it. there are terrible possibilities ahead of us, but they are not certainties, and you do not have to and should not comply in advance with them. it’s your future, man, fucking throw some punches for it.
If you are seeking a song you can sing with your whole fucking ALL CAPS being a la, might I suggest some Ramshackle Glory? YOUR HEART IS A MUSCLE THE SIZE OF YOUR FIST. KEEP ON LOVING, KEEP ON FIGHTING. AND HOLD ON, AND HOLD ON, HOLD ON FOR YOUR LIFE.
There's an interesting question about how the ineligibility criterion in 12th Am ("no person constitutionally ineligible to [POTUS]" can be VP) interacts with the 22nd, given the possible distinction between "be elected to" and "eligible to be".
OTOH, Biden doesn't really have a highly-personalized following that views even vaguely-critical statements about him as being anathema....