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Average artist and writer (NSFW + SFW) who may or may not be obsessed with plant people. He/him. Bi. BLM, ACAB, trans rights, and all that stuff.
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Sticker Mule is both A) A more expensive option and B) Run by a trophy-hunting, Trump-worshiping Qultist. You have other options! Check this spreadsheet! (And while we're at it: ditch U-LINE. Also unfathomably awful people.)
all I had to do was click on one sticker ad on IG and suddenly my feed was full of other sticker ads. I clicked on them all and did the math for you. The best small-run samples pricing is at SlapCo; best overall pricing is at Sticker Cyborg or Sticker OG Factory.
Sticker Sticker Pricing Sticker Size/Type,Qty, Price , Price Ea. StickerMule,3 x 3 (Samples),10, $ 9.00 , $ 0.90 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),100, $ 94.00 , $ 0.94 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),2...
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*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
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Exactly. Literally just be kind and supportive of the people/creatives you like, share their stuff, comment nice things when you can. TL;DR: engage with the community.
"I don't get traction on bluesky it's not worth posting on!" you're not getting traction because you're treating it like another post-and-go void sort of site. this is an ACTUAL social site, you have to INTERACT with people to get seen.
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Remember, you don’t HAVE to be a witness to people being horrible on social media. You can take a break on days like this one. That’s what I’m going to do.
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I've seen many artists being cruel abt other's prices lately. It's fine to think something is overpriced or out of your budget, but so rude to say that on their posts. If ppl are willing to spend that for the art then well done to that artist 🎨🐻 #OldBearComics #TheBearMinimum
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Im not telling you to LEAVE twitter, but I am telling you that you really need to start building up platforms elsewhere IF you havent done so. Because if you havent and this happens, you're kinda fucked
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Fascists vs. Gay Furries is a war older than you'd expect and just as one-sided as you can imagine. Thank you for your service gay furries, thank you. 🫡
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So there's AI in portfolio day posts... just wow. If any of y'all ACTUAL artists (or anyone else for that matter) want to get rid of it quickly, I made a little list that already has a bunch of these very high IQ individuals on it. I'll be adding most that dare post in portfolio day. Fuck AI ✌️
Anti AI "art" List
- People posting AI-generated images as art - People defending AI "artists" - People posting AI-generated images without disclosing it Any similar bullshittery might be added to the list as well. Feel free to @ me to add someone to the list!
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Bluesky open talk, art gang chime in! For me, even 'silly' comments are very welcome! I might not reply every time, because what do I say to '💗' (and even then I will often leave an emoji in return, still). But I TREASURE them. It lets me know actual people perceived me, and they liked what I did.
Back in the Twitter days, I know some artists were like "Replies help engagement!" So I tried to leave a silly little comment but sometimes I felt like a goofball for doing it so I always ask artists: Benign or silly comments to art: yes or no?
People railing against pause buttons in games have clearly never had a cat lay down on their keyboard while in the middle of a game, and it shows. Makes me wonder if they've ever had pets, let alone children.
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If you see these accounts, please report to — we can reduce the workload of thousands of people blocking by adding a label just once 🙂
I’ve seen and blocked five generative ai image accounts today that are posing as actual digital artists- please keep an eye out for these and avoid interacting with their posts don’t reply to them or quote their posts: just block them
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I'm in a difficult economic situation right now, if you can spread my commissions and kofi and if you are interested in something you would help me a lot 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Kofi: To contact me: [email protected]
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Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
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the sky crashed at Planet Hollywood
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Gonna keep saying this & will die on this hill: Bad news without any guidance on what to do about it [at least some ideas] demobilizes and often encourages inaction. We on the Left(s) have to avoid cynicism which is deeply corrosive and also counterrevolutionary.
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I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
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A phenomenon that galls me: *continues to spend time on a toxic, miserable social platform* *constantly screenshots example of the toxicity and misery* *brings screenshots over here because we were just dying to know how it was going*
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If i need an AI to send a friend a happy birthday message, then they weren't a someone i cared for. Fuck this shit!
Apple, Microsoft and Google say AI smartphones and computers will automate tasks like editing photos and wishing a friend a happy birthday. These companies need something from you to make that work: more data. Our tech columnist breaks down what to know.
What the Arrival of A.I. Phones and Computers Means for Our Apple, Microsoft and Google need more access to our data as they promote new phones and personal computers that are powered by artificial intelligence. Should we trust them?
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yeah, the criticism of pinkwashing is that what these corporations do is insufficient to our material needs (or sometimes even covering up their poor treatment of us), but we should absolutely be concerned when they are too timid to even perform these empty gestures. this is not a positive step.
It can be simultaneously true that rainbow capitalism is hollow and dumb AND it's kinda chilling as a queer person to hear that a bunch of big box stores pulled their pride merch because they were afraid rainbow flags would get their stores shot up by Christofascist terrorists
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