
This for me is just Emails 2.0, which is why I am glad this happened now instead of October.
Assuming the biden cold is true, he'll do a media event in the coming days where he's clear and he sounds normal and the race will continue
honestly i'll put down a marker: the conventional wisdom will emerge amongst the commentariat that it was a total and unmitigated disaster for joe biden, and in response joe biden will gain at least a point in the polls over the next month
once again its very cute that everyone who has poisoned their brains thinks that this election is going to be about anything other than abortion, the thing donald trump looked down the barrel of a camera and said it was good to ban
Pouring one out for the "Trump is a moderate on Abortion" takes
pouring one out for AG Sulzberger, who is continuing to put his face to the belt sander to learn that his newspaper does not actually dictate terms to the united states electorate
I really don’t think folks understand how badly these legacy media owners want to be the Murdoch of the left and play political kingmaker alongside the other billionaires. They have zero concept of being an integral part of a representative democracy. It’s power, money, influence - period.
“of the left” is doing an absolutely biblical amount of lifting here
Well, there are only so many characters here and I didn’t want to write a dissertation about how the democrats are actually more like right wing parties overseas, and we don’t have a true left movement, but in America “Left” = “Democrats” for most folks.
My point is that Murdoch’s goal is to galvanize and guide the conservative movement, to the Republican Party’s benefit. The NYT, at least, appears focused on the doing that for the center/swing demographic, to the detriment of the left/Democratic Party.
That "no one liked roe" comment is gonna basically blanket the air waves for the next 4 months, and the comenrariat is just like "so what?"
"Everyone hated Roe, everyone loved it when I banned it" is going to be in attack ads from now until November.
*Deep political-ad voice* "Really? *Everyone?*" *Rapid-cuts between high-profile cases involving forced birth, with local incidents mixed into relevant states.*
Abortion is the biggest weakness of the Rs bar none and Trump just willingly shivved himself in the ribs over it. I refuse to believe, especially after 2022, that isn't going to matter one jot because the public magically stopped noticing how much forced birth sucks.
It's not like we haven't seen how forced birth has gone every time it's come up for a vote since Dobbs
Oh, but don't you see, the American Voting Public are all brain-damaged and can't connect forced birth with the parties responsible, so they'll just remember Biden was president at the time and vote against him en masse!
That's the one silver lining for me, the biggest gaff didn't come from Biden.
This is literally the only part of the debate I heard (because I was getting dinner in the kitchen) and "I'm chill. Leave it up to the states Texas is doing it's thing. Florida is doing it's thing. It's no big deal" did not sound like a winner to me
i hope everyone in swing states enjoys that quote because it's gonna be on their tvs and youtube ads 9,000 times per day for the next five months
Also, the "everyone was happy I overturned Roe" one. Where they have someone tell their tragic, emotional, and relatable story with abortion care and cut that line in every 10 seconds
and instagram ads too! been seeing tons of those.
Thank you for providing a sanity check.