Take Back the Court

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Take Back the Court


If you want to build a democracy that works for everyone, you must have an honest judiciary. If you want an honest judiciary, you #TakeBacktheCourt.
Reforming this court is imperative. Ethics rules and term limits alone cannot fully restore balance and independence to #SCOTUS. But today’s announcement is a watershed moment in the fight to take back the court. Our stmt from @liptonlubet.bsky.social:
For more on how court-whisperers and judicial gift givers like Leo, Koch, Singer, and Crow are influencing the Court through amicus briefs, check out supremetransparency.org, a project of Revolving Door Project, True North Research, and @takebackthect.bsky.social.
Supreme Transparencysupremetransparency.org Supreme corruption demands supreme transparency
When Trump and McConnell packed the Supreme Court, this was the moment they anticipated. Now, their hand-picked supermajority has returned the ultimate favor. The Roberts Court just declared an end to American democracy as we know it.
Republicans learned the hard way in 2022 that their radical plan to restrict abortion access costs them at the ballot box. So rather than deciding anything now, the MAGA justices punted the question past the 2024 election.
Abortion rights have won in every election since Roe v. Wade was overturnedwww.nbcnews.com Abortion has been on the ballot in seven states since June 2022. In each instance, anti-abortion groups have lost.
In her Moyle dissent, Justice Jackson explains exactly what the MAGA majority is doing: punting the question of whether pregnant women should be left to die in hospital waiting rooms so #SCOTUS can have a "do-over" at a "more convenient point in time."
“[P]retty much everything you need to know about the Republican Supreme Court majority — appointed by a convicted fraudster — that on back to back days, they made it easier to bribe government officials and to commit fraud.” - 🔥 @liptonlubet.bsky.social @takebackthect.bsky.social
“Death grip”- on point re how the far-right majority of Roberts #SCOTUS is controlling American policy. @takebackthect.bsky.social’s @liptonlubet.bsky.social ↘️
“It really paints a picture of exactly how these MAGA justices want our country to look: less safe, more white, and governed not by laws or rules but by their own radical idealogy.”
Even the Trump administration's bare minimum gun regulations are apparently too much for all six right-wing extremists on his Supreme Court.
Anyone know how the Alito family is decorating for Flag Day today? 🤔
Even the Trump administration's bare minimum gun regulations are apparently too much for all six right-wing extremists on his Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Roberts says he won’t meet with senators about obvious ethics violations because of ‘separation of powers,’ but his justices are talking politics in the House Speaker’s DMs.
"Professors at the law schools Leo targeted for shadow philanthropy...are worried Leo is trying to incubate fringe conservative scholarship at top programs. And many think he’s just getting started." MUST-READ from @shawnmusgrave.bsky.social in The Intercept: theintercept.com/2024/05/29/l...
Leonard Leo Built the Conservative Court. Now He’s Funneling Dark Money Into Law Schools.theintercept.com Right-wing megadonor Leonardo Leo’s plan for a $25 million research center at Cornell fell apart. So he took his money to Texas A&M.
Alito's letter to Sens. Durbin and Whitehouse is a joke. But the joke will be on us if Congress lets him have the last word on recusing from cases where he has clear conflicts of interest. Our stmt from @liptonlubet.bsky.social: www.takebackthecourt.today/press-releas...
court reform is not some niche issue for activists, it’s the policy precondition that unlocks every other policy goal the Democratic Party has. it’s that or decades of right wing theocracy; no in-betweens
Leonard Leo flies the "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside his home in Maine—from a neighbor who sent the photo to ProPublica (via reporter Andy Kroll)
Kagan's dissent in the South Carolina voting case is a tour de force of righteous trolling. Line after line calls out Alito's perfidy, pettiness, and malevolence. It's hard to pick which is best, but I've gotta go with these:
The MAGA Supreme Court's right-wing supermajority just told us exactly when they thought America was greatest: before the Constitution was amended to prevent voter discrimination based on race.
Breaking: The Supreme Court reverses a district court's ruling that South Carolina's congressional map contained a racial gerrymander. The 6-3 decision is by Alito, along ideological grounds. Thomas concurred in part. Kagan writes the dissent. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
The call for insurrection is coming from inside the (beach) house. Now is the time for Congress to subpoena Alito, Thomas, and Roberts. How many more anti-American flags does Alito have to fly at his home and vacation house before Congress draws a line in the sand?
Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Homewww.nytimes.com The justice’s beach house displayed an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a symbol carried on Jan. 6 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government.
Sarah @liptonlubet.bsky.social: "Samuel Alito is giving Democratic leaders a rare second chance to prove that their concern for our democracy is sincere and that they are going to fight for Americans who have understandably lost faith in this court." www.takebackthecourt.today/press-releas...
In between decisions erasing our most fundamental rights and freedoms, Thomas and Alito spend their time defending election deniers and flying their flag — all while the court rigs the system for Trump. The result: Americans don't trust this rogue court. Who could blame them?
Sarah @liptonlubet.bsky.social: "If John Roberts cares about the court’s legitimacy even a fraction of the amount he claims to, he should support lawmakers’ efforts to hold Thomas and Alito accountable. Anything less is just bold-faced complicity in their corruption."
Becoming clear by the day we don't have a legitimate #SCOTUS as long as at least Thomas and Alito remain on it. Not to mention McConnell/Trump also rammed through the nominations of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett w/o any regard for precedent. Do Biden & Sen. Democrats realize how dire this is?
👀#SnowflakeSam - good grief - thin skinned Sam Alito is now triggered for being connected to insurrectionists. Scorcher of statement from @takebackthect.bsky.social's @liptonlubet.bsky.social making it clear Alito "has no business" sitting on #SCOTUS. PS: #ImpeachClarenceThomas too
TBTC Pres. Sarah @liptonlubet.bsky.social on #SnowflakeSam Alito's new ethics scandal: "If Alito is so triggered by a yard sign that he can’t exercise basic judgment, he has no business sitting on the nation’s highest court."
@liptonlubet.bsky.social: "Sam Alito has disqualified himself from legitimate service on the Supreme Court. It’s hard to imagine a more blatant f-you to the American public than proudly displaying a vestige of a failed coup attempt on the country you’re supposed to serve right on your front lawn."
At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Displaywww.nytimes.com An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case.
"It’s hard to imagine a more blatant f-you to the American public than proudly displaying a vestige of a failed coup attempt on the country you’re supposed to serve right on your front lawn." - @takebackthect.bsky.social ▶️ "Alito has disqualified himself from legitimate service" on #SCOTUS
How in the world President Biden, Sens. Schumer, Durbin, Leader Jeffries or any other national Democrat can be okay with insurrectionist sympathizers like Alito and Thomas still serving on #SCOTUS? In what world this is okay? How can Biden/Dems look just the other way?