Jessica Pieklo

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Jessica Pieklo

SVP and Executive Editor at Rewire News Group. Co-host of the Boom! Lawyered podcast. SCOTUS whisperer. Dog lady. Soccer fan. Loud talker.
Ummm hi I actually forgot to open Bluesky for.... a while now
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I really want to like and use this app more but I really need it to work better than Twitter in 2009 pls its barely better than Twitter now
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"There are known knowns and known unknowns"
What’s your favorite War on Terror era vocabulary.
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If opening statements are any indication, it's going to be a hell of an impeachment trial for Ken Paxton, whose entire counsel team appear to be either drunk or winging it, or possibly both
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Then NPR host asks, “do you get the feeling some of these Proud Boys feel real repentance?” Give me a break. This is the saccharine sentimentality of centrist journalism—“centrist” in the sense that it cannot even imagine the center won’t hold.
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Listening to an NPR correspondent say that Proud Boy judge Tim Kelly (Trump appointee, Grassley alum) has been giving “relatively high sentences”—um, no. He has time and again plunged beneath even basic sentencing guidelines.
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BIG NEWS: A federal court in the Milligan case is tired of the Alabama leg's refusal to draw a map that contains a 2nd majority Black district—even though the Alabama leg has been told time and again—so the map is out of the leg's hands and a special master and cartographer will draw it.
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ATTN: Texas politics skeeter, I'm hosting a live chat all day while we watch the Ken Paxton trial over at my newsletter thingie:
Oh you know doing the very regular thing I do, talking about pronatalism and fascism in this country what about you
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Republicans' top plan to mitigate the devastating harm of abortion bans is to ... funnel taxpayer dollars back into their own pockets (and church groups) by increasing gov't funding for anti-abortion CPCs. Thrilled to see dig into the numbers:
Anti-Abortion Centers Spent Over $600M in One Year. That's the Tip of the Documents reviewed by Rewire News Group suggest the total may have been closer $1 billion. Where is all that "crisis pregnancy center" money going?
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Wow: SELF magazine has published a series called “Let Them Play,” featuring stories about trans youth and sports, written and edited entirely by queer and trans people. This is how you change media.
Seems like it!
So the paper of record is publishing Ann Coulter and the Secret Service is tight with the Oath Keepers do I have today’s top headlines right?
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There's an elephant in the room at tonight's GOP debate, and all of the hot takes and round-ups and talking head reaction spots need to be read with that elephant in mind: What stops Trump from Big Lying the RNC? with the hard truths here:
The biggest 2024 Republican presidential primary story that no one is talking Even if he legitimately loses, Trump is never going to concede defeat in the GOP primary. The national political media hasn’t adjusted to a post-Jan. 6 paradigm.
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Extremely bad news for the South and Midwest this week. A total abortion ban went into effect in Indiana, and now a six-week ban will go into effect in South Carolina. These were two of the last states in their respective regions where abortion was more accessible.
It's me, remembering to come over here and check things out again lord have mercy
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I don’t know who needs to hear this (besides Matt Yglesias), but if your response to a news cycle that includes a woman getting murdered for flying a Pride flag is to say maybe we need to not defend trans people so much, I hope you trip and fall on a thumbtack spill
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Assigned Media is building a Trans Data Library to provide accurate, updating info about the organizations and individuals pushing an extreme anti-trans agenda on the American public. Read more and find out how you can help defeat misinformation here:
We're Building a Trans Data We're building a Trans Data Library to shine a spotlight on the bad faith actors in the right-wing campaign to tear the trans community down!
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“Even cis kids have to follow this rule” is the new “no really, this law’s language is totally race neutral, it’s just weird that it mostly affects Black people”
Florida's Orange County Public School system also sent out a form that parents must fill out to let a teacher use ANY deviation from their child's legal name. That goes beyond trans students; if a child named Robert wants to go by Rob, that'll require a permission slip now.
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They’ve never really hidden their intent to obliterate trans people
NEW: Florida's Orange County Public School system announces that, because of new Florida laws, trans teachers can't use their preferred pronouns or honorifics (Mr./Ms.) at school. Trans teachers and students can't use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity, either.
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A fascinating and timely look at how Missouri has become a sort of proving ground for transphobic legislation (and more) so Republicans can see what works, what doesn't, and what gets struck down, but in the process, they're inadvertently cultivating a robust resistance to same.
Testing Ground | Scott Missouri has become a testing ground of anti-trans legislation—and resistance.
I have neuritis on (of??!) my right foot which means I'm in a boot and not able to do much of anything for.... a while. Also holy cripes nerve pain is no joke
I have neglected this platform mostly because this bitch just can't keep up with all of them
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1. TAMU professor gives "routine lecture" on opioid crisis. 2. Student who is daughter of TX politician accuses professor of "disparaging Lt Gov Dan Patrick during the talk" 3. Within hours, Patrick’s staff contacts TAMU administrators, who suspend professor "pending investigation re firing her"
Texas A&M suspended professor accused of criticizing Lt. Gov. Dan Pat… The professor, an expert on the opioids crisis, was placed on paid administrative leave and investigated, raising questions about the extent of political interference in higher education, particularl�...
Finally some discourse I can get behind. American cheese is delicious and a classic
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Have you ever heard that the New York Times is real shitty to trans people but had trouble finding a detailed breakdown as to why? I have a story for you!
The Anti-Trans Hate Machine: A Plot Against Learn more about TransLash Media's limited series podcast, The Anti-Trans Hate Machine.
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Donald Trump: I am going to become a dictator NY Times Headline Writer: In Trump's Second Term, a Unique View of Executive Power Emerges