
JUST IN: Polls closed in first round of France elections. Two main French TV estimates (combines early results & exit poll) show strong far-right. Far-right bloc: ≈34% Left bloc: ≈28-29% Macron bloc: ≈20-22% What does this mean? What'll happen? Follow this thread ⬇️
Both estimates project that far-right will dominate the upcoming National Assembly — falling short so far of absolute majority, but not unattainable next week. Left bloc projected 2nd. Macron's bloc, to collapse < 100 seats. NOTE: This is projections of what'd happen NEXT WEEK.
BIG TAKEAWAY: Far-right (RN) ahead, but can it win enough runoffs to win next week? In most places there'll be *3-way runoffs* instead of 2-way runoffs. If no one drops out, it'll greatly help RN. Macronists often 3rd, so all eyes on them right now. Will they drop out when so?
Leader of the PS (left bloc member) just spoke. He said: Whenever PS candidate is in runoff & in 3rd place, & far-right can win, their candidate will drop out to block far-right. Will Macronists? Bayrou, a Macronist leader, just tied himself in knots to say nothing precise.
NEWS: Melenchon, left leader of LFI, just said his priority will be to block far-right in runoff. He says his party will drop out from runoff if RN is 1st & LFI is 3rd. So: all left parties will have this approach—drop out to block far-right. Macronists haven't followed this.
NEWS: Les Républicains, the conservative party that's now a distant 4th & are eliminated most places, just said they WON'T give any recommendation for runoffs. (When Sarkozy switched them to this position in 2015, it was hugely controversial. Now, very expected.)
DISTRICT RESULTS: —Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right, WINS reelection in her northern district in the first round. She topped 50% & won't need a runoff. —Francois Hollande, former center-left president, is first in 1st round. Likely goes to 3-way runoff against RN & LR.
Results are in from many districts in north of France, where the far-right (RN) is very strong. RN has already flipped one seat—without even needing a runoff. And many RN incumbents who won for 1st time in 2022, often in surprises, just topped 50% & have already won without
Results are flashing district by district on French TV. At this hour, more rural districts are the ones reporting—so that affects what we're seeing. Even with that caveat, RN numbers are so startlingly high. Places where RN was at 30-40% two years ago, now above 50% or close.
Edouard Phillippe, Macron’s 1st PM, just said: Where Macronists are not in runoff, people should vote for a candidate of Left bloc, *if* that candidate is center-left (so PS+Green, not LFI). Said his candidates shld drop out if in 3rd place, behind such center-left candidates.
Here's where we are —Far-right strong. Will they win a majority next week? Will depend in part of what rival blocs do. —Left says they'll coalesce around Macronists where they're 3rd. For Macronists, it'll depend; different ppl singing different tunes. Next 44 hours decisive as candidates file.
I presume anyone who follows me know this, but: Macron called elections 3 years early, for no clear reason. Even his cabinet didn't know until 1-2 hours before he announced it. Now far-right on brink of power, & his party is poised to lose at least half its seats.
Fascinating RESULTS in from 1st district in Correze, featuring former center-left President Francois Hollande. Currently held by the conservatives, LR. Left (Hollande) 38% Far-right: 31% LR: 29% (Other 3%.)
... i'm still so deeply in wtf about this What was he thinking?
Did his people not do any polling and realize how unpopular they were? That’s hard to believe, so why not wait and try to turn things around before facing an election? Baffling.
So literally “it would be better for a fascist to win a seat than the LFI”? Fucking centrists man.
LePen is such a fucking Nazi. Is France headed for another Vichy government? God forbid!