
JUST IN: Polls closed in first round of France elections. Two main French TV estimates (combines early results & exit poll) show strong far-right. Far-right bloc: ≈34% Left bloc: ≈28-29% Macron bloc: ≈20-22% What does this mean? What'll happen? Follow this thread ⬇️
Both estimates project that far-right will dominate the upcoming National Assembly — falling short so far of absolute majority, but not unattainable next week. Left bloc projected 2nd. Macron's bloc, to collapse < 100 seats. NOTE: This is projections of what'd happen NEXT WEEK.
BIG TAKEAWAY: Far-right (RN) ahead, but can it win enough runoffs to win next week? In most places there'll be *3-way runoffs* instead of 2-way runoffs. If no one drops out, it'll greatly help RN. Macronists often 3rd, so all eyes on them right now. Will they drop out when so?
Leader of the PS (left bloc member) just spoke. He said: Whenever PS candidate is in runoff & in 3rd place, & far-right can win, their candidate will drop out to block far-right. Will Macronists? Bayrou, a Macronist leader, just tied himself in knots to say nothing precise.
NEWS: Melenchon, left leader of LFI, just said his priority will be to block far-right in runoff. He says his party will drop out from runoff if RN is 1st & LFI is 3rd. So: all left parties will have this approach—drop out to block far-right. Macronists haven't followed this.
NEWS: Les Républicains, the conservative party that's now a distant 4th & are eliminated most places, just said they WON'T give any recommendation for runoffs. (When Sarkozy switched them to this position in 2015, it was hugely controversial. Now, very expected.)
DISTRICT RESULTS: —Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right, WINS reelection in her northern district in the first round. She topped 50% & won't need a runoff. —Francois Hollande, former center-left president, is first in 1st round. Likely goes to 3-way runoff against RN & LR.
Are they likely to caucus with Le Pen or with center/left?
So in nutshell this thing is basically at a point where the only hope of beating the far right is Macron's party gets third and decides to drop out and enough people who voted for him go to the number 2 in the run off to beat Le Pen n friends?
Not quite. Macron has called for standing with "Democratic and Républicain" candidates against RN. Translation: vote against RN and LFI candidates, ie his party or popular front if that's not an LFI candidate. That's the only coherent stance.
And of course the Macronists won't stand down to block the far right. It's like the worst of the establishment Dems here.
But of course, leftists are always blamed for refusing to compromise with centrists and for infantile purity politics that only help the right.
Sounds grimly familiar. It's conspicuous (at least to an American) that the left is not doing that now; I don't have the background to say anything at all about whether that's an accurate description of the past.
The Center hates the Left more than it fears the Right (cf Bernie, Corbyn)
You mean Melenchon? He isn't the leader of the PS but of the LFI. Still a remarkable statement.
What’s the criterion for a 3 way runoff versus a 2 way runoff?
The French left has done everything for the good of the country here and if their reward is being shut out of power it will be a significant sign
The worldwide Center is having its Which Way Western Man moment and, as expected, continues to make the wrong choice.
Big mistake for a centrist president to call elections in a country that uses the two-round system, which is notorious for the center-squeeze effect.
(To be clear this is sincere. France is in for a bad time)
"Lemme call a snap election while I'm up." I don't know why people keep giving credence to the "centrists are the grownups in the room" line. They're so bad at politics.
The plan is for a hung parliament to take the wind out of RN's sails, Macron never bet on actually winning but to bait RN into a situation where they would trip over themselves after failing to reach a majority.
The problem is, if that's the plan he should be saying "any Macronist candidate who's in 3rd should drop out and endorse the non-RN candidate." not hedging his recommendations behind "only if they're the acceptable kind of leftist."
I agree, he should be, hopefully he does.
I hope someone does a seat by seat of this in English.
So, riots in France by September when the far right does what only ever does. Massive incompetence and corruption.
And racism. Don't forget the racism.
That goes without saying. C'est la même France comme toujours.
Caveat that this is basically the percent NR has gotten in presidential runoffs before, and they may not have much of a margin above this in the runoffs
(More) War in Europe is inevitable.
We don’t need god. We need nukes.
Yeah, we’re gonna see a lot more countries getting nukes in the next few years. I can’t wait for the ROK-Polish joint test in the South Indian Ocean in a redux of the Vela Incident.
Bribing the wives of the oligarchs so they can buy handbags in those posh London stores and send their children to British public schools again maybe a better solution. We’ll see.
Ex-KGB playbook, the long game. Without the figleaf of 'socialism', what's left is a fascistic mafia state with both experience and a vested interest in destabilising liberalism, and scores to settle.
Brexit is also an example of this. But that has had catastrophic consequences for UK Conservative politicians. With Putin gone, broken up into pieces run by many different Russian war lords, each with their own nuclear arsenal. It’s going to get wild.
Hope this means a hung parliament.
I trust the French to cleanse itself as efficiently as it always does when an Alt-Right Group is involved, Wish the UK was as good.
Question for you: is le Pen the isolationist type of conservative, or one that will look to expand the African chasse gardée?
Why does he write this? Better to concentrate on patterns, rather than events.
It means the far right steamrolls while everyone left of them watches stone faced. Trump looks inevitable now too. The whole world's going far right. What's one to do? Panic?