
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
OUTGOING Assembly for context: —Macronists: 249. (New exit polls: 150-180) —Left bloc: 131. (New exit polls: 170-220) —Far-right: 89. (New exit polls: 120-155) —LR/conservatives: 64 (Exit polls: 65-80) Today will be a record high *by far* for far-right. But also a lot less than it hoped.
So, Q now is: No one is close to 289. Now what...? Olivier Faure, head of socialist party (PS, most center-left party of Left coalition), just spoke to say he'd stay faithful to the New Popular Front platform. (Context: expect Macronists to pressure PS to join & drop LFI).
RESULT: Francois Hollande, the former president from 2012 to 2017 (a center-left figure who alienated his left & named Macron to his Cabinet, but just ran with the Left coalition) has WON. This was a 3-way runoff: Hollande got 43%, with 31% for the RN & 26% for LR.
What's happening RIGHT NOW on TV: something very familiar in countries with a full parliamentary regime — fight over coalitions. Macronists + center-right arguing this isn't a Left win; suggesting a center-left to center-right unity gov. Left insisting this is a Left win. How united will it be?
OH, a big result: Marine Le Pen's *sister* has LOST her bid to join Parliament. She led 40% to 26% in Round 1. Her left opponent won by 0.5%. (Macronist, who came in 3rd, initially said she wouldn't drop out but then changed her mind. Ended up blocking Le Pen.)
Where I'm at right now on the big board: Left bloc: 75 Macron bloc: 44 RN/far-right bloc: 83 LR/right: 16 Other left: 4 Other right: 6 Others: 6 REMAIN: 343. (Long way to go!)
Gabriel Attal, sitting PM, is now speaking. He says, "this dissolution [=snap election call], I didn't choose it." Veiled criticism of Macron, given a lot of reporting on Attal not knowing about Macron's decision, & doing a lot more than Macron to block far-right this week.
Attal says he will resign as Prime Minister. This is not surprising: Macronists did a lot better than they were fearing—but they will lose a lot of seats. They're no longer in a position to govern by themselves (or nearly by themselves since 2002) like they have since 2017.
RECAP: —Exit polls 90 minutes ago showed surprise: Left first; Macronists 2nd; RN third. —Since then, results in from many districts. They're confirming that big picture. —And show why: Stronger than expected transfers from Left voters to Macronists, & vice-versa, to block RN.
Forgive my absolute ignorance here but what about Macron? Is he out?
Does this better than expected performance make him the presumptive centrist nominee for 2027?
Thank you for your great job covering the French election
Why so many RN seats so far? Are these early calls in their main areas? Do we see the urban areas come in later on?
Voting stops only in cities at 8pm, otherwise 6pm. Therefore they are earlier.
I'm not familiar with French politics, nor what "left" means in their context. But should this be interpreted that first time in the history of man kind (I'm exaggurating), centrists sided with leftists, not far right? Here in Finland the exact opposite happened, as everywhere else.
Not at all, in France in the past almost all parties always united against the front/rassembement national
Good to hear! Is that because the left in France is moderate enough to pass for the centrists, or is it despite the left not being moderate? Who is holding their nose in this alliance, or is neither?
I guess it's mainly because the RN is more than just a hard right party. Founder Jean-Marie Le Pen is an outright autocratic antisemite and many in the party are to this day. As for the left, it is very diverse. Unfortunately, the strongest left party, LFI, is not unproblematic as well.
I've seen a lot of people point back to previous situations like this but no comment yet about the actual numbers: 3 blocks with 25-30% each means a *new* coalition is needed?
Unless Ensemble peels off PS or the like, there's no room for a centrist unity government, right? Even at the most optimistic projection that's only 245 votes.
"A vote for anyone but us is a vote for pure unadulterated evil. Even Bernie is pushing it." --US Voters
Guardian headline: French election 2024 live: exit poll shows shock win for left-green alliance as far right falls to third. "Perish the thought." --US Voters
"can you imagine? _Three_ options? How would I know who to get mad at?"
It'll be interesting to see voter turnout (beyond it being higher midday)
Man, I completely forgot Macron was in Hollande's cabinet