Katie Mummah

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Katie Mummah


Nuclear engineer, PhD student UW-Madison. nuclear: energy, history, waste, nonproliferation. "Tells uranium's life story". Lives in New Mexico. Outdoors when I'm not actively working on graduating. Views are mine alone. she/her
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For the best results, follow instructions carefully when maintaining your Macintosh.
I spend a lot of time in the high altitude desert sun, so I'm religious about sunscreen. Except for a day where I'm running out the door to catch a lecture (indoors) and have no plans to be outside. Then of course I run into two friends afterwards and spend an hour chatting with them. Result: TOMATO
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Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
Someone on the bad site just found and liked this forgotten exchange I had with then-candidate J.D. Vance back in June 2022:
I'm watching the livestream of the Hardrock 100 (a 100 mile trail run in Colorado) and I just saw a side-by-side rolling past the aid station (Animas Forks, ~58 miles in) flying a large flag that just says TITTIES
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this is what physicists call the “standard model”
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Today I learned: Maurice Sendak's first paid gig as an illustrator was when his high school physics teacher hired him to illustrate "Atomics for the Millions" (1943). 🎢🧪⚛️ collectingchildrensbooks.blogspot.com/2009/03/arts...
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
sometimes i get possessed by 16-25 year old Caitlin and listen exclusively to Fall Out Boy for several days straight
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
Just wait until you see the new regulatory framework I’m sending to committee this fall: the Be Cool and Normal Act of 2024
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Every tax attorney knows that Congress writes very specific, detailed tax laws that account for every possible eventuality, and they don't ever punt to Treasury to fill in the gaps. [taps earpiece] Wait, this just in: literally everything in that first paragraph is wrong. Who would have thought?
Ok great, cool, I feel so much better about the loss of Chevron deference now. All we need is for congress to write and pass really good, watertight laws about nuclear technologies and everything else and then it will be fine :) :) :) ...WAIT A SECOND
Ok great, cool, I feel so much better about the loss of Chevron deference now. All we need is for congress to write and pass really good, watertight laws about nuclear technologies and everything else and then it will be fine :) :) :) ...WAIT A SECOND
Do not embezzle money. Especially don't embezzle for a phasing scheme if you hold a security clearance. But if you do, then get in a physical fight about it which results in your arrest, you must report it to the agency that gave you a clearance. If you don't, well,,, gizmodo.com/man-loses-nu...
Man Loses Nuclear Security Clearance After Getting Catfished by a Celebrity Memegizmodo.com The man was arrested after embezzling more than $3,000 from a non-profit and getting into a physical fight with this sons.
I ran up and then down a mountain yesterday
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Here's some new ones too: "Cannot use fireworks on or near state forest land, wildlands. Cannot shoot fireworks from a motor vehicle or throw into a vehicle. Cannot be discharged within 150 feet of a fireworks retail sales location"
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡
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The title of these comics are not usually important, but this one is called "Trinity Limit"
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this is what posting is like
chihuahuas are definitely the most cursed breed of dog. imagine being condemned to be an anxious lil guy whose panicked cries are heard only as a nuisance
I'm working on this for key outdoor gear, having 3 separate set of things for running/day pack, for search and rescue, and for camping/backpacking. It's NOT cheap but I never want to be in the woods and realize that I forgot to dig my headlamp or matches or emergency blanket out of some other pack
Adam Savage's book "Every Tool a Hammer" explicitly gives you permission to get a second x-acto knife and a second pair of pliers and leave a set at each spot you need them rather than wander around looking for where you last left The Tool and omg it is LIBERATING.
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This made me laugh (again) 🥬
I'M LOOSE! Running around like an escaped zoo animal with no idea what to do except enjoy the freedom
@funranium.bsky.social Phil, the Katie is free, I repeat, the Katie is free
My pilot said that he had never before been instructed by air traffic control to not attempt an approach at all. The storms in Santa Fe yesterday were intense!
New Mexico is alright except when the thunderstorms are so severe that planes can't land at either SAF or ABQ
Give me my own personal sarcophagus, just for a little while
now to ensconce myself into a large concrete casket to chill for a while
I'm officially no longer in charge of all student programs and activities for the American Nuclear Society!! I have finished my tenure and I'm free!!!!!!
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Come work with me! PNNL is looking for a human-earth systems geographer in the realms of energy/environment/health/security. Remote/virtual or in-person! careers.pnnl.gov/jobs/9360?la...
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mummah
I'd go for a swim in the spent fuel pool. Someone needs to inspect it, right?
If you just found out at your job u could break any law u wanted as long as u have the loosest possible plausible deniability that it was in the official duty of your job, what would u do?
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I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
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A post I wrote a while ago on how rulemaking used to work. The Chevron case has upended this. Now, instead of the NRC deciding how not to blow up reactors, we'll get some judge who has no idea what a fucking neutron is. Should work out great.
Rule making is a weird thing. Congress passes a law saying nuclear plants can't explode. The NRC takes that law & writes the rules to make it happen. Those rules go into the CFR. They can & do change based on politics & world events. After the Fukushima disaster, Congress didn't pass any new laws 1/