Jen Ebbeler

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Jen Ebbeler

Classics/Late Antiquity professor at UT Austin; Augustine/Cyprian/Ancient Letters/Imperial and Late Antique History. Disability advocate. Owned by cats.
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“Human bodies tend to use sleep time to lower temperatures and recover from a brutally hot day; if temperatures don’t drop enough, people sleeping without air conditioning — or, say, people in major cities that didn’t get their power back for a week after a storm — don’t get that chance”
2016: The Hillbilly Elegy 2019: Conversion to Catholic Christianity, and specifically to his take on Augustine’s Confessions and City of God. Make of this what you will. But you should definitely make something of this.
Still dealing with a horrible headache after spinal injections. I’ve hoped that the problem would resolve on its own but have finally conceded that I need a blood patch. I rarely get headaches and never ones that last a week. Perfect time to do the stupid work module trainings.
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A remarkably pretentious coded transmission to the evangelical Protestant base that Vance might be a Papist, but don't worry - he's not all weird about it like that weirdo Joe Biden with all his Sunday morning devil worship. He'll stay on Theo-con script!
Me, an Augustine scholar, finding out that JD Vance attributes his Catholic conversion to Augustine teaching him an intellectual way to understand Christianity: 😣😬🙃
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JD Vance, 2016: "Trump is America's Hitler" JD Vance, 2024: "I humbly accept the nomination to be America's Himmler"
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In which the Washington Post sanitizes right-wing Court decisions paving the way to autocracy as simply “a string of wins” for Trump.
Republican education "reform" is not about education, or reform, but an avenue for corrupt grifters to enrich themselves with public money.
Me, an Augustine scholar, finding out that JD Vance attributes his Catholic conversion to Augustine teaching him an intellectual way to understand Christianity: 😣😬🙃
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“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
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My academic field, like yours, is about to be bulldozed and paved over in order to make way for a new Target.
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This was always going to happen.
Some of Elon Musk’s closest friends have helped start a new pro-Trump super PAC, which Musk is expected to donate to. Other investors include Antonio Gracias (SpaceX), Ken Howery (PayPal), Shaun Maguire (Sequoia Capital) 🎁
Elon Musk Allies Help Start Pro-Trump Super The group, America PAC, is funded by several wealthy tech entrepreneurs in Mr. Musk’s social circle and is said to be likely to draw financial support from the SpaceX and Tesla founder himself.
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
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the general vibe at the moment
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We regret to announce that the academics have fallen to interdepartmental squabbling and are Posting about it
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time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
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Forty years ago this week, Greg Abbott had his spine crushed by a falling tree while on a jog in Houston. Abbott sued the tree owner, winning millions. Decades later, as governor, Abbott made sure Texans would never be able to do the same, thanks to tort reform.
How Greg Abbott won millions and stopped Texans from doing the Forty years ago this week, a tree fell on Greg Abbott, paralyzing the future governor. He sued for damages and won—and then helped to stifle similar lawsuits.
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Vance has pledged to use state power to also go after foundations and universities he disagrees with by removing their nonprofit tax status.
J.D. Vance on Ford Foundation: "We Are Actively Subsidizing The People Who Are Destroying This Country" J.D. Vance, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate from Ohio, appeared on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on Wednesday and reacted to fracas at the "Multicultural Center" at the Arizona State University. Two students with "Police Lives Matter" stickers triggered the ire of a female student of color, a Ford Foundation fellow, that admonished them for being there. Carlson said that this student is just one of many that are scholars of Ford Foundation, a non-partisan with tax-exempt status. "Through its program of fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students," reads the description for the fellowship program. "AOC talks about taxing the wealthy, but the Harvard University endowment pays zero tax," Vance said. "The Ford Foundation that funds those radicals pays zero tax. They are not actually going to tax their wealthy friends who are funding radical left-wing ideology." "This ideology is going to destroy our country," he said. "It gets special tax privileges from the American taxpayer to do that." "We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten accumulated wealth," Vance said on FOX News. "It serves as a tax haven for left-wing billionaires and what do they do with this? They fund critical race theory, they fund ridiculous racism, they fund teaching 6-year-olds that they should, you know, cast off their gender. We are actively subsidizing the people who are destroying this country, and they call it a charity." VANCE: The basic way this works is that the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Harvard University endowment, these are fundamentally cancers on American society, but they pretend to be charities, so they benefit from preferential tax treatment. So AOC talks about taxing the wealthy, but the Harvard University endowment pays zero tax. The Ford Foundation that funds those radicals pays zero tax. They are not actually going to tax their wealthy friends who are funding radical left-wing ideology. What they're going to do is tax normal Americans and protect their friends, protect their special privileges so they have the resources to continue to fund what is ultimately the destruction of our country. This ideology is going to destroy our country. It gets special tax privileges from the American taxpayer to do that. Of course the left-wing radicals are not going to talk about it because they care more about identity politics than lifting up the American worker. And these foundations are the ultimate institutions of identity politics. When you think about it, this is crazy, Tucker. We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten accumulated wealth. It serves as a tax haven for left-wing billionaires and what do they do with this? They fund critical race theory, they fund ridiculous racism, they fund teaching 6-year-olds that they should, you know, cast off their gender. We are actively subsidizing the people who are destroying this country, and they call it a charity. It's just ridiculous.
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I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
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I also want to point out that Vance's whole "professors are the enemy" schtick came after he profited enormously from universities. Nowhere was "Hillbilly Elegy" pushed more than on college campuses. He cashed in with six figure speaking fees to talk about Appalachian poverty.
JD Vance has talked about emulating authoritarian Orban's gutting of academic freedom in Hungary
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“We find that Trump’s use of violent vocabulary has increased over time…He increasingly exemplifies a negative populism, concentrated on denigrating out-groups.” Cc: all the journalists credulously agreeing with Rs that the “temperature” is too hot. Call is coming from inside the house, ya rubes!
Donald Trump's words "Trump’s use of violent vocabulary has increased over time and now surpasses that of all other democratic politicians we studied....He increasingly exemplifies a negative populism, concentrated on denigrating out-groups."
Donald Trump's Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, an...
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District Courts and Circuit Courts repeatedly upheld the constitutionality of Special Counsel Mueller’s appointment. Defendants were convicted and served time in prison based on prosecutions he brought. The Supreme Court never said a contrary word.
The latest Aileen Cannon power grab does two things that Trumpland will love: Declare that Jack Smith's appointment was unlawful while suggesting over and over again that Robert Mueller's appointment was unlawful, too. "Private citizen" Mueller, she suggests, was doing lots of unlawful things.
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The latest cover of the New Yorker:
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Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
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It's going to be hard to separate out the effects of a new funding model from the effects of all the new money that went into the model last year. Research shows that money matters more than funding models, so keep that in mind.
A Hopeful First Year for New Texas Funding Model Texas embraced a new, performance-based funding model for community colleges. A year later, campus leaders believe they are starting to see the rewards. #HigherEd #EDUSky #AcademicSky
A hopeful first year for new Texas funding Texas embraced a new, performance-based funding model for community colleges. A year later, campus leaders believe they are starting to see the rewards.
Says it all. Gotta love the NYTimes headline writers.