Halldór AS

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Halldór AS


Zen Pirate. Icelandic programmer and part time parliamentarian.
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Most of the Project 2025 agenda can be split into two categories: 1: Stuff like the anti-immigrant and anti-LGBTQ+ proposals that will intentionally get people killed. 2: Stuff like the "defund NOAA and privatize weather services" proposals that will unintentionally get people killed.
They have such winning ideas like “why don’t we charge people who want to know if that tornado is gonna hit their house.”
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Reportswww.theatlantic.com Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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let’s all turn down the rhetoric and try to remain cool and clearheaded as we discuss the best way to build concentration camps for the 20 million people we have sworn to deport because they’re poisoning our national bloodstream.
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Arendt: "The practice of violence, like all action, changes the world--but the most probable change is to a more violent world."
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Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films. My picks - M - Moonlight O - Once Upon a Time in the West V - Videodrome I - Isle of Dogs E - Ed Wood
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films. My picks - M- Malignant O- Oldboy V- Vertigo I- In Bruges E- Eight Men Out
Reposted byAvatar Halldór AS
It’s weird to see a headline about the murders of three women in their home by a man who seems to have been known to them, and the headline is about outlawing the highly specific weapon used. I don’t think the crossbow is the problem here.
Ráðandi flokkurinn í Georgíu (stofnaður af milljarðamæringi á sínum tíma) sem stendur fyrir þessu lagafrumvarpi hefur opinberlega gefið það út að þessum lögum yrði gagngert beint gegn "LGBT áróðri" og almennt til að veitast að samtökum sem eru flokknum ekki að skapi. En nei nei, ESB vont, BNA vont.
ESB stöðvar aðildarferli Georgíu – refsiaðgerð fyrir nýleg lög um erlend félagasamtöksamstodin.is Georgía fær ekki lengur að stefna að því að ganga í Evrópusambandið, en landið fékk stöðu umsóknarríkis fyrir aðeins nokkrum …
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Reposted byAvatar Halldór AS
Sigmundur Davíð er latur á þingi og með almennt ömurlegar stjórnmálaskoðanir - en það sem hann er góður í er áróður sem höfðar til þeirra markhópa sem hann sækir fylgi til. Þessi grein hittir til dæmis beint í mark gagnvart þeim kjósendum XD sem eru líklegir til að skipta yfir í Miðflokkinn.
Heil­ræði fyrir Nýhaldið - Vísirwww.visir.is Miðflokkurinn virðist vera forsprökkum Nýja Sjálfstæðisflokksins (Nýhaldsins) mjög hugleikinn þessa dagana. Þegar þeir náðu 18,5% í nýjasta þjóðarpúlsi Gallup taldi ég að það hefði verið fagnað í Valh...
Að halda þessu fram eftir 6. janúar 2021 er nú bara vísvitandi heimska. www.dv.is/frettir/2024...
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this is the ideal telephone form factor - u may not like it but this is what peak telephony looks like
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Jæja látum reyna á mátt bluesky! Ef þið eruð með tengingar inní fyrirtæki má endilega koma þessu til skila 😊 Það má líka senda mér einkaskilaboð ❤
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Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing.www.yahoo.com Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
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ours is not a uniquely "post-truth age", but we do live in a world where even the people who insist that we do live in such an age will lie so often and so brazen;y that the lie starts to look like the truth (perhaps even to the liars). just one lesson from the "trans debate" in the UK.
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Reposted byAvatar Halldór AS
I used to have a Nazi list on Twitter to keep tabs on far right extremists but this shit is just regularly pushed into my feed now and I never feel the need to check in on the Nazi list. The whole site is just a fucking Nazi site now.
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Það er hörmung að sjá almenning girtan algjörlega frá Austurvelli á þjóðhátíðardaginn. Það er óboðlegt með öllu að stjórnvöld hafi gefið leyfi fyrir girðingum í kringum þennan helga stað.
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[living in a glass house] wow i sure could go for some stone throwing right about now
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If anyone should know that New York doesn’t have the death penalty, it’s the guy who wanted it reinstated to execute the Central Park Five kids.
The vibe I bring to your party
The vibe I bring to your party
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„Í kvöld tala ég sérstaklega til minnar kynslóðar. Við sem tökum bráðlega við keflinu í stjórnmálum. Núverandi ráðamenn hafa ákveðið að afhenda minni kynslóð laskað traust til lýðræðisins, Alþingis og vafa um tilgang stjórnmálamanna.“ #eldhúsdagur
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Reposted byAvatar Halldór AS
„Við erum stödd á 7. ári samsteypustjórnar afturhaldsafla. Nýjasta afurð glundroða-bandalags íhaldsflokkanna er að gefa út hvalveiðileyfi og Bjarna Ben að forsætisráðherra í óþökk meirihluta þjóðarinnar. Þessi ríkisstjórn sérhagsmuna er komin fram yfir síðasta söludag.“ #eldhúsdagur