Allyson Rudolph

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Allyson Rudolph

Manager of proofreading at DC Comics. All opinions my own (derogatory).
I don't get people's interest in the horse-drawn carriage that has gotta be one of the worst possible animals to be drawing a carriage like how in the heck is a half ton animal with hooves and such terrible limb dexterity going to ever finish an entire drawing of such a mechanically complex thing I-
you know what, everyone should just take a minute and go watch Casablanca. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. You'll finally get all the references.
In a nutshell, why I'm glad I left traditional publishing and wound up in comics...
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Of all cartoons, Scooby-Doo is the most true to life, since it shows us that the monsters really are always actually human.
The more I think about it, the more certain I am that "manhole" is the funniest word in the English language.
One for the syntax folk 🐦🐦
I've only blocked one but it was Joe Biden himself. So.
I have blocked six Democratic fundraising text message numbers so far this morning. Wonder if something's happening tonight
Unfortunately this describes Disneyland, which is uncool, even though walkable living is extremely cool.
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
Know the difference between mystery and confusion. If the readers know they’re not supposed to know something yet, that’s mystery, that’s good. If the readers feel like they’ve missed and feel lost, that’s confusion, that’s bad. Also: mystery and confusion aren’t ambiguity, that’s something else!
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
What if I no longer like scrolling or posting. What then.
Making a rookie mistake and having to redo hours of work on a Friday <
You can infer a lot about the 17th century from this one Merriam-Webster entry
What if I no longer like scrolling or posting. What then.
How I feel every time someone likes one of my skeets.
Fixing en dashes is peak editing for editors.
“Editors want more en dashes but readers don’t [long pause] like them.” —Russell Harper #ACES2024 #ThatWordChat
At last, CMOS conforming to DC house style. 😂
Ellipsis character is now acceptable (rather than periods with nonbreaking spaces) #ACES2024
Counterpoint: I love this.
New in CMOS: If the words following a colon form a complete sentence, capitalize the first letter. WTF, am I right, #EdiBuddies? #ACES2024.
Extremely editor behavior at #ACES2024: The response to an audience question was, essentially, "look it up."
Hope the people sitting behind me at #ACES2024 didn't just watch me struggling *mightily* to spell "simplifying" in my session notes...
When I’m feeling introverted at the conference
THE NICE HOUSE ON THE LAKE by and Álvaro Martínez Bueno
It’s funny to know for certain that the last social media post ever written will just say “what was that”
New in AP style: “Unique” can mean “one of a kind,” AND it can mean “highly unusual.” #ACES2024
Shout-out to the guy at urgent care telling the intake nurse about the surgeon down the street who’s really great at reversing vasectomies
Peter Sokolowski on "Englishing the World" at #ACES2024 is teaching us about this guy, aka the "every rapper's favorite rapper" of the Renaissance dictionary scene.
"Who's the single wringable neck" re accountability - going to remember this from the creating an in-house style guide session. #ACES2024
Some coworkers were asking what the vibe is like at #ACES2024, and—it's this!