Geoff (national champion)

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Geoff (national champion)

Serial platform refugee (AIM, TWoP, LJ, Deadspin, Twitter). Sleater-Kinney, The Mountain Goats, The Hold Steady, The Gaslight Anthem, DBTs, Jason Isbell, Detroit sports. Not a good poster, but dedicated. Go Blue.
Most domestic rabbits are significantly larger than wild cottontails.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Country Club Republicans, A Grosse Pointe Taxonomy 1/ Plutocrat: Social Darwinist who took over dad’s business. Hates the Dem agenda, hates Trump chaos, hates capital gains taxes the most. Trump 2nd Gen Immigrant: Belongs 4 country clubs because vaffanculo, that’s why. In the tank for Trump.
The type of person that the NYT thinks of as a “country club Republican” are all multi-generational wealthy NIMBY Democrats at this point
TFW you’re listening to “You Can Make Him Like You” and you’re surprised it doesn’t have the triplet drum break after “It only gets inconvenient when you want to get high alone,” then remember you’re listening to the album version. What I’m saying is Massive Nights can’t come soon enough.
ADHD symptoms were first described as a distinct condition by German and Scottish doctors in the 1700s. Ritalin was used in the ‘60s. I had a friend diagnosed in the mid ‘80s in elementary school. He was one of the “hyper” kids, and we understood it was a medical thing.
Autism didn’t exist because it had incredibly narrow diagnostic criteria and they forcibly institutionalized anyone who displayed them instead of putting them in your class, dumbass
Autism didn’t exist because it had incredibly narrow diagnostic criteria and they forcibly institutionalized anyone who displayed them instead of putting them in your class, dumbass
I was solo tonight, and our little usually ~3 team pub quiz had 10 teams. I threw down 30 correct answers in a row to close the gap and win. Feels amazing.
In this single round of trivia, they’ve asked about two movies I saw on the same flight in January 2010.
Expecting lots of content on clothing the poor and feeding the hungry! Maybe some debt jubilees!
The eternal question: did the kefir go bad or is that how it’s supposed to taste?
Is the traffic north through Chicago and Milwaukee going to be a disaster Sunday evening because of the long weekend?
The work of the President is mostly the work of their staff. The election really comes down to a bunch of valedictorians and grade-grubbers you’ve never heard of versus a thousand Stephen Miller clones who think we should burn the homeless and the undocumented just for the lulz.
love to start saturday doing remote tech support for my in-laws
Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
I realized on the drive down that being in Chicago radically increases my odds of seeing a Cybertruck so I almost turned around right then and there.
I’ve seen so many 90s kids/family sports movies. In theaters: The Sandlot,, Angels in the Outfield, Rookie of the Year, Ladybugs, Mighty Ducks, The Cutting Edge, Cool Runnings, VHS: Little Big League, The Big Green, Rudy, The Babe, Three Ninjas, The Air Up There I’m probably forgetting some.
Have you seen the other kids baseball movies of that era? Little Big Leagues, Angels in the Outfield, Rookie of the Year? Or is this a total blind spot
JOHN ROBERTS: Skip I want to ADDRESS this issue. [BAYLESS nods] I KNOW the President is not above the law BAYLESS: Absolutely JOHN ROBERTS: BUT!
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
My wife says Lenny Brisco is the most quintessential New Yorker, real or fictional. Agree, or do you have a better candidate?
Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd are having a heated discussion on ethics, which is somewhat undermined when the shaving foam on Bruce’s face changes *wildly* between cuts.
Lawn mowing thoughts: The Tragically Hip are Canada’s REM.
Speeding across Lake Michigan at 40 knots.
I have a theory that there are a few people with an awe-inspiring level of natural intelligence and awareness, but many others with more modest gifts who concentrate all of it into a tiny sliver of expertise and are unfit for the rest of adult life.
The idea of “PhD level intelligence” is very funny to me, personally, because I have worked with scientists for 20 years. I know someone who has helped find treatments for diseases we didn’t even think were possible and also struggled to understand how the hot tap of a water cooler worked.
This is also part of Eric Hovde’s messaging against Tammy Baldwin. It’s not supposed to make logical sense, IMO. “They took our jerbs AND our houses too!”
A US Senator thinks deporting (random number) of undocumented people will make housing more affordable. I mean, I guess it could, but because it would straight up nuke the US economy. So like, in a 2008 affordable housing kind of way. I can't believe people took this guy and his book seriously.
Men will literally make up a robot buddies factory rather than go to therapy. The entire global auto industry did about $3 trillion in business in 2022.
Musk apparently said Tesla will make robots for $10k, sell them for $20k, and capture 10% of a 1 billion unit/year market, making $1 trillion in annual profits. Bro can't even be bothered to make these numbers sound not pulled directly from his ass, this is like 11 year old level bullshitting.