
A US Senator thinks deporting (random number) of undocumented people will make housing more affordable. I mean, I guess it could, but because it would straight up nuke the US economy. So like, in a 2008 affordable housing kind of way. I can't believe people took this guy and his book seriously.
The Black Death also increased wages but like, I don't think that is really a plan to run on but than I remember their COVID response
I wasn't killing their voters at first. It hasn't been long enough for us to have forgotten that.
Don't give them ideas. (They were on that path 4 years ago)
His book was pathetic. Here is my layperson’s analysis. That kind of deportation will hurt enormous numbers of people, with many killed. The food industry will be decimated as well, from crops picked, shipped and packed, to restaurants closed down. Nursing homes will be without workers too.
As a Youngstown native, I can attest to the fact that the area has a wonderfully low cost of living overall...because there are few economic opportunities overall.
Sounds like the kind of place that could desperately use some immigrants willing to set down roots and build businesses…
Honestly, Hispanic immigrants are creating many thriving businesses in the area.
Good to hear, a lot of upstate NY has benefited from new immigrants reviving depressed areas, like south Asians in Buffalo and Caribbeans in Rochester.
Perhaps that's because they lack nostalgic memories of bygone industries in the Rust Belt? For example, the "Old Guard" in Youngstown still pines for the days of steel. So much so that Trump promised them he'd "bring the steel industry back" in 2016. A pipe dream that takes the focus off the future.
I'm still waiting on the taco truck I was promised.
Ha, I work in lower Manhattan 2 days a week, there’s literally one on every corner.
I'm sure there are tons of landlords who can't wait to have their tenants deported. And if immigrants own their homes are they what, stripping them of their property?
Leftists often have bad opinions about housing markets, but not "let's kick millions of people out of the country to free up living space" bad.
Tanking the economy in 2008 made housing more affordable. It also led to suicides, mass unemployment....why go on, he knows this. Fucking asshole.
Can only assume it's stupidity why Georgians are committing same mistake they did 12 years ago is social media only remaining institutional memory? Cuz it sure ain't journalism anymore. Remember when journalists were expected to remember *and report on) what had happened b4? Good times.
Crackdown on illegal immigrants left crops rotting in Georgia fields, ag chief tells US The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association's leader released figures from an upcoming industry-funded study that says farmers lost at least $74.9 million in unpicked crops harvested by hand l...
Self-aggrandizing book, horrible movie, and a self-serving, xenophobic ex-hillbilly (if he ever was one). The stink of ambition emanating from a vapid obsession with celebrity.
And the Republican precinct committeeman can award the housing to new party members. It worked in the 1930s to fill the empty houses of Jews in Germany.
What obtuse millionaires like Vance never think about in their quest to become the autocrat's vice president: who exactly will be working in the fields under the hot hot sun to pick their lettuce, grapes, raspberries and all the other stuff they eat? Who will mow their lawns? AI sure can't do it.
love all this public housing that exists too
Taking a single thing JD Vance says at face value is a mistake
Does he think they're turning every dead shopping mall into luxury condos then giving all the rooms to migrants?
When idiots mistake their confidence for competence. Deporting 20 million people would require deporting all of the undocumented people that entered the United States for the last 50 years-- since 1974. Good luck with that.
Unfortunately, that asshat is one of my Senators. His 2022 campaign received generous funding from Peter Thiel. Being the lapdog gimp that he is, he tends to play the role of "culture warrior" fighting the wOkEnEsS. He's an overachieving grifter
if he starts citing vienna as a place that solved its housing crisis, we can assume he does not limit himself to deportations
It's still unfathomable to me how these ghouls talk. These "illegal aliens" (ugh..) are still fucking human beings. They're mothers, brothers, cousins and grandparents. They have jobs, they have rich lives and to simply discount all of that and dehumanize them this way is absolutely disgusting.
Economists: "Let's assume..." J.D. Vance: "Hold my beer"
The math that gets him to 20 million is utterly terrifying
There is much in his ridiculous statement to parse out. Best to ignore