
Depending on your email provider you can also use plus addressing, which also helps for making filters!
Oh Fuck I love this trick in gmail!!! If you add +after your email and before the @ you can track SO MUCH SHIT
The email host I use replaces the '+' character with '.' for this, since many web forms don't allow +, and spammers strip it out. If you host your own email (don't, it's not worth it) you can have a catchall address too, so you can make up arbitrary ones on the spot and still receive them.
Wait but so many use the dot as just part of the email addy itself I’m so confused lol
Love it when I can follow the thread of who sold my email when via plus addressing!
Plus addressing lets you set a custom receive address for your email e.g. [email protected] or subscriptions+myname, etc. Great for setting up quick filters (drop all bills+myname into Bills folder, say), and for keeping track of which fuckers are selling your email address.
Whoops as notes above it’s usually [email protected], so check your documentation!
Yes that^^^^! Thank you SO much for the reminder, friend. My brain wiggles had stolen that hack away from me temporarily lol or temporally not sure where the seizures are at yet
As someone who had their pet’s name sold through Chewy for marketing purposes, I absolutely love this ✨
Also, you can do this if you have Gmail: If your email is [email protected] and you're subscribing to blah, put your email address as [email protected]. It'll still go to you, and you can set up a filter to delete those messages.
You can also have a separate (for example) Gmail account set up to forward to your normal account. And, sparingly (because some sites think it's invalid), you can use a plus sign (e.g.) [email protected] to figure out which site got paid to doxx you.
Once I accidentally swapped my first and last name in the internet provider’s subscription form, and every time I had a call "Hello, is this mr Firstname ?" I knew it was them who sold my data
What does this actually solve? It might be interesting, but .. ? I use plus addressing to filter, but not sure how this would help with anything?
“I use plus addressing to filter” ^^ not sure what else to tell you lol
I am simply asking what benefit one would get by knowing that company-dot-com sold their information.
It depends on the data privacy regulations/legislation where you live & the enforcement options available to you accordingly. In some places if a company sells your data without your consent you could report them and demand compensation for damages - but thats usually done in class action suits.
We can choose not to do business with companies that sell of our personal information like a commodity that they own and can distribute. You can accept that as normal and common place if you want to, but not everyone believes that it’s acceptable behavior.
Okay yeah that makes sense! So it's more of a "here is who I won't do future business with" tip vs. "here's how to get less spam/marketing email" tip. Thanks, that's what I was asking. I do think this is of limited utility though, given how few companies reference middle names in communication!